COS 323
Fall 2009
![]() Computing for the Physical & Social Sciences outline and lecture notes assignments Course Description: This course covers the basic principles of scientific computation, driven by current applications in biology, physics, economics, engineering, etc. Topics include: simulation, integration of differential equations, iterative optimization algorithms, stability and accuracy issues. Students will pursue projects in a variety of fields, writing their own computer programs. We will also use some higher-level tools, such as Matlab and Maple, and explore visualization and sonification techniques.references acknowledgements where to get software Term paper presentations, click here for schedule |
Ken Steiglitz ken at cs Schedule: Tues/Thurs, 3:00-4:20pm Classroom: Friend 108 TA: Prakash Prabhu pprabhu at cs Office: CS Building 223 Office hours: Mon 4-5pm; Thu 4:30-5:30pm |