AE .. Apmeia
Pb 14, Byzantine token, ca. 6-th C.
obverse: monogram, GAMMA to r., around: THETA EOV...
reverse: figure stg. r., head turned l., holding uncertain objects; ram at lower left. Possibly depicts Abraham holding knife, an angel in the background stopping the sacrifice of Isaac, and Isaac seated at lower r. with his back to the viewer.
Any comments or references greatly appreciated.
AE 28. Mionnet Incertaines 498 (Rarity 5).
reverse: veiled bust of Homonoia l., in front: poppy head between two corn ears. *SIGMA*EBA*SIGMA*TH - OMONOIA.
For the type, see Hierapolis in alliance with Ephesus, BMC 187, p. 263 and Pl. LII.5. For the legend, see Prusias ad Hypium, SGI 820 (Domitian) and SGI 905 (Domitia), both Homonoia stg.
AR 19X20, 2.61 grams.
Kindly attributed by Frank Kovacs as an imitation of a drachm of Demetrius I, probably Antioch mint. For a similar crudely rendered coin, see A. Houghton, ``Coins of the Seleucid Empire from the Collection of Arthur Houghton,'' ANS, 1983, Plate 31, No. 55.
obverse: young hd. of Herakles r. wearing stylized lion skin (?)
reverse: single cornucopia, barbarous Greek legend; *PHI*IL (?) - *PHI**LAMBDA*EXI*LAMBDA**OMEGA*N (?).
Orbiana, w. Sev. Alex., Andeda, Pisidia.
AE 24X25.
obverse: draped bust of Orbiana r.
reverse: distyle temple with spherical object in pediment; within, simulacrum of Pergaean Artemis between star l. and crescent r.
BMC -- (see 5 for this type for Maximinus), SGI --, the city not in Mionnet.