Christiane D. Fellbaum

Lecturer with Rank of Professor, Program in Linguistics and Computer Science

Other campus affiliations:
Center for Digital Humanities, Program in Translation and Intercultural Communicationm Princeton Lanaguage and Intelligence, Natural and Artificial Minds

Green Hall 1-S-14
Princeton University
New Jersey 08544
Phone: 609-258-2824

my last

Professional Activities, honors
Co-Founder and Co-President (2002--2021) of the Global WordNet Association
Winner of the Wolfgang Paul Prize
2006 Antonio Zampolli Prize (with George A. Miller)

Partner in the European Projects KYOTO, SIERA
Permanent Fellow and Member of the Center for Language, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences

Work supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the European Union (Seventh Framework), the Frank Moss Foundation and the Tim Gill Foundation

Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Humanities July 2014
Wall Street Journal article on corpora
An interesting read for everyone thinking about computational linguistic research
We are a host site for the Annual North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad
Creating resources for African Language Technology (co-PI Happy Buzaaba) funded by a seed grant from Princeton Language and Intelligence, 2024.

LIN/TRA 308 Bilingualism
LIN 201/CGS 205 Introduction to Language and Linguistics
FRS (Freshman Seminar) Evolution of Human Language
COS397/497 Junior Independent Work Seminar Natural Language Processing

Selected publications from the 21st century


Fellbaum, C., (2000). Autotroponymy. In: Ravin, Y. and Leacock, C. (eds.): Polysemy, pp. 52-67. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fong, S., Fellbaum, C., and D. Lebeaux, (2000). Semantic Templates and Transitivity Alternations in the Lexicon. Proceedings of TALN 2000 , Lausanne, Switzerland.

Fong, S., Fellbaum, C., and Lebeaux, D. (2000). ``Verb Classes and Resultative Selection in a Computational Lexicon.'' Proceedings of the First Meeting on Speech Technology, Spain: Seville

Fong, S., Fellbaum, C., and Lebeaux, D. (2000). ``The Representation of Verbs and Resultatives in a Computational Lexicon.'' In: Proceedings of COMLEX (Computational Lexicography and Multimedia Dictionaries), 67-70. Patras, Greece.


Fong, S., Fellbaum, C., and D. Lebeaux, (2001). Ghosts, Shadows, and Resultatives: The Lexical Representation of Verbs. Traitement Automatique de Langue, Vol. 42. No. 3, 767-797.

Fellbaum, C. (2001). ``The Representation of Verbs in a Large Electronic Lexicon.'' Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Social Communication. Center of Applied Linguistics, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

Fellbaum, C., Palmer, M., Dang, H., Delfs, L. and Wolf, S. (2001). ``Manual and Automatic Semantic Annotation with WordNet.'' In: Moldovan, D. et al., (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on WordNet and other Lexical Resources, NAACL, 3-10. Pittsburgh, PA.


Fellbaum, C. (2002). On the Semantics of Troponymy. In: Green, R., Bean, C., Myaeng, S. (eds.): Relations. Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer.

Fellbaum, C. and Grabowski, A. (2002). Polysemy and the (Mental) Lexicon. In: Lenci, A., and di Tomaso, V. (Eds.) Exploring the Lexicon: Theory and Computation, 7-16. Alessandria, Italy: Edizione dell'Orso.

Fellbaum, C. (2002). Parallel Hierarchies in the Verb Lexicon. Proceedings of the OntoLex Workshop , LREC, Las Palmas, Spain (2002).

Fellbaum, C. (2002). VP Idioms in the Lexicon: Topics for Research Using a Very Large Corpus. In: Busemann, S., (Ed.), Proceedings of KONVENS 2002, Saarbruecken, Germany: DFKI


Fellbaum, C., Kramer, U., and Stantcheva, D. (2003). Etwas and eins in VP-Idiomen. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany.

Fellbaum, C. (2003). Distinguishing Verb Types in a Lexical Ontology. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon. ISSCO, Geneva.


Smith, B. and Fellbaum, C. (2004). Medical WordNet: A New Methodology for the Construction and Validation of Information Resources for Consumer Health. In: Proceedings of COLING, Geneva.

