Computer Science 598d
Programming Assignment #3
BSP Construction
Due: April 9, 1998
For this assignment, you will write a program that constructs a BSP from
a set of input polygons. The resulting BSP must contain split(s)
along the plane of each input polygon so that no leaf cell of the BSP contains
any part of any input polygon in its interior (the input polygons should
lie entirely on the boundary(s) of some leaf cell(s)).
Your goal is to develop an algorithm that automatically constructs BSPs
with the fewest cells for a given set of input polygons. To achieve
this, you must be clever in your selection and ordering of splitting planes
when constructing the BSPs. Certainly, you will want to carefully
order the splits along planes supporting input polygons, and
you may also want to introduce splits along other planes (i.e., ones
not supporting any input polygon) as well.
This assignment will be performed in groups of two people (preferably
pairing will be different than in any of the previous assignments).
At the completion of the assignment, we will all run our BSP programs on
a standardized suite of input files (provided by you and me) and tally
the results to see which programs perform best. Each pair of students
will submit one file that they would like to be part of the standard suite
of input files, and I will add some of my own. You will be judged
by the 1) the running time of your program, and 2) the number of cells
in your constructed BSPs (mostly). Some sample BREP files can be
found on CS machines at /usr/graphics/ring/models/brep.
To aid you in this assignment, you can use the R3BspTree class in the
R3Spaces package of
RING. I have written a simple program that you can use as a starting
point to write your BSP program with RING. To get started using it
cd <your directory>
cp -r /usr/graphics/ring/apps/rbsp .
cd rbsp
ropt <input model filename> <output model filename>
This sample program first reads in a set of polygons (from a BREP file).
It then builds a BSP tree by iteratively splitting along the plane of each
input polygon (in the order polygons appear in the input file). Finally,
the program prints some statistics regarding the size of the BSP and the
time required to construct it, and possibly writes the (re-ordered) polygons
to an output file. Your job is to re-write this program so that it chooses
splits along input polygons in a better order, and possibly introduces
other splits so that the BSP constructed has fewest cells, while your program
uses as little computation time as possible.
At least one hour before class on April 9, each group should submit
(via email):
A pointer to your source code (e.g., rbsp.C and other files)
A one/two paragraph description of your approach
A summary of your results for the class test scenes
For each test scene, provide an ascii text line of the form:<filename>
<split time> <number of cells>
e.g., city16.brep 0.0000 0
bird1.brep 0.0000 0
Utility Programs
rconvert - convert between 3D file formats.
Usage: rconvert input_filename output_filename
Example: rconvert foo.wrl foo.brep
File formats are inferred by the filename extensions.
.brep = BREP
.wrl = VRML
.wall = WISE
rlist - list information about a 3D file
Usage: rlist [-a] input_filename
Example: rlist foo.brep
-a generates a full listing of the scene graph
rdraw - view 3D files interactively.
Usage: rdraw input_filename
Example: rdraw foo.brep
The program starts with the camera inside the model (`interior view')
Hit `V' to toggle between `interior view' and `exterior view'
In exterior view:
Left-mouse: rotate
Middle-mouse: scale
Right-mouse: translate
In interior view:
Left-mouse: walk forward
Middle-mouse: turn in place
Right-mouse: walk backward
This program can be modified easily to draw BSP trees.
Add bsptree.Outline() in the Redraw function.
Note that bsptree.Outline() may be slow,
as the cell boundary polygons must be constructed on the fly.
Using RING to Construct a BSP Tree
The R3BspTree<type> templated class is part of the R3Spaces package.
