//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: triangle.ck // desc: Showcase triangle geometry // // requires: ChuGL + chuck- or higher // // author: Andrew Zhu Aday (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~azaday/) // date: Fall 2023 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper class for holding cylinder geometry parameters ====================== class TriangleParams { Math.PI / 3.0 => float theta; 1.0 => float width; .866 => float height; } TriangleParams params; fun void updateParams(Geometry @ geo) { (geo $ TriangleGeometry).set( params.theta, params.width, params.height ); } // connect triangle mesh to scene GTriangle triangle --> GG.scene(); // place small circle at origin (helps show triangle is centered) GCircle circle --> GG.scene(); circle.mat().color(Color.RED); circle.sca(.01); // set initial geometry params updateParams(triangle.geo()); // initialize materials PhongMaterial phongMat; NormalsMaterial normMat; MangoUVMaterial mangoMat; // UI Setup =================================================================== UI_Window window; window.text("Triangle Geometry Params"); UI_Dropdown dropdown; dropdown.text("Material"); dropdown.options(["shaded", "normals", "uv"]); UI_SliderFloat thetaSlider; thetaSlider.text("theta"); thetaSlider.range(0.001, Math.PI); thetaSlider.val(params.theta); UI_SliderFloat widthSlider; widthSlider.text("width"); widthSlider.range(0.01, 3.0); widthSlider.val(params.width); UI_SliderFloat heightSlider; heightSlider.text("height"); heightSlider.range(0.01, 3.0); heightSlider.val(params.height); // add to window window.add(dropdown); window.add(thetaSlider); window.add(widthSlider); window.add(heightSlider); // UI Listeners =============================================================== // material dropdown fun void dropdownListener() { while (true) { dropdown => now; if (dropdown.val() == 0) { triangle.mat(phongMat); } else if (dropdown.val() == 1) { triangle.mat(normMat); } else if (dropdown.val() == 2) { triangle.mat(mangoMat); } } } spork ~ dropdownListener(); // theta fun void thetaListener() { while (true) { thetaSlider => now; thetaSlider.val() => params.theta; updateParams(triangle.geo()); } } spork ~ thetaListener(); // width fun void widthListener() { while (true) { widthSlider => now; widthSlider.val() => params.width; updateParams(triangle.geo()); } } spork ~ widthListener(); // height fun void heightListener() { while (true) { heightSlider => now; heightSlider.val() => params.height; updateParams(triangle.geo()); } } spork ~ heightListener(); // Game loop ================================================================ while (true) { GG.nextFrame() => now; }