Neumann, G., Fellbaum, C., Geyken, A., Herold, A., Huemmer, C., Koerner, F., Kramer, U., Krell, K., Sokirko, A., Stantcheva, D., and Stathi, K. (2004). A Corpus-Based Lexical Resource of German Idioms. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Electronic Lexicons, eds. P. Saint Dizier and M. Zock, COLING, Geneva.

Geyken, A., Sokirko, A., Rehbein, I., and Fellbaum, C. (2004). What is the optimal corpus size for the study of idioms? Annual meeting of the German Linguistic Society, Mainz February 2004.

Sojka, Petr, Pala, Karel, Smrz, Pavel, Fellbaum, Christiane, and Vossen, Piek, Eds. (2004). Proceedings of the Second International WordNet Conference. Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. v

Fellbaum, C. (2004). Idiome in einem Digitalen Lexikalischen System. Linguistik und Literatur, Vol. 34, no. 136, 56-71.

Fellbaum, C., Neumann, G., and Kramer, U. (2004). Corpusbasierte lexikographische Erfassung und linguistische Analyse deutscher Idiome. Proceedings of the 2004 Europhras conference, Basel, Switzerland.


Fellbaum, C., Delfs, L., Wolff, S., and Palmer, M. (2005). Word Meaning in Dictionaries, Corpora, and the Speaker's Mind., In: Barnbrook, G., Danielsson, P., and Mahlberg, M. (Eds.), Meaningful Texts: The Extraction of Semantic Information from Monolingual and Multilingual Corpora. Birmingham, UK: Birmingham University Press, 31-38.

Fellbaum, C. (2005). Examining the Constraints on the Benefactive Alternation by Using the World Wide Web as a Corpus. In: Reis, Marga and Kepser, Stephan (eds.), Evidence in Linguistics: Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives. Mouton de Gruyter, 209-240.

Palmer, M., Dang, H., and Fellbaum, C. (2005). Making fine-grained and coarse-grained sense distinctions. Journal of Natural Language Engineering.

Kramer, U., Neumann, G., Stathi, K. and Fellbaum. C. (2005). Kollokationen im Woerterbuch:Das Wolfgang Paul-Preis Projekt an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Zeitschrift fuer Germanistik.

Fellbaum, C. (2005). Theories of human semantic representation of the mental lexicon. In: Cruse, D. A. (Ed.), Handbook of Linguistics and Communication Science, Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter, 1749-1758.

Basu, C., Merrell, M.A., Fellbaum, C., Talbert, D., Kolpack, J., Honeycutt, M., Alonso, R., and Bloom, J. (2005) Automated Knowledge Discovery System: A Business Case Study in Ontology Development and Use. Proceedings of FOMI, Lago di Garda, Italy.

Fellbaum, C. and Geyken, A. (2005). ``Transforming a Corpus into a Lexical Resource for Idioms and Collocations.'' Revue Francaise de Linguistique Applique.'' Vol. X-2, 49-62.

Fellbaum, C. (2005). WordNet and wordnets. In: Brown, Keith et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Second Edition, Oxford: Elsevier, 665-670.


Fellbaum, C., Hahn, U., and Smith, B. (2006). ``Towards a new information resource for public health: From WordNet to Medical WordNet.'' Journal of Biomedical Informatics 39:321-332.

Fellbaum, C., and Stathi. E. (2006). Ididome in der Grammatik und im Kontext: We bruellt hier die Leviten? In: Proost, K., and Winkler, E. (Eds.) ``Von Intentionalitaet zur Bedeutung konventionalisierter Zeichen.'' Berlin:deGruyter, 125-146.

Fellbaum, C., Kramer, U., and Neumann. G. (2006). ``Corpusbasierte lexikographische Erfassung und linguistische Analyse deutscher Idiome.'' In: Phraseology in Motion, A. Haecki-Buhofer and H. Burger (eds.) Basel, Switzerland, Schneider Verlag, 43-56.

Boyd-Graber, J., Fellbaum, C., Osherson, D., and Schapire, R. (2006). Adding dense, weighted, connections to WordNet. In: Proceedings of the Third Global WordNet Meeting, Jeju Island, Korea, January 2006.