The important member functions for you to understand are the ones that
split cells of the tree. The first and most basic member function
for constructing a BSP, splits a specific R3BspTreeCell by a specific R3Plane:
void SplitCell(R3BspTreeCell *cell, const R3Plane& split);
- splits a leaf cell by the plane and creates two children
A second function recursively splits a subtree rooted at a specific R3BspTreeCell
by a polygon. All leaf cells descending from the specified R3BspTreeCell
and intersected by the input polygon are split along the plane supporting
the input polygon. The member function is declared and implemented
like this:
void SplitCell(R3BspTreeCell *cell, const R3Polygon& polygon);
- splits all decendent leaf cells intersecting polygon
by the plane supporting polygon
void R3BspTree::
SplitCell(R3BspTreeCell *cell, const R3Polygon& polygon)
// Split all leaf cells intersecting polygon
if (IsInterior(cell)) {
// Compute relationship
between split plane and polygon
int split_result = R3Splits(CellSplitPlane(cell),
// Split appropriate child
cells recursively
if ((split_result == RN_BELOW)
|| (split_result == RN_CROSSING))
SplitCell(ChildCell(cell, 0), polygon);
if ((split_result == RN_ABOVE)
|| (split_result == RN_CROSSING))
SplitCell(ChildCell(cell, 1), polygon);
else {
// Split leaf cell on plane
of polygon
SplitCell(cell, polygon.Plane());
Finally, a third function splits a BSP tree by a polygon (this is the function
used in the sample version of rbsp). All leaf cells intersected by
the input polygon are split along the plane supporting the input polygon.
The member function is declared and implemented something like this:
void Split(const R3Polygon& polygon);
- splits all leaf cells intersecting polygon by the
plane supporting polygon
void R3BspTree::
Split(const R3Polygon& polygon)
// Split tree by polygon
SplitCell(RootCell(), polygon);
Following is a complete list of member functions for the R3BspTree templated
class ...
- constructs BSP containing one cell representing all
of space
Tree Properties:
const RNBoolean IsEmpty(void) const;
- returns whether BSP has no cells
const int NCells(void) const;
- returns number of cells in BSP
const int NLeaves(void) const;
- returns number of leaf cells in BSP
const int NInterior(void) const;
- returns number of interior cells in BSP
Cell Properties:
const RNBoolean IsRoot(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns whether cell is root
const RNBoolean IsLeaf(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns whether cell is a leaf
const RNBoolean IsInterior(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns whether cell is interior (not a leaf)
const RNBoolean IsAncestor(const R3BspTreeCell *cell, const R3BspTreeCell
*decendent) const;
- returns whether cell is an ancestor of `decendent'
const RNBoolean IsDecendent(const R3BspTreeCell *cell, const R3BspTreeCell
*ancestor) const;
- returns whether cell is a decendent of `ancestor'
const int NChildren(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns number of child cells for cell
(2 if interior, 0 if leaf)
const int NSiblings(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns number of siblings for cell
(0 if root, 1 otherwise)
const int NSiblingsBefore(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns number of siblings to before cell in parent
(0 if negative halfspace, 1 if positive)
const int NSiblingsAfter(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns number of siblings to after cell in parent
(1 if child for negative halfspace, 0 if
child for positive halfspace)
const int NDecendents(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns number of decendents under cell
const int NAncestors(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns number of ancestors above cell
(equals depth in tree)
const int NLeaves(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns number of leaves under cell
const int Depth(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns depth in tree
(root is at depth 0)
const R3Plane& CellSplitPlane(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns the split plane stored with an interior cell
Type& CellContents(R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns a reference to the data stored with a cell
Type *CellData(R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns a pointer to the data stored with a cell
Cell Access:
R3BspTreeCell *RootCell(void) const;
- returns the root cell of the BSP
