Anja Kalaba

Email: akalaba AT cs DOT princeton DOT edu

Github: gakalaba

I am a fifth year PhD student studying computer systems at Princeton University. I’m coadvised by Professor Amit Levy and Professor Wyatt Lloyd in the Princeton SNS group. My main interests in computer systems include database consistency protocols, concurrency/synchronization primitives and programming abstractions, and disaggregated/serverless computing.

I did my undergrad at CMU, and stayed an additional 5th year to get a masters. During my 5th year, I got started in computer systems research with Professor Dave Andersen and Anuj Kalia.



Speculative Recovery: Cheap, Highly Available Fault Tolerance with Disaggregated Storage
Nanqinqin Li, Anja Kalaba, Michael J. Freedman, Wyatt Lloyd, and Amit Levy
In 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC 22), July 2022.