Computer Science 448 |
The central theme of this class is “build something.” That something should be innovation-driven. Given that this is a computer science course, the innovation should be embodied in some way by technology, either software or hardware or a combination of both.
Each project team should be assembled by the end of the first week of classes or the add/drop deadline at the latest. TA’s will help with this process. The teams will make progress through an iterative design and implementation process. Each team will develop a Google doc that will document their current thinking. This living document is expected to be improved and built upon throughout the course, and it will become the final paper.
Mandatory sections of the project paper include:
Teams will make in-class presentations of their latest findings and improvements. Teams should prepare to make a presentation at least every other week. Each team should make a Gantt chart showing a week-by-week assignment of responsibilities to team members.
At the end of the term, each team will make a final pitch and demonstration to the class of their project.
Here are some useful links to support your project: