General Information

J.P. Singh (jps at cs dot princeton dot edu) (office hours: by appointment)Robert S. Fish (rfish at cs dot princeton dot edu) (office hours: Wednesdays at 5:00pm in Corwin 037)
Graduate TA
Samyak Gupta (samyakg at princeton dot edu) (office hours: by appointment)UCAs
Aleka MilojevicLuke Shannon
Nicholas Hovsmith
Rohan Jinturkar
Required Books
Pritzker, Yan. Inventing Bitcoin. 2019.Recommended Books
Narayanan, A., Bonneau, J., Felten, E., Miller, A., and Goldfeder, S. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies. 2016.Voshmgir, S. Token Economy. 2019.
Ammous, S. The Bitcoin Standard. 2018.
Meeting time and place
Wednesday 1:30-4:20PM, Robertson Hall 002.Attendance is required. No more than one absence will be permitted.
Further Help
The TAs will be assisting in completing assignments one and two. Professor Fish will be assisting with the midterm report and final project. In lieu of regular precepts, office hours will be available for assistance.
This course serves as an introduction to the fast-developing world of Web3, focused on the applications of blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and decentralization through technology.
Students will learn about blockchains and the decentralization of trust and power through technology, launch a cryptocurrency token, and build an application on a blockchain. We will also discuss applications, ethical implications, and policy questions around decentralization.
Weekly meetings may include a topical lecture, a guest speaker, and a class discussion. In some weeks students may be asked to prepare and give a presentation or a short talk.
- Component Points
- Class Participation 60
Class Reflections
10 each
- Drop four lowest
- Assignment 1 40
- Assignment 2 100
- Presentation 100
- Midterm Proposal 100
- Final Deliverable 250
The penalty for late work is 10% per day late. Three "late day penalty waivers" are given to each student. In a group assignment, all members of a group will need to use a late day waiver if work is turned in late (or receive a penalty).
No work can be turned in after Dean's Date.
Make sure you do the readings and assignments before the class next by which they are listed.
Readings are essential to this class. Without them you will be lost in the class discussions. Treat them as seriously as any other assignment.
In addition, there will be a short class reflection due after each session. These are due on Friday following the Wednesday session at 11:59pm (but we recommend that you do them shortly after each session). You should write about the lecture given that week or, if there was a guest speaker, the talk given by that speaker. Each writeup should be one page in length. It should include:
- A key message that you found interesting and not so obvious that you took away from the talk.
- Something in the talk that you disagreed with, or you feel is controversial, and why.
The schedule is subject to change.
- Date
- Session
- Jan 26
- Introduction to Web3 and Decentralization
- Feb 02
History of Money | Blockchains and Bitcoin
Guest Speaker: Muneeb Ali
Read: Inventing Bitcoin (book)
- Feb 09
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies I
Guest Speaker: Muneeb Ali
Turn In: Assignment One (on canvas)
Read: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies ch.1
Recommended: "But how does Bitcoin work?" by Grant Sanderson (3blue1brown)
- Feb 16
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies II
Read: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies ch.2
Recommended: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies ch.3
Recommended: Defining the Web3 Stack
- Feb 23
Smart Contracts
Guest Speaker: Emilie Choi
Recommended: Smart contracts in Ethereum
Recommended: Learning Solidity
Recommended: Ethereum Whitepaper
- Mar 02
Wallets and Custody
Guest Speaker: Wences Casares
Turn In: Assignment Two (on canvas)
Recommended: Bitcoin Wallets developer guide
Recommended: Defining the Web3 Stack
- Mar 09
- Spring Recess
- Mar 16
Guest Speaker: Max Branzburg
Guest Speaker: Ouriel O'Hayun
Read: Wallets Devguide
Recommended: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies ch.4
- Mar 23
DeFi & Stablecoins
Guest Speaker: Morgan Beller
Guest Speaker: Tycho Onnasch
Turn In: Midterm Report
Read: Decentralized Finance: On Blockchain- and Smart Contract-Based Financial Markets
Read: Stablecoins: The quest for a low- volatility cryptocurrency
Recommended: Stability in Volatile Markets
- Mar 30
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
Guest Speaker: Jake Sally
Read: Technical Deep Dive Into and Implementation of Non-Fungible Tokens in a Practical Setting
Read: NFTs, explained
Recommended: Ethereum NFTs
Recommended: 2021 NFT Year in Review
Recommended: Altpress
- Apr 06
Identity, Anonymity, and Pseudonymity
Guest Speaker: Nader al-Naji
- Apr 13
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)
Guest Speaker: Ron Boger
Guest Speaker: Ori Shimony
Read: The Future of Work is Not Corporate — It’s DAOs and Crypto Networks
Read: How to Solana — Chapter 5: DAOs & Governance
Recommended: Report of Investigation Pursuant to Section 21(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934: The DAO
- Apr 20
- Policy and Regulation
- Apr 27
- Reading Week; reserve class time for potential invited speaker
- May 03
Dean's Date
Turn In: Final Project
Interesting Readings
Why it's too early to get excited about Web3Papers and Articles
Nakamoto, S. "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," 2008.Chaum, D. "Security without Identification: Transaction Systems to Make Big Brother Obsolete," Communications of the ACM, 28(70), 1985.
Open Zeppelin (reusable smart contracts that could be helpful for final projects)US Security and Exchange Commission on Initial Coin Offerings
Stacks NFT Tutorial (Clarity)Frequently Asked Questions
May I partner with someone?
In some circumstances, yes. We will let you know when partnering is appropriate.
Will taking this course enable me to accumulate a crypto fortune?
A wise person once said that the quickest way to a $1 million fortune was to start with a $5 million fortune and then trade speculatively.