Instructor: Matt Weinberg
TA: Divyarthi Mohan
For contact information, course description,
collaboration/grading policy, etc., please see the course infosheet.
will be posted below:
Project Guidelines: initial proposal due 11/30 (optional).
Homework: Homeworks will be posted below when
they become available. Here
is a LaTeX template you may use for the homework, and
here is a short guide to LaTeX.
Feel free to visit office hours for help installing/setting up LaTeX. To submit your homework, email it to Divya at dm23 (at) cs (dot)
Princeton (dot) edu by the deadline with subject line
"COS 521 HW X."
Lecture Notes:
We will use
lecture notes from previous iterations, and mostly follow the same schedule.
You can get a headstart on the lecture notes here (along with optional deeper reading material), and
notes will be posted below as the schedule becomes finalized.
Date |
Topic |
Material |
9/14 |
Hashing |
9/19 |
Randomized Min-Cut |
9/21 |
Concentration Bounds |
9/26 |
Hashing to Reals |
9/28 |
Linear Programs |
10/3 |
LP Rounding |
Lecture Notes 6 (slightly
different from last year) |
10/5 |
LP Duality |
Lecture Notes 7 (different
from last year) |
10/10 |
Decisions under Uncertainty |
10/12 |
Learning from Experts |
10/17 |
Dimensionality Reduction |
10/19 |
Markov Chains |
10/24 |
Low-Rank Approximations |
10/26 |
SVD and Stochastic Block Model |
10/31 |
Fall Break |
11/2 |
Fall Break |
11/7 |
Semidefinite Progamming |
11/9 |
Ellipsoid Algorithm |
Lecture Notes 15 (slightly
different from last year) |
11/14 |
Submodular Minimization |
11/16 |
Game Theory: Equilibria |
Lecture Notes 17 (slightly
different from last year) |
11/21 |
Combinatorial Auctions I |
11/23 |
Thanksgiving |
11/28 |
Combinatorial Auctions II |
11/30 |
Communication Complexity |
12/5 |
Gradient Descent (Guest Lecture: Sanjeev Arora) |
12/7 |
Differential Privacy (Guest Lecture: Mark Bun) |
12/12 |
Coding Theory |
12/14 |
Online Algorithms |