Modern Compiler Implementation in Java

Modern Compiler Implementation in ML

Modern Compiler Implementation in C

©1998 by Andrew W. Appel

Cambridge University Press


    Part I. Fundamentals of Compilation

  1. Introduction
  2. Lexical Analysis
  3. Parsing
  4. Abstract Syntax
  5. Type Checking
  6. Activation Records
  7. Translation to Intermediate Code
  8. Basic Blocks and Traces
  9. Instruction Selection
  10. Liveness analysis
  11. Register allocation
  12. Putting it all together

    Part II. Advanced Topics

  13. Garbage collection
  14. Object-oriented languages
  15. Functional Programming Languages
  16. Polymorphic Types
  17. Dataflow Analysis
  18. Loop Optimizations
  19. Static Single-Assignment Form
  20. Scheduling and Pipelining
  21. Memory Hierarchies