Programming Assignment 1

Yiming Liu (

Oct 9

Luminance Remapping

I have implemented luminance remapping in my program. It tries to briefly match the luminance distribution of A and A' to B'. It is dedicated to Color Artistic Filter.

The following images compare the difference between the algorithm without luminance remapping, with multiresolution search. The first row lists A and A' (watercolor effect). The second row contains two source images. Note that you may need to maximize your browser in a high-resolution monitor to make sure they are displayed within one row, otherwise the browser might wrap into two rows.

In these results, it can be observed that when luminance remapping is disabled, the flower get abnormal white edges, and the sky in the 'boats' example looks unnatural.

Common parameters:

A and A':


Result without luminance remapping:

Result with luminance remapping: