/** * oscP5broadcaster by andreas schlegel * an osc broadcast server. * osc clients can connect to the server by sending a connect and * disconnect osc message as defined below to the server. * incoming messages at the server will then be broadcasted to * all connected clients. * an example for a client is located in the oscP5broadcastClient exmaple. * oscP5 website at https://www.sojamo.de/oscP5 */ import oscP5.*; import netP5.*; OscP5 oscP5; NetAddressList myNetAddressList = new NetAddressList(); /* listeningPort is the port the server is listening for incoming messages */ int myListeningPort = 32000; /* the broadcast port is the port the clients should listen for incoming messages from the server*/ int myBroadcastPort = 12000; String myConnectPattern = "/server/connect"; String myDisconnectPattern = "/server/disconnect"; void setup() { oscP5 = new OscP5(this, myListeningPort); frameRate(25); } void draw() { background(0); } void oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage) { /* check if the address pattern fits any of our patterns */ if (theOscMessage.addrPattern().equals(myConnectPattern)) { connect(theOscMessage.netAddress().address()); } else if (theOscMessage.addrPattern().equals(myDisconnectPattern)) { disconnect(theOscMessage.netAddress().address()); } /** * if pattern matching was not successful, then broadcast the incoming * message to all addresses in the netAddresList. */ else { oscP5.send(theOscMessage, myNetAddressList); } } private void connect(String theIPaddress) { if (!myNetAddressList.contains(theIPaddress, myBroadcastPort)) { myNetAddressList.add(new NetAddress(theIPaddress, myBroadcastPort)); println("### adding "+theIPaddress+" to the list."); } else { println("### "+theIPaddress+" is already connected."); } println("### currently there are "+myNetAddressList.list().size()+" remote locations connected."); } private void disconnect(String theIPaddress) { if (myNetAddressList.contains(theIPaddress, myBroadcastPort)) { myNetAddressList.remove(theIPaddress, myBroadcastPort); println("### removing "+theIPaddress+" from the list."); } else { println("### "+theIPaddress+" is not connected."); } println("### currently there are "+myNetAddressList.list().size()); }