Date | Topic | Assigned readings (use Acrobat and RealMedia Player) | Food for thought |
Feb 1 | Overview: IP packet delivery and higher-level protocols (ppt) | N/A | N/A |
Feb 3 | Overview: IP addressing and routing (ppt) | Saltzer84, Clark88, Clark02 | reading |
Feb 8 | Topology: Inside an Autonomous System (ppt) | Spring02 (optional Teixeira03), Li04, Maps | reviewing |
Feb 10 | Topology: Connections between Autonomous Systems (ppt) | Chang04, Huston99, NANOG-Video | experimenting |
Feb 15 | Traffic engineering: Load balancing inside an AS (ppt) | Khanna89, Fortz02, (skim RFC3272) | grad school |
Feb 17 | Traffic engineering: Load balancing between ISPs (ppt) | Feamster03, Mahajan04 | grad school |
Feb 22 | Traffic engineering: Multi-homed stub networks (ppt) | Akella03, Goldenberg04 | grad school |
Feb 24 | Convergence delay: Intradomain routing (ppt) | Iannaccone02, NANOG-Video, Shaikh01 | grad school |
Mar 1 | PlanetLab: Guest lecture by Professor Larry Peterson | Peterson02, Peterson04, Bavier04 | CRA resources |
Mar 3 | Convergence delay: Interdomain routing (ppt) | Labovitz00, Mao02 (NANOG Video) | research |
Mar 8 | Non-convergence: Policy conflicts in interdomain routing (ppt) | Griffin02, NANOG-Video, Gao01 | PhD comics |
Mar 10 | Hot potato: Influence of intradomain routing on BGP (ppt) | Teixeira04 (NANOG-Video), TIE | Graduate School Humor |
Mar 22 | Root-cause analysis: Inference from BGP updates (ppt) | Feldmann04, NANOG-Video, Teixeira04a | ??? |
Mar 24 | Route monitoring: Detecting anomalies inside an AS (ppt) | Shaikh04, Wu05 (Optional PacketDesign and Ipsum) | ??? |
Mar 29 | Scalability: BGP routing table size (ppt) | Bu02, Chang02, RFC2519 | As We May Think |
Mar 31 | Scalability: Topology size (ppt) | Kleinrock77, RFC2796 (Optional Gav01, RFC2791) | On Being the Right Size |
Apr 5 | Network control: Configuring the routing protocols (ppt) | Gottlieb03, Feamster05 (NANOG-Video), Caesar05 | OOPSLA writing |
Apr 7 | Network control: Removing routing from routers (ppt) | RAS04, RCP04, WaferThin04 | SOSP writing |
Apr 12 | No class | None | None |
Apr 14 | No class | None | None |
Apr 19 | Router software: Efficient and extensible routing software (ppt) | Handley05, Caesar05 (Optional OpenBGPd and Quagga) | SIGCOMM writing |
Apr 21 | Routing security: Improving BGP security (ppt) | Nordstrom04, Kent00, Optional NANOG-video | sins of authors |
Apr 26 | New directions: Overlay services (ppt) | Andersen01, Qiu03, Optional Raghavan04 | writing/presenting |
Apr 28 | New directions: Multi-Protocol Label Switching (ppt) | Rekhter97, RFC 3031, Optional NANOG-video | Davie at SIGCOMM'03 |
May 10 | Project reports due (by the end of the day) | N/A | talks |
May 16 | Project presentations (note Monday 1:30pm class in room 302) | N/A | talks |