Jack Brassil


CV (.pdf)

Recent Publications

What the press has said...

    Building World Class Research Infrastructure (Edge Discovery)

    Building Supercomputers of the Future (Phys.org)

    More ...


      Assoc. Dean for Research
          Office of the Dean for Research
      Senior Research Scholar
          Department of Computer Science
      Mail: 35 Olden Street
                Princeton University
                Princeton, NJ 08540 USA
      Office: 221 Nassau St., Rm. 103
      email: jbrassil at princeton.edu
      +1 609 802-4374
  Recent Work

My research interests span all of computer network systems, protocols and applications, and also include cloud computing, mobility and NextG systems, programmable networks, research infrastructure, and technology policy.

Previously I served as a Program Director at the National Science Foundation in the Division of Computer & Network Systems in the CISE Directorate. My responsibilities included the Network Technologies & Systems (NeTS) core program, mid-scale research infrastructures including NSF Cloud, GENI, and US Ignite smart cities. I also supported Optics & Photonics, Campus CyberInfrastructure, Smart & Connected Health, and NSF partnerships with Japan, Brazil and the European Commission.

I received a 2018 NSF Director's Award for Superior Accomplishment (with T. Nandagopal, K. Calvert, and M. Houghton) for lauching the Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) program.

If you are new to engaging NSF get started by reading Working with NSF: Some Tips for Junior Faculty.

                --   Jack Brassil (\`brah-sel\ rhymes with castle)

  Recent Projects
  1. CloudJoin: Migrating CISE Computing Research Infrastructure to the Cloud
    NSF CNS-1923692
  2. US/Japan Workshop on Programmable Networking
    NSF CNS-2032715
  3. Science Traffic as a Service (STAAS)
    NSF OAC-2018308 (with Jennifer Rexford)
  4. Workshop on Next Generation Cloud Research Infrastructure/
    NSF CNS-1934704
  5. FABRIC @ Princeton