R3BspTreeCell *ParentCell(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- returns the parent of a cell
R3BspTreeCell *SiblingCell(const R3BspTreeCell *cell, int k) const;
- returns the sibling of a cell with index k in the
parent's list
R3BspTreeCell *ChildCell(const R3BspTreeCell *cell, int k) const;
- returns the kth child of a cell
(0 is child for negative halfspace, 1 is
child for positive halfspace)
R3BspTreeCell *LeastCommonAncestor(const R3BspTreeCell *cell1, const
R3BspTreeCell *cell2) const;
- returns the least common ancestor for two cells
(returns NULL if not found)
R3BspTreeCell *FindCell(const Type& data, RNCompareFunction *compare
= NULL, void *appl = NULL) const;
- searches for a cell containing data match
(returns NULL if not found)
R3BspTreeCell *FindCell(const R3Point& point) const;
- searches for cell containing point
(returns NULL if not found)
R3BspTreeCell *FindCell(R3BspTreeCell *cell, const R3Point& point)
- executes a search rooted at cell for the cell containing
a point
(returns NULL if not found)
void Collapse(void);
- removes all cells in BSP tree
void CollapseCell(R3BspTreeCell *cell);
- removes all decendents of cell
void Split(const R3Polygon& polygon);
- splits all leaf cells intersecting polygon by the
plane supporting polygon
void SplitCell(R3BspTreeCell *cell, const R3Polygon& polygon);
- splits all decendent leaf cells intersecting polygon
by the plane supporting polygon
void SplitCell(R3BspTreeCell *cell, const R3Plane& split);
- splits a leaf cell by the plane and creates two children
void Outline(void) const;
- Draws outline of all BSP cells
void OutlineCell(const R3BspTreeCell *cell) const;
- Draws outline of one BSP cell
Iteration Macros:
R3_FOR_EACH_BSPTREE_LEAF_CELL(const R3BspTree& tree, R3BspTreeCell
*&cell, RNIterator& iterator) { ... }
- visits each leaf cell of BSP tree
tree, R3BspTreeCell *&cell, R3Shape& shape, RNIterator& iterator)
{ ... }
- visits each leaf cell that intersects a shape
R3_FOR_EACH_BSPTREE_CELL_CHILD(const R3BspTree& tree, const
R3BspTreeCell *cell, R3BspTreeCell *&child, RNIterator& iterator)
{ ... }
- visits each child of cell in BSP tree
BREP File Format
The BREP format is very simple. The file is a list of convex polygons,
where each polygon is a list of vertices. The header indicates whether
a particular type of information is included. "Texture" means there are
may be texture coordinates while "NoTexture" means there are none, and
"MaybeTexture" indicates that the presence of texture coordinates
is on a per polygon basis. "Colors" means that each polygon has a rgb color
specified and "NoColors" means no polygons has rgb information. "Normals"
mean each vertex has its own normal where as "NoNormals" means that no
vertices have normals. "MaybeNormals" makes this on a per polygon basis.
Here is a BNF description:
<1.0 file> ::= <header> <body>
<header> ::= 1.0 ASCII BREP <cr>
{ Texture | NoTexture | MaybeTexture } { Colors | NoColors }
{ Normals | NoNormals | MaybeNormals }
<body> ::= <polygon> <body> | EOF
<polygon> ::= <plane eq> <polygon type> <color definition>
<plane eq> ::= a b c -1 <cr> d /* |N| = 1 */
<polygon type> ::= <has_texture_coors> * <has_vertex_normals>
* <has_vertex_colors>
<has_vertex_normals> ::= has_vertex_normals ? 2 : 1
<has_vertex_colors> ::= has_vertex_colors ? 3 : 1
<has_texture_coors> ::= has_texture_coors ? 5 : 1
<color definition> ::= <texture def> <rgb>
<texture def> ::= <integer texture id> -2 <cr>
<rgb> ::= r g b -3 <cr> | <empty
set if NoColors>
<vertices> ::= <vertex> <vertices> | <last vertex>
<vertex> ::= <normal> <point> <texture coords>
<any positive int> <cr>
<last vertex> ::= <normal> <point> <texture coords> 0 <cr>
<normal> ::= a b c -4 <cr> | <empty set IF NoNormals>
<point> ::= x y z
<texture coords> ::= u v | <empty set >
The code to read/write BREP files is in ring/pkgs/R3Shapes/R3Io.C.
Here are some example files, all of which describe cubes with different
MaybeTexture Colors NoNormals
-0.5 -0.5
1 1
-0.5 -0.5
1 0
0.5 0.5
0 0
0.5 -0.5
0 1
-0.5 -0.5
1 1
0.5 -0.5
1 0
0.5 -0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
0 1
4 more polygons
NoTexture NoColors MaybeNormals
-0.333 0.333
0.333 -4
0.5 0.5
-0.333 -0.333
0.333 -4
-0.5 -0.5
-0.333 -0.333
-0.333 -4
-0.5 -0.5
-0.333 0.333
-0.333 -4
0.5 -0.5
5 more polygons
Texture Colors Normals
-0.333 0.333
0.333 -4
-0.5 -0.5
1 1
-0.333 -0.333
0.333 -4
-0.5 -0.5
1 0
-0.333 -0.333
-0.333 -4
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.333 0.333
-0.333 -4
0.5 -0.5
0 1
5 more polygons
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