COS 226 Exercises on Maximum Flow

Enthusiastic celebration of a sunny day at a prominent northeastern university has resulted in the arrival at the university's medial clinic of 169 students in need of emergency treatment. Each of the 169 students requires a transfusion of one unit of whole blood. The clinic has supplies of 170 units of whole blood. The number of units of blood available in each of the four major blood groups and the distribution of patients among the groups is summarized below.

Blood type  A   B   O   AB
Supply     46  34  45   45
Demand     39  38  42   50
Type A patients can only receive type A or O; type B patients can receive only type B or O; type O patients can receive only type O; and type AB patients can receive any of the four types.

1. Give a max flow formulation that determines a distribution that satisfies the demands of a maximum number of patients. Draw the directed graph and put the edge capacity above each edge. Your network should have 10 vertices: a source (named 0), a supply node for each of the four blood types (named 1 to 4), a demand node for each blood type (named 5 to 8), and a sink (named 9).