Keyvan, F., Borjian, H., Kasheff, M., and Fellbaum, C. (2006). Developing PersiaNet: The Persian WordNet. In: Proceedings of the Third Global WordNet Meeting, Jeju Island, Korea, January 2006.

Elkateb. S., Black, W., Farwell, D., Rodroguez, H., Alkhalifa, M., Pease, A., Vossen, P., and Fellbaum, C. (2006). Challenges of Building an Arabic WordNet. Sixth International Conference on Language Engineering, Cairo, Egypt.

Fellbaum. C. Ed. (2006) Corpus-Based Studies of German Idioms and Light Verbs. Special issue of the Journal of Lexicography, 19.4.

Fellbaum, C., and Stathi. E. (2006). ``Idiome in der Grammatik und im Kontext: Wer bruellt hier die Leviten?'' In: Proost, K., and Winkler, E. (Eds.) Von Intentionalitaet zur Bedeutung konventionalisierter Zeichen. Tuebingen: Narr, 125-146.

Fellbaum, C. and Fong, S. (2006). ``Obstacles and Regions.'' Linguistica Computazionale Vol. XXII-XXIII, 69-88


Fellbaum, C. Ed. (2007). Collocations and Idioms: Corpus-Based Linguistic and Lexicographic Studies. Continuum Press, Birmingham, UK.

Fellbaum, C. (2007). The Ontological Loneliness of Idioms. In: Schalley, A., and Zaefferer, D. (Eds.), Ontolinguistics, Mouton.

Fellbaum, C., Osherson, A., and Clark, P. (2007). Putting Semantics into WordNet's "Morphosemantic" Links. Proceedings of the Third Language and Technology Conference, Poznan (Poland). Reprinted in Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5603:350-358 (2009).

Clark, P., Harrison, P., Thompson, J., Murray, W., Hobbs, J., and Fellbaum, C. (2007). ``On the Role of Lexical and World Knowledge in RTE3.'' ACL-PASCAL Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrases, Prague, CZ.

Miller, G. A. and Fellbaum, Christiane. (2007). WordNet Now and Then. Language Resources and Evaluation, 41:2, 209-214

Diab, Mona, Alkhalifa, Musa, Elkateb. Sabri, Fellbaum, Christiane, Mansouri, Aous, and Palmer, Martha. (2007). Arabic Semantic Labeling. Proceedings of the Semeval Workshop, ACL, Prague, CZ.

M. Harper, A. Acero, S. Bangalore, J. Carbonell, J. Cohen, B. Cuthill, C. Espy-Wilson, C. Fellbaum, J. Garofolo, C.-H. Lee, J. Lester, Andrew McCallum, Nelson Morgan, M. Picheney, J. Picone, L. Ramshaw, J. Reynar, H. Shemtov, and C. Voss, ``Report on the NSF-sponsored Human Language Technology Workshop on Industrial Centers.'' Proceedings of the Machine Translation Summit XI Copenhagen.

Basu, Chumki, Cheng, Hui, and Fellbaum, Christiane (2007). ``Creating a Geospatial and Visual Information Ontology for Analysts.'' Ontology for the Intelligence Community: Towards Effective Exploitation and Integration of Intelligence Resources, B. Smith (Ed.).


Baker, Collin and Fellbaum, Christiane (2008). Can WordNet and FrameNet be made ``interoperable''? In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Global Interoperability for Language Resources. Hong Kong, City University, 67-74.

Kwasniak, Renata and Fellbaum, Christiane. (2008). Des Schlagen der Idiome ueber die Straenge. Muttersprache 118:1, 38-55.

Firenze, A., and Fellbaum, C. (2008). Analyse sur corpus d'expressions figees de l'allemand. Linguisticae Investigationes 31:2, 158-172.

Clark, P., Fellbaum, C., Hobbs, J., Harrison, P., Murray, W. and J. Thompson. (2008). Augmenting WordNet for Deep Understanding of Text. ACL-SigSem, Venice, Italy.

Pala, Karel, Bosch, Sonja and Fellbaum, Christiane (2008). Building Resources for African Languages. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation, Paris: ELRA.

