Andrew Appel's students

Former students

  1. Andrew P. Tolmach, Ph.D. (1992) Debugging Standard ML. Professor, Portland State University.
  2. Zhong Shao, Ph.D. (1994) Compiling Standard ML for Efficient Execution on Modern Machines. Professor, Yale University.
  3. Marcelo J. R. Goncalves, Ph.D. (1995) Cache Performance of Programs with Intensive Heap Allocation and Generational Garbage Collection.
  4. Matthias Blume, Ph.D. (1997) Hierarchical Modularity and Intermodule Optimization. Senior Software Engineer, Google, Inc.
  5. Richard (Drew) Dean, Ph.D. (1999) Formal Aspects of Mobile Code Security. Computer Scientist, SRI and then Amazon; deceased 2022.
  6. Jeffrey L. Korn, Ph.D. (1999) Abstraction and Visualization in Graphical Debuggers. Software Engineer, Google, Inc.
  7. Daniel C. Wang, Ph.D. (2002) Managing Memory with Types. Computer Scientist,
  8. Kedar N. Swadi, Ph.D. (2003) Typed Machine Language. Head of Data Science, PhonePe, Pune, India.
  9. Lujo Bauer, Ph.D. (2003) Access Control for the Web via Proof-Carrying Authorization. Professor, Carnegie Mellon University.
  10. Eunyoung Lee, Ph.D. (2003) Secure Linking: A Logical Framework for Policy-Enforced Component Composition. Associate Professor, Dongduk Women's University, Seoul, Korea.
  11. Juan Chen, Ph.D. (2004) A Low-Level Typed Assembly Language with a Machine-checkable Soundness Proof. Computer Scientist, Google, Inc.
  12. Amal J. Ahmed, Ph.D. (2004) Semantics of Types for Mutable State. Professor, Northeastern University.
  13. Gang Tan, Ph.D. (2005) A Compositional Logic for Control Flow and its Application to Foundational Proof-Carrying Code. Professor, Pennsylvania State University.
  14. Dinghao Wu, Ph.D. (2005) Interfacing Compilers, Proof Checkers, and Proofs for Foundational Proof-Carrying Code. Professor, Pennsylvania State University.
  15. Xinming Ou, Ph.D. (2005) A Logic Programming Approach to Network Security Analysis. Professor, University of South Florida.
  16. Sudhakar Govindavajhala, Ph.D. (2006) A Formal Approach to Practical Network Security Management. Software consultant in the financial industry.
  17. Aquinas Hobor, Ph.D. (2008) Oracle Semantics. Associate Professor, University College London.
  18. Chris Richards, Ph.D. (2010) The Approximation Modality in Models of Higher-Order Types. Computer Scientist, Google, Inc.
  19. Robert Dockins, Ph.D. (2012) Operational Refinement for Compiler Correctness. Applied Scientist, Amazon Web Services.
  20. James Gordon Stewart, Ph.D. (2015) Verified Separate Compilation for C. Lead, Formalized Security, Riverside Research.
  21. Josiah Dodds, Ph.D. (2015) Computation Improves Interactive Symbolic Execution. Researcher, Amazon Web Services.
  22. Qinxiang Cao, Ph.D. (2018) Separation-Logic-based Program Verification in Coq. Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  23. Olivier Savary Bélanger, Ph.D. (2019) Verified Extraction for Coq. Research Engineer,
  24. Santiago Cuellar, PhD (2020) Concurrent Permission Machine for modular proofs of optimizing compilers with shared memory concurrency. Research Engineer,
  25. Zoe Paraskevopoulou, PhD (2020) Verified Optimizations for Functional Languages. Assistant Professor, National Technical University of Athens.
  26. Qinshi Wang, PhD (2023) Foundationally Verified Data Plane Programming. Principal Engineer, Formal Methods Group, Huawei.
  27. Joomy Korkut, PhD (2024) Foreign Function Verification Through Metaprogramming. Researcher, Bloomberg LLC
  28. Matthew Weaver, PhD (2024) Bicubical Directed Type Theory
  29. Ariel Kellison, Cornell PhD (2024, co-advised with David Bindel), Type-Based Approaches to Rounding Error Analysis. Postdoc, Sandia National Labs

Current students

Josh Cohen