A bit about me
I am a fifth year PhD student in Department of Computer Science at Princeton University.
I am a member of the Liberty Research group,
led by Prof. David I. August.
My research interest include computer architecture, security, and compilers. I am currently working on an architecture to enable secure hardware.
Before joining Princeton, I graduated with a Master of Science degree in Computer Engineering from Boston University. Where I worked with Prof. Martin Herbordt and focused on implementing 3D FFT on FPGAs
My publications
Zhang, H., Ghosh, S., Fix, J., Apostolakis, S., Beard, S., Nagendra, N., Oh, T., and August, D. "Architectural Support for Containment-based Security", To appear Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2019 IEEE, April 2019 [abstract]
Fix, J., Nagendra, N., Apostolakis, S., Zhang, H., Qiu, S., and August, D. "Hardware MultiThreaded Transactions", Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2018 IEEE, March 2018 [abstract][PDF]
Humpries, B., Zhang, H., Sheng, J., Landaverde, R., and Herbordt, M. "3D FFTs on a Single FPGA", Field- Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), 2014 IEEE, May 2014 [abstract][PDF]
Sheng, J., Humpries, B., Zhang, H., and Herbordt, M. "Design of 3D FFTs with FPGA Clusters", High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 2014 IEEE, September 2014 [abstract][PDF]
Where I've worked
Mediatek, Inc May 2014 - August 2014
- Summer Intern
Semiconsoft, Inc July 2013 - December 2013
- Firmware Engineering Intern
What I've taught
COS217 - Introduction to Programming Systems
COS333 - Advanced Programming Techniques
COS/ELE375 - Computer Architecture and Organization
EC527 - High Performance Programming with Multicore and GPUs
EC513 - Computer Architecture
What I've learned
COS597E - Advanced Topics in Computer Science: Securing Hardware
ELE575 - Parallel Computation
COS521 - Advanced Algorithm Design
COS561 - Advanced Computer Networks
COS424 - Interacting with Data
COS448 - Innovating Across Technology, Business & Markets
My hobbies
FPGA, Badminton, Model Kits