Yue Tan (谭越)
contact: yuetan AT cs DOT princeton DOT edu
Hi, I'm Yue Tan. I am currently a Ph.D. student advised by Professor Amit Levy at Princeton University. Before coming to Princeton, I obtained my Bachelor's at University of Michigan and worked with Professor Mosharaf Chowdhury.
My research interests lie in general systems. I started with a more networking project as an undergraduate on improving fairness of kernel-bypass networks, specifically RDMA. After entering my Ph.D. program, I mostly stay on more system-sy side and spend most of my time working on serverless.
How Low Can You Go? Practical cold-start performance limits in FaaS (in submission)
Justitia: Software Multi-Tenancy in Hardware Kernel-Bypass Networks (to appear in NSDI'22)
SnapFaaS: Fast Serverless Function Cold-boot through VM Snapshot Restoration (NSDI'20 Poster Session)
Practitioner for LSM Based KV Stores (Medium post)
Transport Monitoring on NIC in Data Centers (YouTube video)