COS 320: Compiling Techniques - Spring 2024
Project Management
The course projects are challenging and time consuming. They may require significant effort to understand the implementation details and concepts: Start Early!
GitHub Classroom
Most of the projects in this course will come with extensive (partially complete) skeleton code, test cases, infrastructure, etc. We will distribute that code using Github Classroom. You are encouraged to use git’s version control and code merge features to work with your partner collaboratively.
Accessing the project code
Each project has a corresponding github classroom repository. When you click on the link associated with the repo, you will be asked to associate your GitHub username with the identifier used by the Github Classroom roster. Your Github Classroom roster ID is your NetID.
Cloning the repository
Once you have connected to the Github classroom assignment, you should clone
repository. On the repository page, look for the green “Code” button, copy the repository
URL and then, from a terminal do:
git clone <<URL>>
For team projects, you can coordinate your code changes using git
. The most
important git
commands you will need for this course are: git pull
git add
, git commit
, and git push
. See the git
documentation for
more information about how to use them.
Submit your files Gradescope
Course projects will be submitted via Gradescope.
Each project will be accompanied by a Makefile
with a zip
target that will build a (time stamped) zip file suitable for submission to gradescope. For example, in HW1, you would do:
> make zip
zip 'hw1-submit-(<TIMESTAMP>).zip' bin/ test/
adding: bin/ (deflated 69%)
adding: test/ (deflated 39%)
The result is a file called hw1-submit(<TIMESTAMP>).zip, which you should upload to Gradescope.
Most of the materials and assignments for this module have been adapted, with permission, from the U.Penn’s CIS341 by Steve Zdancewic.