The exam will be given in-person on-paper live in the following locations — double-check that you're attending in the right room for your precept section!
Students who have testing accommodations will take their exam in Guyot 100 (not 10!). They should coordinate with Christopher Moretti ( and Laura Cerrito ( to confirm alternate times and/or conditions.
You will have fifty minutes to complete the exam.
This will be a closed-book, closed-note exam, with the exception that a single one-sided study sheet will be allowed. The exam will emphasize application of concepts and not memorization, so you will be provided with information such as manual pages, C operator precedence tables, etc. if they are necessary. No electronic devices will be permitted to be used during the exam. No communication with any person will be permitted, with the exception of the instructors who will be available for clarifying questions outside the exam room. Some students may be taking this exam at a different time, so use discretion in discussing the contents of the exam with anyone until the sample solution has been posted.
The Princeton University Honor Code covers this exam. You will be required to write out in full and sign an honor code pledge that you have abided by these exam rules and restrictions. Any suspected violations must be reported to
You will be responsible for material from the course through week 5 (and, thus, excluding Monday/Tuesday of midterms week), including the content of required readings, lectures, precepts, and assignments 0, 1, and 2. All questions will assume the ArmLab/Linux/C/gcc217 environment unless otherwise stated.
Major topics include:
A good way to practice for the exam is to go over questions from previous COS 217 midterm exams. Be aware that both the content of the course and the format of the midterm do change over the years, so not all questions are guaranteed to be 100% relevant, or good practice for this year. If you have any questions about whether the content of a question would be fair game for this year, please ask on Ed.
There will be a Q&A session, Monday 3/3 at 7:30pm, likely in CS 104. This session will cover midterm review questions students ask, including working midterm problems from the released archive.
There will be no lectures, precepts, or office hours between the midterm exam and Sunday 3/16 (inclusive). Enjoy your break!
We will keep up with Ed for questions about Assignment 3, but we will not check it as often as we do during normal weeks.