Princeton CS Dept

COS597A, Fall 2007
Structural Bioinformatics

Thomas Funkhouser

Description | Schedule | Related Lectures | Coursework | Students | Bibliography | Resources | Projects


This course provides an introduction to structural bioinformatics, focusing on geometric analysis of three-dimensional protein and other macromolecular structures. It starts with a review of protein fundamentals and then quickly moves into computational techniques for analyzing protein structures. Example topics include binding site detection, small molecule docking, folding, and structure-based function prediction. The class meetings comprise a mix of lectures and presentations of recent papers, and the coursework includes readings, presentations in class, and two half-semester course projects. The course is open to undergraduates and graduate students from all departments and fields.

Tentative Schedule

Date Topic Speaker Slides Book Papers Bibliography
Tues Sep 18 Course introduction   pdf Ch 1 [Goldsmith-Fischman03] html
Thur Sep 20 Protein structure fundamentals Hui-Wen Shih pdf1, pdf2 Ch 2, 3 [Birbeck96] html
Tues Sep 25 Protein structure determination Fred Hughson pdf Ch 4-6   html
Thur Sep 27 Protein structure analysis Meghan Bellows pdf Ch 7, 12-15   html
Tues Oct 2 Protein binding site analysis   pdf Ch 19-21 [Bartlett02] [Nayal06] html
Thur Oct 4 Protein binding site detection I   pdf   [Laskowski96a] [Liang98c] [An05] html
Tues Oct 9 Protein binding site detection II Alan Barnes pdf   [Bagley95a] [Rossi06] html
Thur Oct 11 Protein structure alignment Pete DiMaggio pdf1, pdf2 Ch 16 [Sierk04] [Krissinel04] [Brown96] html
Tues Oct 16 Protein binding site matching I   pdf   [Schmitt02] [Shulman-Peleg04] html
Thur Oct 18 Protein binding site matching II   pdf   [Hofbauer04] html
Tues Oct 23 Protein binding site matching III   pdf   [Kastenholz00] [Katchalski-Katzir92] html
Thur Oct 25 Project presentations          
Thur Nov 6 Protein-ligand docking I   pdf Ch 22 [Taylor02b]   [Gohlke02]   [Halperin02]  
Thurs Nov 8 Protein-ligand docking II Zach Devito pdf   [Kellenberger04]  [Wang04]  [Marsden04] html
Tues Nov 13 Virtual screening Bill Welsh   Ch 23 [Lengauer04]  [Lyne02]  [Zauhar03] html
Thurs Nov 15 Protein-protein docking Matt Naylor pdf   [Smith02] [Szilagyi05] [Janin05] [Wodak04] html
Tues Nov 20 Drug design Joe Corkery       html
Thur Nov 22 Thanksgiving          
Tues Nov 27 Protein structure prediction I Peng Jiang   Ch 24 [Floudas06] html
Thur Nov 29 Protein structure prediction II Ashwin Subramani   Ch 27   html
Tues Dec 4 Protein structure prediction III Roland Dunbrack   Ch 25-26   html
Thur Dec 6 Protein design I Alejandro Ochoa       html
Tues Dec 11 Protein design II Joanna Slusky       html
Thur Dec 13 No class         html
Mon Dec 17 Project presentations          
Tues Jan 15 Final presentations          

Related Lectures
