Computer Science 226
Data Structures and Algorithms
Fall 2002

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Some of the problems call for you to write small programs or run experiments. Do not submit your programs or provide excessive detail about the experiments. Problem sets should be submitted on paper at the start of precept.

Exercise Due
Elementary sorts 9/23
Quicksort, mergesort 9/30
Priority queues 10/7
Symbol tables 10/7
Linear selection 10/14
Hashing 10/21
Tries 10/21
Data compression 11/18
Undirected graphs 11/25
Union find 11/25
MST 12/2
Shortest paths 12/9
Max flow, min cut 1/13

Grading policy: Grades on the problem set questions will be: 4 (correct), 3 (minor mistake), 2 (major mistake), 1 (poor try) or 0 (all wrong or not submitted).

Lateness Policy: Late problem sets will not be accepted without a University sanctioned excuse or prior approval by a preceptor.

Collaboration policy: Problem sets should reflect your own work, but you are permitted to work with others.

cos226 Home Page
Last modified: January 25, 2002