Ide, N., Baker, C., Fellbaum, C., Fillmore, C., Passonneau, R. (2008). MASC: The Manually Annotated Sub-Corpus of American English. Proceedings of the Sixth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Marrakesh, Morocco.

Clark, P., Fellbaum, C., Hobbs, J., Harrison, P., Murray, W. and J. Thompson. (2008). Augmenting WordNet for Deep Understanding of Text. ACL-SigSem, Venice, Italy.

Fernández-Montraveta, Ana, Gloria Vázquez, and Christiane Fellbaum. "The Spanish version of wordnet 3.0." Text Resources and Lexical Knowledge. Mouton de Gruyter (2008): 175-182.


Pease, A., and Fellbaum, C. (2009). ``Formal Ontology as Interlingua: The SUMO and WordNet Linking Project.'' In: Huang, Chu-Ren, Nicoletta Calzolari, Aldo Gangemi, Alessandro Lenci, Alessandro Oltramari and Laurent Prevot (Eds.) Ontologies and the Lexicon. Cambridge Studies in Natural Language Processing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 29-43.

Nikolova, S., Boyd-Graber, J., Fellbaum, C. and Cook, P. (2009). Better Vocabularies for Assistive Communication Aids: Connecting Terms using Semantic Networks and Untrained Annotators. Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGACCESS conference (ASSETS), Pittsburgh, PA.

Vossen. P., and Fellbaum, C. (2009). ``Universals and idiosyncrasies in multilingual wordnets.'' In Boas, Hans (ed.), Multilingual Lexical Resources. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 319-345

Bosch, Sonja and Fellbaum, Christiane (2009). A Comparative View of Noun Compounds in English and Zulu. In: Festschrift for Karel Pala, Brno, Czech Republic.

Agirre, E., Lopez de Lacalle, O., Fellbaum, C., Marchetti, A., Toral, A., and Vossen, P. (2009). SemEval-2010 Task 17: All-words Word Sense Disambiguation on a Specific Domain. Proceedings of NAACL workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SEW-2009), Boulder, CO.


Ma, Xiaojuan, Fellbaum, Christiane and Perry Cook (2010). Semantic Labeling of Non-Speech Audio Clips. EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing.

Fellbaum, C. (2010). "WordNet." In: Poli, Roberto, Michael Healy and Achilles Kameas, Eds. Theory and Application of Ontology: Computer Applications. New York: Springer, 231-243.

Mathieu, Yvette Yannick and Christiane Fellbaum (2010). Verbs of Emotion in French and English. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Global WordNet Association (GWC-2010), Mumbai, India.

Ma, Xiaojuan, Fellbaum, Christiane and Cook, Perry (2010). SoundNet: Investigating a Language Composed of Environmental Sounds. Proceedings of ACM-CHI.

Pala, K., Fellbaum, C. and Bosch, S. (2010). Lexical Resources for Noun Compounds in Czech, English and Zulu. In: Proceedings of Lexical Resources in the European Community Malta, May 2010.

Schulam Peter and Christiane Fellbaum (2010). ``Automatically Determining the Semantic Gradation of German Adjectives.'' Proceedings of The Tenth Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2010), Saarbruecken, Germany.

Fellbaum, C. (2010). ``Harmonizing WordNet and FrameNet.'' In: Loftsson, H., Roegnvaldsson, E., and Helgadottir, S. (Eds.) Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6233, 7th International Conference on NLP IceTal 2010. (Invited Talk). Heidelberg: Springer, p. 2.

Fellbaum, C. (2010). ``Knowledge for Everyman'' (Extended Abstract for Invited Talk). In: Sojka, P., Horak, A., Kopecek, I. and Pala, K. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 13th conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue. Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6231. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 6-9.


Fellbaum, C. (2011). Idioms and Collocations. In: Maienborn, C. et al. (eds.) Handbook of Semantics. Berlin: deGruyter.

Fellbaum, C. and Mathieu, Y.Y. (2011). ``A corpus-based examination of scalar verbs of emotion.'' Proceedings of Cognition, Emotion, Communication, Nicosia, Cyprus.


Fellbaum, C. and Vossen, P. (2012). The Challenge of Multilingual WordNets. Lexical Resources and Evaluation 46: 313-326.

