Schedule of Term Paper Presentations

Room for presentations: Friend 108 (the usual classroom)

Written reports are due January 12, at 5pm (Dean's Date) at my office, 421 CS building.

Topic titles, when they appear, will be provisional; send me mail to correct or update. This list was randomized by sorting on the third letter of your login. You may negotiate changes with me and switches with your classmates; let me know and I'll update the schedule. I will take into account the fact that an earlier report may describe a project farther from completion than a later one.

Note that you have a strict limit of 15 minutes for your presentation, including setup time. I'll bring a timer and a large hook. Concentrate on a clear and concise statement of what your topic is, and what you got done. Details and documentation will be in your written report.

        Term Paper Presentations, COS 323
     Thursday, Jan 7

2:00ILP/LP/optimization in heat exchanger networks kyalamanYalamanchi, Kalyan Chakra
2:15Modeling queue times for shoppers snandersAnderson, Stephanie Nicol
2:45Raytracing jtaoTao, Joy
3:00Model Schrodinger's equation dvargasVargas, Diego Fernando
3:15Simulated Vampire attackhbarudin Barudin, Hannah Nicole
3:30Population Geneticsvhbjeong Jeong, Hyun Bin
3:45strategies for (near-optimal) solving Rubix cube rucinskiRucinski, Christopher Tho
-------------------------------------------------- Friday, Jan 8
2:00Price Fluctuations in Markets modeled through EOS adeluiseDeLuise Jr., Anthony Mich
2:15Stock Valuation using CAPM ssengeSenge, Sheri Rose
2:30Modeling Optimal Strategies in Blackjack hsengerSenger, Henry James
2:45Simulating Monopoly (dice game)elgoldst Goldstein, Ethan Lauf
3:00Modeling Knuckleball bsiegfriSiegfried, Benjamin Josep
3:15Cobweb model of Economicshuijiawu Wu, Huijia (Emily)
3:30Modeling pre-historic settlement behavior falopezLopez, Franco Alfonso
3:45Sim. ann. & other Learning Algorithms for NN tindikIndik, Natasha Claire
4:00 myankovaYankova, Mihaela Stoichko
-------------------------------------------------- Monday, Jan 11
2:00Modeling Frisbee Flightminglu Lu, Ming
2:15Put-call parityagoel Goel, Anish Raja
2:30Simulating queue arrival/service/leaving times ysongSong, Yujie (Vyenna)
2:45Blackjack - optimal strategy under uncertaintyjfredes Fredes, Julio Enrique
3:00Decomposition of Math models of quantum inf. transfer susanzZhang, Susan
3:15Blackjack theorycathomps Thompson, Carl Adam
3:30Modeling Human Traffic over Princeton University seungnamNam, Seung Hyeon
3:45Monte Carlo simulation of Blackjack wkzhuZhu, Wenxin Kevin
?:??A Model of Bureaucratic Capacity aruderRuder, Alex