Computer Science 226
Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 2010

Course Information | Assignments | Exercises | Lectures | Precepts | Exams | Booksite


Below are links to the written exercises: There is one exercise corresponding to each lecture. Once the exercise moves above the "Exercises below have not yet been updated for Fall 2010" part of the table, no significant changes will be made. All readings refer to Algorithms, 4th edition by R. Sedgewick and K. Wayne unless otherwise specified.

1 9/17 Union Find 1.5
2 9/24 Analysis of Algorithms 1.4
3 9/24 Stacks and Queues 1.3
4 10/1 Elementary Sorts 2.1
5 10/1 Mergesort 2.2
6 10/8 Quicksort 2.3
7 10/8 Priority Queues 2.4
8 10/15 Binary Search Trees 3.2
9 10/15 Balanced Search Trees 3.3
10 10/22 Hash Tables 3.4
11 10/22 Undirected Graphs 4.1
13 11/12 Minimum Spanning Trees 4.3
14 11/12 Directed Graphs 4.2
15 11/12 Shortest Paths 4.4
16 11/19 Geometric Algorithms Algs 2, Chapters 24–25
17 11/19 Geometric Search Algs 2, Chapters 26–27
18 12/3 String Sorts 5.1
19 12/3 Tries 5.2
20 12/3 Substring Search 5.3
21 12/10 Regular Expressions 5.4
22 12/10 Data Compression 5.5
23 Reductions
Exercises below have not yet been updated for Fall 2010
24 Combinatorial Search

Submission policy.  The exercises are to be completed before the beginning of precept. You will not turn in written solution; instead, you should come to precept prepared to present your solutions orally.

Grading policy. The exercises will contribute to the precept participation grading component. Also, some of the exam questions will be based on these exercises, so it is to your advantage to complete them in a timely manner.

Collaboration policy. You are permitted to collaborate on the exercises, provided you work jointly in contributing to the solutions.