Passonneau, R., Baker, Collin, Fellbaum, Christiane and Ide, Nancy (2012). ``The MASC Word Sense Corpus.'' Proceedings of LREC, Istanbul.

de Melo, G., Baker, C., Ide, N., Passonneau, R. and Fellbaum, C. (2012). Empirical Comparisons of MASC Word Sense Annotations. Proceedings of LREC, Istanbul, Turkey

Nikolova, S., Boyd-Graber, J., and Fellbaum, C. (2012). Collecting Semantic Similarity Ratings to Connect Concepts in Assistive Communication Tools. In: A. Storrer et al., Eds. Modeling, Learning and Processing of Text Technological Data Structures. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Heidelberg/New York: Springer, 81-93.

Fellbaum, C. (2012). Intransitives and Agentivity. In: Van Peteghem, M., Lauwers, P., Demol, A., Tobback, E. and De Wilde, L. (Eds.) Hommages a Dominique Willems. Academia Press, Ghent, Belgium.

Fellbaum, Christiane and Yvette Yannick Mathieu (2012). Scalar Properties of Emotion Verbs and Their Representation in WordNet. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the Global WordNet Association (GWC-201)2, Matsue, Japan.

Hoffmann, Holger and Fellbaum, Christiane (2012). Machine learning-based classification of complex texts simplified by laymen. Proceedings of HICCS-46 (Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences).


Fellbaum, Christiane and Baker, Collin (2013). Representing verb meaning in complementary resources. Linguistics 54.1:707-728.

Fellbaum, C. (2013). WordNet. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, ed. C. A. Chapelle. Wiley/Blackwell.

Fellbaum, C. (2013). Purpose Verbs. In: Pustejovsky, J., Bouillon, P., Isahara, H., Kanzaki, K. and Lee, C. (eds.), Recent Trends in Generative Lexicon Theory. Berlin: Springer, 371-384.

Chiarcos, C., McCrae, J., Cimiano, P. and Fellbaum, C. (2013). Towards Open Data for Linguistics: Linguistic Linked Data. In: Oltramari, A., Qin. L., Vossen, P. and Hovy, E. (Eds.): New Trends in Research in Ontologies and Lexical Resources. New York: Springer, 7-25.

Sheinman, Vera, Fellbaum, Christiane, Julien, Isaac, Schulam, Peter and Tokunaga, Takenobu (2013). Large, huge or gigantic: Identifying and encoding intensity relations among adjectives in WordNet. Lexical Resources and Evaluation 47.3: 797-818.

Fellbaum, C. and Felder, E. (2013). ``Faktivitaetsherstellung in Diskursen.'' In: Felder, Ekkehard (Ed.) Sprache und Wissen. New York: DeGruyter.

Fellbaum, Christiane and Rapoport, Tova (2013). A Lexical and Information Structure Account of English Instrument-Subject Constructions. Proceedings of MTT13 (Meaning, Text and Translation) Charles University, Prague, 41-49. Reprinted in Wiener Slawistischer Almanach (2014).

Fellbaum, C. (2013): SIERA, MICHAEL und KYOTO. Yearbook of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Berlin, 50-52.


Fellbaum, Christiane and Mathieu, Yannick (2014). A corpus-based construction of emotion verb scales. Linguistic Approaches to Emotions in Context . F. Baider and G. Cislaru, eds. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 99-112.

Mamoun Abu Helou, Matteo Palmonari, Mustafa Jarrar and Christiane Fellbaum (2014). Towards Building Lexical Ontology via Cross-Language Matching. Proceedings of the Seventh Global Wordnet Conference. Tartu, Estonia.

Fellbaum, C. (2014). The syntax and grammar of idioms. In: Kiss, Tibor and Alexiadou, Artemis (eds.) Handbook of Syntax. Berlin: de Gruyter, 776-802.

McCrae, J., Fellbaum, C. and Cimiano, P. (2014). ``Publishing and Linking WordNet using lemon and RDF.'' Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics, Multilingual Knowledge Resources and Natural Language Processing. Reykjavik, Iceland.

