Programming Assignment 1 (Image Analogies)
Yiming Liu (
Oct 9
In this assignment, I have implemented nearly all methods of Image Analogies, except for steerable filters and patch-based synthesis. All applications have been implemented. Since there are many (large) images, I choose to arrange them in multiple HTML files.
Art Contest
- My codes are written in C++. They can be normally compiled and linked with g++ 4.4.5.
- All experimental results are got on my computer with Intel Core2 Quad 2.66 GHz / 4GB memory / Debian Unstable / g++ 4.4.5, using single thread.
- Some of my codes use Intel SSE instructions, so it may not run on CPUs before Intel Pentium3. By the way, in the Makefile there are compiler optimization options dedicated to Intel Core2 series CPUs. If you try to run it on older CPUs, make sure that you remove "-march=core2" and "-mtune=core2" from Makefiles before compiling my program and ANN library.
- I used BMP files to do experiments. To save spaces, for output files, I submit JPEG files instead of BMP files. However, for input files, BMP files are submitted. The reason is that JPEG files have small artifacts due to lossy compression. Although it is hard to be observed by human eyes, I am not sure whether it will change synthesis results. To ensure that all results can be faithfully regenerated, I choose to submit BMP files for input files.