Student Presentations.
The last third of the course will cover current research. Please pick a paper or
group of papers to present in class. I will assist you in understanding the
papers and preparing your presentation.
- Hardness v/s Randomness. (Possibly a 2-person project.)
(i) "Hardness v/s Randomness" by Nisan and Wigderson. JCSS 149--167, 1994.
(Prelim. version in ACM STOC 1988.)
(ii) "Pseudorandom
Generators Without the XOR Lemma."
Madhu Sudan, Luca Trevisan and Salil Vadhan. STOC'99.
- "Construction of
Extractors Using Pseudorandom Generators" by Luca Trevisan. STOC'99.
- Nondeterministic
polynomial time versus nondeterministic logartithmic space:
Time-space tradeoffs for satisfiability. Lance Fortnow, Structures'97.
- Which Problems Have Strongly Exponential Complexity? by Impagliazzo, Paturi, and Zane.
- Lowerbounds for propositional proof systems. (Possibly a 2-person project.)
(i) Simplified and Improved
Resolution Lower Bounds by Beame and Pittasi. FOCS'98.
(ii) Exponential lower bounds for bounded depth Frege proofs of Pigeonhole Principle.
Survey by P. Beame.