Computer Science 598d
Course Project Final Reports
Written Reports (due at noon on May 18):
Each student should submit a six- to ten-page written final report.
The written report should contain descriptions of the goals and challenges
of your project. You should include a review of previous work.
You should write detailed descriptions of the approach you've chosen, the
implementation hurdles you've encountered, the features you've implemented,
and any initial results you've generated. Please do not be vague
in your written descriptions. Following is a brief outline you might
follow ...
What did I try to do?
Who would benefit if I did it?
Problem Statement
Why is it hard?
How hard is it?
Previous Work
What have others tried? When do previous approaches fail/succeed?
What circumstances are not handled well by previous approaches?
What approach did I try?
Under what circumstances do I think it should work well?
Why do I think it should work well under those circumstances?
What pieces had to be implemented to execute my approach?
For each piece ...
Were there several possible implementations?
If there were several possibilities, what were the advantages/disadvantages
of each?
Which implementation(s) did I do? Why?
What did I implement? <== Include detailed descriptions
What didn't I implement? Why not?
What was I trying to test?
What experiments did I execute?
What different approaches/parameters did I vary in these experiments?
What objective measure of success did I use?
Provide quantitative results.
What do my results indicate?
Overall, is the approach I took promising?
What different approach or variant of this approach is better?
What follow-up work should be done next?
What did I learn by doing this project?
Project Poster Session (3PM on May 18 in CS 418):
Each student will give a short `poster session' describing his/her class
project. Your goal should be to demonstrate and describe for a `visitor'
(me, Dobkin, etc.) in 10-15 minutes what you have done and why it is interesting.
In addition to running a live demo on one of the computers in the graphics
lab (if appropriate), you should describe the guts of your project using
4-8 `slides' (like overhead transparencies, but printed on paper).
The slides should clearly present the goals, challenges, previous work,
approach, implementation, and results of your project. Starting at
3PM (and lasting until around 5PM), students and visitors will be invited
to wander around the graphics lab to view the demonstrations and presentations.