Useful Resources

Master Reference List (postscript) (pdf)
A postscript list of every reference used in the construction of this course

Numerical Recipes in C
An Online Reference containing information on numerical analysis techniques

Common C Functions
Explanations of a list of C functions that may come in handy

Plotting Software References
Information on using J-graph, GNUplot, Matlab, Maple, and Mathematica; taken from Precept 1

Ivview Tutorial
A quick run-down on how to use Ivview for Assignment 3

EIN Setup
Guide to Setting Up EIN for use with Assignment 4

GDB Tutorial
Short guide to using this life-saving debugger

Emacs Reference
Quick Reference that makes this text editor a little less cryptic

Download your own copy to view the postscript (.ps) files on this site

The famous Black-Scholes Paper: The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities
(postscript) (pdf)

Cool Demonstrations

The Game of Life and an application of LaPlace's Equation