NeTS: Medium: Foundations And Applications Of Modular Network Verification

NSF NETS Award Number 2312539

PIs Aarti Gupta and David Walker, Princeton University

This website will contain links to data, code, papers, and results supported by the NSF grant entitled "Nets: Medium: Foundations And Applications Of Modular Network Verification."


Networks connect us to our online services – our banks, our colleagues and friends, our work, our school, our travel plans, our government resources, and so much more. As such, networks are critical infrastructure, and any downtime is not only costly, but possibly dangerous. In order to function properly, networks need to be configured to route information between computers. Unfortunately, these configurations are large and complicated, and it is easy to make mistakes while maintaining them. The goal of this project is to develop new algorithms and tools to identify mistakes in network configurations before they cause serious harm. More specifically, the project will explore ways to divide complex modern networks into smaller components (i.e., modules) for separate but accurate analysis. Doing so will allow sophisticated analysis techniques to scale to the point they may be applied to the world’s largest and most important networks. This project will advance the theory and practice of modular verification of traditional network control planes. Modular reasoning can help network operators abstract away unnecessary details, localize network bugs, confirm the validity of configuration updates, and scale verification to arbitrarily-large networks. The specific goals are: (1) to develop new theoretical foundations, including models of network behavior, useful abstractions, and expressive specification languages that support sound and efficient modular reasoning; (2) to design and implement algorithmic methods for verification and synthesis of modular network interfaces; and (3) to build a system for reliable modular network management, with support for migration from traditional infrastructure.

Broader Impacts

To increase access to education in computer science, the project will follow Princeton’s verified Departmental Broadening Participation in Computing plan. In particular, the project will support undergraduate research opportunities. To improve educational outcomes, the project will develop shared interdisciplinary educational materials on formal methods to be deployed in classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels.





Educational Activities, Outreach, and Broader Impacts

Last modified: Sat Jul 1 11:30:32 EDT 2023