Aarti Gupta: Projects and Related Publications
SyLVer: Synthesis, Learning, and Verification
Algorithmic verification techniques have made tremendous progress by leveraging advancements in decision procedures based on SAT/SMT solvers. The project aims to develop techniques that improve their scalability for program verification and synthesis, by combining deductive learning with learning on data and examples. The targeted applications include:
- Automatic generation of invariants for program verification
- Verification of program security
Related Papers
Psym: Efficient Symbolic Exploration of Distributed Systems.
Lauren Pick, Ankush Desai, Aarti Gupta.
In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages Volume 7 (PLDI), 2023.
Synthesizing MILP Constraints for Efficient and Robust Optimization.
Jingbo Wang, Aarti Gupta, Chao Wang.
In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages Volume 7 (PLDI), 2023.