Sound Clip (MP3, 600K): "Sketches for
Invisible Man (Sax version)"
by Dexter Morrill
Dave Dempsey, Soprano Sax
Perry Cook: Interactive Computer Programs and Hardware |
We made a number of versions, including a valve-
trombone interface. (see below under Hirn Section for
prototype valve section with modifications ).
See papers on brass interfaces and
pitch detection with Morrill and Smith in the
Publication List
I also worked some with
Ben Knapp on measuring
brass Lip-EMG (muscle tension) and using that for
The Hirn Wind Instrument Controller
Idea: Give as many degrees of freedom as possible to
a wind player,
hook it up to various synthesis algorithms
including physical models of wind instruments.
Did it really look like that wonderful drawing?
Of course not. Here's what prototype 1 really looked like,
along side its valved friend from the Cook/Morrill
Trumpet project (see above).
See the "Meta-Wind Instrument ... and Controller"
paper from ICMC San Jose in the Publication
Voice Synthesis and Control
"Synthesis of the Singing Voice
Using a Waveguide Articulatory
Vocal Tract Model"
Various Papers and Thesis 1989-1996
Some Soundfiles of Shiela Doing Her Thing:
Diphones Linear interpolation from shape to
Nasals She Also Has a Nose!
Shiela Her first word.
Vocaliz Learning to Sing.
Ecclesiastical Latin and Modern Greek
Greek Singing Example
There were a number of attempts to make real-time controllers for
SPASM/Singer. Mostly based on MIDI fader boxes and few-to-many
mappings, such as a single MIDI controller for vocal effort
(combination of intensity, spectral features, and vibrato).
This figure shows the computer control panels, but each of
these were also controllable from one or more external MIDI
control numbers as well.
Lots of Wacky Shaker
and Percussion Controllers
Dining as Musical Performance:
The JavaMug, Fillup Glass, P-Ray's Cafe
Stylish Music-Wear:
The Pico Glove, Digital Tap Shoe
Pico I: for Seashells
and Interactive Glove
Performed at the
Roveniemi, Finland
Soundfile excerpt (MP3, 1.2Meg)
Digital Tap Shoe
at Interval Research
in Bob Adams'
Expressions Project
|  |
The Voice Again
with Colby Leider
Q: What two things can
control breathing, pitch,
and articulation of
vowels and consonants??
A1: A Singer
A2: An Accordion!!
Shown here:
Lisa (top, Perry's squeezevox)
Movie of Lisa!! (AVI, 6.5Meg)
Bart (bottom, Colby's squeezevox)