I am an PhD student at Princeton in Computer Science. I am currently doing research with Professor Jia Deng. I did my B.Sc. and M. Eng. at MIT, working with Professors Joshua Tenenbaum and Jiajun Wu. Here is my CV.
Research Interest
I am working 3D synthetic datasets, and how it can help build better vision and robotics models.
Publications ( show selected / show all by date / show all by topic )
Topics: Vision & Graphics. Scene Understanding. Concept Learning (* indicates equal contribution)

Violations of physical and psychological expectations in the human adult brain
Shari Liu, Kirsten Lydic, Lingjie Mei, Rebecca Saxe

FALCON: Fast Visual Concept Learning by Integrating Images, Linguistic descriptions, and Conceptual Relations
Lingjie Mei, Jiayuan Mao, Ziqi Wang, Chuang Gan, Joshua B. Tenenbaum,

The fine structure of surprise in intuitive physics: when, why, and how much?
Kevin Smith*, Lingjie Mei*, Shunyu Yao*, Jiajun Wu, Elizabeth S. Spelke, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Tomer Ullman