DONšT MISS ICAD 2000 !!!!!
The Sixth
International Conference on Auditory Display
at the
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia USA
April 2-5, 2000
ICAD 2000 will be held on April 2-5, 2000 at the Georgia Institute of Technology's new Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology (GCATT) in Atlanta.
ICAD Registration fee is $300. (US) before March 15., $350 (US) afterwards.
Students ($125) . (US) before March 15., $175 (US) afterwards.
To register, you may use the automated registration link ICAD 2000 site at:
Or contact Mr. Romas Mills at:
Phone (404) 385-3521 Fax (404) 385-0727
Email: Romas.mills@conted.gatech.edu
All manner of payment is accepted, ranging from major credit cards to checks and Departmental P.O.s.
SPECIAL AIRLINE RATES are available on Delta Airlines. Call DELTA at (800) 241-6760 and mention File 133382A to get the special Georgia Tech rates.
CONFERENCE DATES - April 2-5, 2000
Sunday April 2, 2000 - Optional Tutorials and Workshops - Sunday April 2, 2000 -; topics including:
auditory% more -100000 Announce2.htmlICAD 2000 Registration
DONšT MISS ICAD 2000 !!!!!
The Sixth
International Conference on Auditory Display
at the
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia USA
April 2-5, 2000
ICAD 2000 will be held on April 2-5, 2000 at the Georgia Institute of Technology's new Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology (GCATT) in Atlanta.
ICAD Registration fee is $300. (US) before March 15., $350 (US) afterwards.
Students ($125) . (US) before March 15., $175 (US) afterwards.
To register, you may use the automated registration link ICAD 2000 site at:
Or contact Mr. Romas Mills at:
Phone (404) 385-3521 Fax (404) 385-0727
Email: Romas.mills@conted.gatech.edu
All manner of payment is accepted, ranging from major credit cards to checks and Departmental P.O.s.
SPECIAL AIRLINE RATES are available on Delta Airlines. Call DELTA at (800) 241-6760 and mention File 133382A to get the special Georgia Tech rates.
CONFERENCE DATES - April 2-5, 2000
Sunday April 2, 2000 - Optional Tutorials and Workshops - Sunday April 2, 2000 -; topics including:
"MPEG-4 Structured Audio and AudioBIFS"
Introduction and applications to auditory display
by Eric D. Scheirer, Machine Listening Group, MIT Media Laboratory
"Audio in Virtual Environments"
An introduction to perceptual, design, and implementation issues
by Russell Storms and Jarrell Pair
Monday April 3, 2000 - Registration - Conference - Banquet
Tuesday April 4, 2000 - Conference - Percussion Technology Concert
Wednesday April 5 - Conference- Proposed high-speed link with CHI Conference - Afternoon Wrap up
A Preliminary Program is now available.
The affiliated conference Hotels (most within walking range of GCATT) are giving special rates to ICAD 2000 attendees. Be sure to mention that the ICAD Conference is being held at Georgia Tech to get the special rate.
Hotels are l Marriott Courtyard (rate $85 per night) phone (404) 607-1112 fax (404) 607-1020
1132 Techwood Drive - Atlanta, GA 30318
Hampton Inn (rate $62 per night) phone (404) 872-3234 fax (404) 872-2434
1152 Spring Street Atlanta, GA 30309
Holiday Inn Express (rate $79 per night) phone (404) 881-0881 fax (404) 874-8838
244 North Avenue , NW - Atlanta, GA 30313
There are many other hotels within a 2 mile radius of the GCATT Building, which is located at 250 14th Street in Atlanta. Recommended (non-conference rate) hotels include:
The convenient Marriott Suites (404) 876-8888 at 35 14th Street
The luxurious Four Seasons (404) 881-9898 , at 75 14th Street, for those who require the utmost in hotel accommodations.
Full, up-to-date information on submissions, formats, registration,
concert and social programs will be posted on the ICAD web site as it becomes available.
For general queries and questions email to:
ICAD is the premier forum for presenting research on the use of sound to
provide enhanced user interfaces, display data, monitor systems, and for
computers and virtual reality systems. It is unique in its singular focus
on audio and the array of perception, technology, design and application areas that it currently encompasses. Like its predecessors, ICAD 2000 will be a single-track conference. Attendance is open to all, with no membership or affiliation requiremen
Conference Chair
James Oliverio
Georgia Institute of Technology
Program Chair
Perry Cook
Princeton University
Demos and Posters Contact
Russell Storms
United States Army
Tutorials and Workshops Contact
Jarrell Pair
Conference Registration
Romas Mills
Georgia Tech Office of Continuing Education