COS 598e: Slides

02/02/99: Introduction 02/04/99: Disk modeling
02/11/99: Unix FFS 02/16/99: Sprite LFS
02/18/99: Logical Disk 02/25/99: Virtual Logging
03/04/99: RAID Survey 03/09/99: HP AutoRAID
03/25/99: Communications 04/01/99: Client/Server Systems
04/06/99: Disconnected Operation 04/13/99: Sprite Measurement
04/15/99: Cooperative Caching 04/15/99: Global Memory Service
04/21/99: The Zebra Striped FS 04/22/99: xFS: Serverless System
04/27/99: Petal and Frangipani 04/27/99: Network-Attached Secure Disks
04/29/99: SHORE object store 04/29/99: How to give a talk

COS598e                               © 1999    Randy Wang