Danqi Chen

Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Princeton NLP Group
Princeton Language and Intelligence

Email: danqic@cs.princeton.edu
Office: Computer Science 412

Papers / Lab / Teaching & Service / Awards / Etc

I am an assistant professor of Computer Science at Princeton University and I co-lead the Princeton NLP Group. I am also an associate director of Princeton Language and Intelligence, an initiative that seeks to develop fundamental research of large AI models (e.g., LLMs). Previously, I was a visiting scientist at Facebook AI Research (FAIR) in Seattle, working with Luke Zettlemoyer. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University in 2018, where I was advised by Christopher Manning and worked in the Stanford NLP Group. Before that, I was an undergraduate student from the Special Pilot CS Class supervised by Andrew Yao at Tsinghua University.


My research interests lie broadly in natural language processing and machine learning. I am always excited about simple and principled approaches that are practical, scalable, and generalizable in real-world problems.

These days, I am mostly drawn by the development of large language models. A list of topics that I am actively thinking about/working on:

Education / Experience

Last update: February 2025