Library Coq.Init.Tactics

Require Import Notations.
Require Import Logic.

Useful tactics

Tactic Notation "revert" ne_hyp_list(l) := generalize l; clear l.

Ltac absurd_hyp h :=
  let T := type of h in
  absurd T.

Ltac swap H := intro; apply H; clear H.

Ltac case_eq x := generalize (refl_equal x); pattern x at -1; case x.

Ltac f_equal :=
  let cg := try congruence in
  let r := try reflexivity in
  match goal with
   | |- ?f ?a = ?f' ?a' => cut (a=a'); [cg|r]
   | |- ?f ?a ?b = ?f' ?a' ?b' =>
      cut (b=b');[cut (a=a');[cg|r]|r]
   | |- ?f ?a ?b ?c = ?f' ?a' ?b' ?c'=>
      cut (c=c');[cut (b=b');[cut (a=a');[cg|r]|r]|r]
   | |- ?f ?a ?b ?c ?d= ?f' ?a' ?b' ?c' ?d'=>
      cut (d=d');[cut (c=c');[cut (b=b');[cut (a=a');[cg|r]|r]|r]|r]
  | |- ?f ?a ?b ?c ?d ?e= ?f' ?a' ?b' ?c' ?d' ?e'=>
      cut (e=e');[cut (d=d');[cut (c=c');[cut (b=b');[cut (a=a');[cg|r]|r]|r]|r]|r]
   | _ => idtac

Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" constr(eq) := repeat rewrite eq in *.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "<-" constr(eq) := repeat rewrite <- eq in *.

Ltac remembertac x a :=
  let x := fresh x in
  let H := fresh "Heq" x in
  (set (x:=a) in *; assert (H: x=a) by reflexivity; clearbody x).

Tactic Notation "remember" constr(c) "as" ident(x) := remembertac x c.