Project Guidelines & Suggestions
What is the term project?
Most important: for your term project you should study something
that is interesting to you. Of course it should also involve numerical
computational problems in a nontrivial and fundamental way -- but beyond
that I'm very open about topic. The proposal report will give you experience
giving a very short oral presentation; the final report will give
you practice giving a longer presentation; and the written report will
give you practice in preparing a documented scientific paper. All three
of these skills are important in that world out there.
We'll devote a class meeting after the break to reports of your proposals,
allotting 8 minutes per student (see the master course schedule.) This
is not much time, so you will have to put some effort in preparing a succinct
and clear description of what you plan to do. Think of it in terms of one
We'll also schedule longer oral presentations of about 20 minutes each
at the end of reading period for your final report. And of course you must
submit a written version that is coherently written and completely documented.
Here's a tip: start taking notes immediately on your sources, if
you haven't already. Write down a complete and accurate reference for every
source you read, with notes on the content. This will save you immeasurable
trouble when you come to the writeup, and ensure that you reference your
sources properly.
I don't want to tie you down to a particular form of report, but typically
I would expect it to include at least
description of topic
background and previous work
statement of an open problem or question that you investigate
method of attack, algorithms used, programs written
computational results
analysis of results and conclusions
For an estimate of scope, think of your project as the size of another
assignment like the five in the course, but one of your own making. In
fact, we may develop some of your term projects into new assignments for
future COS 323 generations.
Choosing a topic
As I said above, choose something you're really interested in. If you have
trouble choosing a topic, make an appointment to discuss it with me (ken@cs)
or the grad TA, or talk to your friends, or ask other faculty, or browse
current periodicals in the library, or take a walk in the woods.
Below are some suggestions for term projects. These are just suggestions,
some very general. You are certainly not limited to these. On the contrary,
the wider ranging the projects, the more interesting. I've provided some
references, but a trip to the online
catalog, search on the web, and a perusal of current periodials should
provide you with lots of leads on most of these topics. Also, check other
sites on the COS 323 resources page. These
point to a variety of university and research web pages that may stimulate
your imagination or provide more information on given topics. If you get
stuck with an idea you want to pursue and can't find any leads, be sure
to see Ken or the grad TA.
Cellular Automata:
Lattice gasses
These are discrete, binary, particle models for gasses, an alternative
to differential equations for modeling fluid flow. Some good elementary
material is in Gould and Tobochnik [GT96].
embedded computation To get started, see [SKW88, SS94, JSS97] and papers
by Melanie Mitchell about evolving cellular automata.
modeling prehistoric settlement behavior; if you're interested in
learning more about this, see Dr. Peter Bogucki (Assistant Dean for Undergraduate
who studies the establishment of agricultural communities in north-central
n-Body simulation
Nonlinear pendulums
Weather simulations
Physical modeling of musical instruments
Solitons in optical fibers, water, plasmas
Option Pricing: In 1973, F. Black and M. Scholes derived a formula
to price European call options on nondividend paying stocks. The formula
has been generalized since then and is now used by professionals to price
stock options, stock index options, currency options, and numerous other
forms of options [Gib91]. See
Website on Portofolios
Chaos in economic systems
Protein Folding (See summary student
projects from '97 )
Computation of equilibria in economic systems, game theory
Physical modeling of human motion
Physical modeling of paper marbling [Cha86]
Paper marbling is a technique for making decorative paper, and has been
widely used for book endpapers and edge decoration for centuries. Simply
put, colors are floated on a water-based solution, disturbed to make patterns,
and paper is laid on the surface to register the pattern [Cha86]. For some
beautiful examples of real marbling, see Paola
Kathuria's page of marbling. For more on shading and texturing in the
computer graphics world, explore the RenderMan
Prof. Patrick M. Hanrahan" writes:
``In terms of simulation, there have been a few related things. In 1986
Ken Perlin put together a nice procedure for generating noise, and he used
it to simulate marble (the rock). Basically, he creates a 3D solid texture
by putting a periodic function through a color table, and then perturbs
the phase with the noise function. He has a nice marble vase in his paper.
The reference is "The Image Synthesizer" by Perlin, in SIGGRAPH 1986.''
(Also see summary of Brian
Caputo's '97 project)
ODE's and PDE's for modeling epidemics
Safe Burning of plutonium, using Monte Carlo simulations of neutron
Master Reference List
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