Dragut, Eduard and Fellbaum, C. (2014) ``The Role of Adverbs in Sentiment Analysis.'' In: Frame Semantics in NLP: A Workshop in Honor of Chuck Fillmore, ACL, Baltimore, MD.

Bond, F., Fellbaum, C., Hsieh, S.-K., Huang, C.-R., Pease, A. and Vossen, P. ``A Multilingual Lexico-Semantic Database and Ontology'', eds. P. Cimiano and P. Buitelaar.

Smaha, Rebecca and Christiane Fellbaum (2014). ``How Natural are Artificial Languages?'' In: Language Production, Cognition and the Lexicon, eds. N. Gala, R. Rapp and G. Bel. Heidelberg: Springer.

Barbu, A., Barrett, D., Chen, W., Siddharth, N., Xiong, C., Fellbaum, C., Hanson, C., Hanson, S. J., Helie, S., Malaia, E., Pearlmutter, B., Siskind, J. M., Talvage, T. and Wilbur, R. (2104). ``Seeing is Worse than Believing: Reading People's Minds Better than Computer Vision Methods Recognize Actions.'' In: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2014), T. Tuytelaars, B. Schiele, T. Pajdla and D. Fleet (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 8693. Heidelberg: Springer.

Fellbaum, C. (2014). Large-scale lexicography in the Digital Age. International Journal of Lexicography, Special Issue on Digital Lexicography, eds. M.-C. L'Homme and M. Cormier.

Zhu, Feng and Fellbaum, Christiane (2014). ``Automatically Identifying Chinese Verb-Noun Collocations.'' Festschrift for D. Dobrovolskij, E. Piirainen and M. Delmas (eds.). Benjamins.

Biemann, Chris, Crane, Gregory, Fellbaum, Christiane and Mehler, Alexander. (2014). ``Computational Humanities: Bridging the gap between Computer Science and the Digital Humanities.'' Dagstuhl Seminar 14301, Dagstuhl Reports pp. 80-111.

Fellbaum, Christiane. (2014). Ontology meets natural language: Does the lexicon have a regular structure? Proceedings of the conference on Terminology and Ontology: Theories and applications (TOTH), ed. Christian Roche. Presses Universitaires Savoie Mont Blanc, Chambery, France.


Fellbaum, C. ``Lexical Relations.'' The Oxford Handbook of the Word. John Taylor (Ed.), Oxford University Press. 350-363.

Baker, Collin, Fellbaum, Christiane and Passonneau, Rebecca. ``Semantic Annotation of MASC.'' In: Handbook of Linguistic Annotation, eds. Nany Ide and James Pustejovsky. Heidelberg: Springer.


Fellbaum, C. Treatment of Multi-Word Units. The Oxford Handbook of Lexicography P. Durkin (Ed.), Oxford University Press. 411-424.

Bond, Francis, Vossen, Piek, McCrae, John and Fellbaum, Christiane (2016). CILI: the Collaborative Interlingual Index. Proceedings of the eighth Global WordNet Conference, Bucharest, Romania.

Hicks, Amanda, Rutherford, Michael, Fellbaum, Christiane and Bian, Jiang (2016). An Analysis of WordNet’s Coverage of Gender Identity Using Twitter and The National Transgender Discrimination Survey. Proceedings of the eighth Global WordNet Conference, Bucharest, Romania.

Lohk, Ahti, Fellbaum, Christiane and Vohandu, Leo (2016). Tuning Hierarchies in Princeton WordNet. Proceedings of the eighth Global WordNet Conference, Bucharest, Romania.

Lopez, C., Segond, F. and Fellbaum, C. (2016). Encoding Adjective Scales for Fine-Grained Resources. Poster, LREC, Ljublajana, Slovenia.


Fellbaum, Christiane. ``WordNet: An electronic lexical resource for English.'' In: The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Science, S. Chipman (Ed.), Oxford University Press, 301-313.

Mikhail Khodak, Andrej Risteski, Christiane Fellbaum, and Sanjeev Arora (2017). Automated WordNet Construction Using Word Embeddings. Proceedings of the EACL 2017 Workshop on Sense, Concept, and Entity Representations and their Applications.

