Setting Up EIN
For use with Assignment 4
Download ps.ein
which you can use as a test file to insure that EIN is working
- Using a text editor like emacs, edit the .cshrc file in your root directory
so that it has /usr/sbin and /usr/bin/X11 as searchpaths. Your .cshrc file should
have a line similar to the following in it:
setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/princeton/bin/X11:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/sbin
- Also add the following line to your .cshrc file:
source /u/paul/m325/setup.cos325
- Run the following line once from the shell (you do not need to put this
one into your .cshrc file):
source /u/paul/m325/setup.icons
- Open up a new shell and then type "ein" from an SGI computer in the MECA lab.
Use the test file to be sure it is working properly. You should hear a single short tone.