COS 445: Economics and Computation

Spring 2025

In this course we will study a variety of topics on the cusp between economics and computation. Topics to be covered include: game theory, auctions, mechanism design and cryptocurrencies.

The aim of the course is two-fold: (1) to understand the game-theoretic issues behind systems involving computation such as online networks, and (2) to learn how algorithms and algorithmic thinking can help with designing better decision and allocation mechanisms in the offline world.


Instructors: Matt Weinberg (smweinberg@), Mark Braverman (mbraverm@cs.)

Graduate TAs: Eric Xue (ex3782@), Jingyi Liu (jingyi.liu@), Amrit Daswaney (amrit_d@), Haichen Dong (haichend@), Aadityan Ganesh (gaadityan@gmail.), Kaya Alpturer (kalpturer@), Nikhil Pimpalkhare (nikhil.pimpalkhare@), Yuanhao Wang (yuanhao@)

Undergraduate Course Staff:

  • What to expect from this course: FAQ
  • Prerequisite skills/math: cheatsheet on background skills/math required for this course
  • Discussion and announcements: Ed
  • Assignment submissions: codePost
  • Course policies


Lecture Monday/Wednesday 09:30am-10:50am Friend 101 Matt/Mark
Precept P08 Wednesday 3:30pm-4:20pm Friend 004 Aadityan
Precept P09 Wednesday 3:30pm-4:20pm Friend 008 Eric
Precept P01 Thursday 3:30pm-4:20pm Green Hall 0-S-9 Kaya
Precept P02 Thursday 3:30pm-4:20pm Friend 112 Amrit/Kaya
Precept (Background Material) Thursday 7:30pm-8:30pm CS 105 Stephen
Precept P11 Friday 11:00am-11:50am Friend 006 Haichen
Precept P12 Friday 11:00am-11:50am Friend 111 Jingyi
Precept P05 Friday 1:30pm-2:20pm Friend 004 Nikhil
Precept P06 Friday 1:30pm-2:20pm Friend 111 Yuanhao

Office Hours

Monday 11:00am-12:00pm Tea Room (CS 201) Matt/Mark
Monday 2:30pm-3:30pm Tea Room (CS 201) Haichen & Amrit
Monday 4:00pm-5:00pm Tea Room (CS 201) Nikhil & Yuanhao
Monday 5:30pm-6:30pm Tea Room (CS 201) Aadityan & Kaya
Tuesday 2:00pm-3:00pm Tea Room (CS 201) Eric
Tuesday 4:30pm-5:30pm CS 302 Nikhil
Wednesday 11:00am-12:00pm Tea Room (CS 201) Matt/Mark
Wednesday 2:00pm-3:00pm Tea Room (CS 201) Amrit
Thursday 11:00am-12:00pm Tea Room (CS 201) (Note: CS 105 on 03/27) Jingyi
Thursday 5:30pm-6:30pm CS 105 (Note: CS 402 on 03/27) Kaya
Thursday 6:30pm-7:30pm CS 105 Stephen (NO PSET)
Friday 12:00pm-1:00pm CS 201 (Note: CS 003 on 03/28) Haichen
Friday 4:00pm-5:00pm CS 402 (Note: CS 105 on 03/28) Yuanhao
Friday 5:00pm-6:00pm CS 402 Aadityan

Homework and Exams

Your homework must be submitted as a PDF file. You can use LaTeX or another math-document-editor to produce your homework PDF. If you have never used LaTeX, here is a short guide. You might also want to use Overleaf, which is an online LaTeX editor and compiler. Feel free to visit office hours for help installing/setting up LaTeX.

Here is a LaTeX template you may use for the homework, and a template for the collaboration statement here (thanks to Jude Muriithi'24 for this template!)

Due Date Assignment
02/03 Warmup PSet
02/10 PSet 1
02/17 SD 1 | files | Leaderboard | Code Submission | Leaderboard Submission
02/24 PSet 2
03/03 SD 2 | files | Leaderboard | Code Submission | Leaderboard Submission
03/10* Midterm
03/24 PSet 3
03/31 SD 3 | files | Leaderboard | Code Submission | Leaderboard Submission
04/07 PSet 4
04/14 SD 4 | Leaderboard
04/21 PSet 5
04/28 SD 5 | Leaderboard
05/11 Final


Some shorthand for the reading material:

  • Rx = Tim Roughgarden's lecture notes x
  • KPx = Karlin and Peres chapter x
  • EKx = Easley and Kleinberg chapter x
  • NRTVx = Nisan, Roughgarden, Tardos and Vazirani chapter x (Click link --> resources --> Algorithmic Game Theory --> Algorithmic Game Theory)
  • BCELPx = Brandt, Conitzer, Endriss, Lang, Procaccia chapter x (Click link --> resources --> resources --> online version. To find the password, visit Vince Conitzer's webpage)
Date Topic Supplemental Reading Material
01/27 Braess' Paradox, Stable Matching I R1, R2, KP10.1, KP10.2, NRTV10.4, Wikipedia
01/29 Stable Matching II R1, R2, KP10.3, NRTV10.4
02/03 Matching III KP10.4, NRTV10.3
02/05 Matching IV This paper
02/10 Voting Theory I KP13, BCELP2
02/12 Voting Theory II R4, BCELP2, EK23.6, NRTV10.2
02/17 Game Theory I KP4, R5, EK6
02/19 Game Theory II KP4, KP6, R5
02/24 Linear Programming Sections 1 & 4 here
02/26 Game Theory III KP2
03/03 Information Cascades EK16
03/05 No Lecture
03/10 Spring Break
03/12 Spring Break
03/17 Auction Theory I R13, EK9.1-9.5
03/19 Auction Theory II R14, R15, KP 15.1-15.3
03/24 Auction Theory III R14, R16, EK9.7
03/26 Auction Theory IV KP14.4, KP14.6
03/31 Cryptocurrencies I Chapter 1
04/02 Cryptocurrencies II "Selfish Mining" attack, notes on Ed
04/07 Scoring Rules R17
04/09 Cake Cutting BCELP13, KP11
04/14 Price of Anarchy I R7, NRTV18.1-18.3, KP8.1, KP8.4
04/16 Price of Anarchy II R7, NRTV18.1-18.3, KP8.1, KP8.4
04/21 Behavioral Game Theory I Notes on Ed, R19
04/23 Behavioral Game Theory II R19