Fellbaum, Christiane and Mathieu, Yvette Yannick. Annoyed, Angered or Enraged? Intensity Scales for Emotion Verbs. In: Nicole Tersis and Pascal Boyeldieru (eds.) Le langage de l'emotion: Variations linguistiques et culturelles. Leuven: Peeters, 427-442.


Angel X. Chang, Rishi Mago, Pranav Krishna, Manolis Savva and Christiane Fellbaum. Linking 3D Models to WordNet at Part, Attribute and Contextual Levels. Proceedings of the Global WordNet Association, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore.

Chumki Basu, Laura Dietz and Christiane Fellbaum. WordNetContext: Information Retrieval-Friendly Access to WordNet Senses. Proceedings of KG4IR (Knowledge Graph and Semantics for Text Analysis and Retrieval) Workshop 2018, Ann Arbor, MI.


Fellbaum, C. and A. Hicks. When WordNet met ontology. In: A Festschrift for Nicola Guarino, eds. L. Vieu et al. IOS Press, 136-151.

Fellbaum, C. (2019). How flexible are idioms? A corpus-based study. Linguistics (57(4).

Fellbaum, C. (to appear) Future Challenges for the Princeton WordNet. In: Special Issue on Linking, Integrating and Extending Wordnets. Linguistic Issues in LanguageTechnology, eds. Francis Bond, Christiane Fellbaum and Ewa Rudnicka.

Singh, Pulkit, C. Fellbaum and Y. Mathieu (2019). ``Mixed Feelings? Discovering and Aligning Scales for Emojis and Emotion Words.'' In: Horak, A. et al. (Eds.) Slavonic Natural Language Processing in the 21st Century. Tribun, Brno (CZ).


Jiang, May and Fellbaum, Christiane. (2020). Interdependence of Gender and Race in Contextualized Word Embeddings. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing, COLING, Barcelona.

Lualdi, C. Wright, E., Hudson, J., Caselli, N. and Fellbaum, C. (2020). Implementing ASLNet V.1.0: Progress and Plans. Proceedings of the 11th Global WordNe Conference, Pretoria, South Africa.


Gourabathina, A. and C. Fellbaum (2020). A corpus analysis of the collocational properties of English modifying adverbs. In: A Festschrift for Panchanan Mohanty, ed. T. Khan et al. Central Institute for Indian Languages, Mysore, India.

Lualdi, C. Wright, E., Hudson, J., Caselli, N. and Fellbaum, C. (2020). Implementing ASLNet V.1.0: Progress and Plans. Proceedings of the 11th Global WordNet Conference, Pretoria, South Africa.

Kallini, Julie and Christiane Fellbaum (2021). A Corpus-Bases Syntactic Analysis of Two-Termed Unlike Coordination. Findings of Empirial Methods in Natural Language Processing.


Kallini, Julie and Christiane Fellbaum (2022). Computational Approaches for Understanding Semantic Constraints on Two-termed Coordination Structures.International Conference on Text, Speech, and Dialogue (pp. 64-76). Springer.

Jacqueline He, Mengzhou Xia, Christiane Fellbaum, and Danqi Chen (2022). MABEL: Contrastive Gender Bias Mitigation using Entailment Pairs. Proceedings of EMNLP.


Kallini, Julie and Christiane Fellbaum (2023). What to Make of 'make'? Sense Distinctions for Light Verbs. Proceedings of the Global WordNet Conference, Donostia, Spain.


Fellbaum, C. (in press). WordNet. International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd Ed., eds. H. Nesi, P.Milin, and M. Marelli.

Non-scientific writings

Fellbaum, C. (2004). Klimavergleich D-US, oder: Die unertraegliche Leichtigkeit des akademischen Lebens. In : Gegenworte Vol. 14, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Reprinted in: Claudia Koepernik, Johannes Moes, and Sandra Tiefel (Eds.): Handbuch Promovieren mit Perspektive. Ein Ratgeber von und fuer DoktorandInnen. Bertelsmann: Bielefeld 2005.

Fellbaum, C. (2005). Einsteinsche Beruehrungsreliquien. In: Gegenworte Vol. 16, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Fellbaum, C. (2013). Obituary George A. Miller. Computational Linguistics.