The semester-long project in COS-561 is an open-ended networking research project, interpreted broadly. Students registered for a A-F grade must take part in a project, either alone or in groups; students merely auditing the class are excused from the project. The project must include some sort of quantitative performance evaluation via simulation (e.g., ns-2), emulation (e.g., Emulab), or deployment (e.g., PlanetLab or VINI).
The project time-line is as follows:
You should strongly consider using either CVS or Subversion to perform source code control for your project and the paper you write describing it, especially if you are doing a group project. The CS department has a CVS server you can use to store and maintain your CVS repository.
I also strongly suggest writing your course project report using LaTeX. Latex is the de-facto tool used to write CS research papers. While it has a bit of start up cost, it's much easier to collaboratively write complex research papers using LaTeX than using Word.