COS 126 Exercises and Readings

2/6 Hello, World King, Chapters 1, 2
2/6 C Basics King, Chapter 3-6
2/11 Functions King, 9.1-9.5
2/11 Unix Unix notes
2/13 Arrays King, Chapter 8
2/13 Structures King, 16.1-16.3, Sedgewick, 69-80
2/20 Numbers King, Chapter 7
2/20 ADTs King Chapter 10, 303-308, 419-424, Sedgewick 127-149, 153-170
2/25 Recursion King 9.6, Sedgewick 187-212
2/25 Boolean Logic Boolean logic notes
3/5 PostScript  
3/19 TOY TOY notes
3/19 Sequential Circuits  
3/26 Pointers King Chapter 11, 12.1-12.3
3/26 Linked Lists King 17.1-17.5, 425-426, Sedgewick 3.3, 3.4
3/31 Binary Trees Sedgewick 217-222, 5.5-5.7
3/31 Binary Search Trees Sedgewick 12.0-12.6
3/31 Strings King 13.1-13.5, Sedgewick 108-114
4/2 FSAs/REs FSA and RE notes
4/2 Grammar Grammar notes
4/16 Analysis of Algorithms Sedgewick 27-64
4/16 Sorting Sedgewick 253-258, 303-309, 335-342, 477-508
4/19 NP-completeness Computability and intractability notes
4/23 Java  

Here are the additional architecture questions and answers. Here are the additional practice language questions alluded to in the document Models of Computation.

Here are some additional review questions and answers.

You are responsible for learning this material in a timely fashion. Doing so will help you learn more from the programming assignments, lectures, and precepts. Tests will be closed book, and several questions will be drawn from these exercises. Do the reading and try the exercises without looking at the answers. Come to precept with questions about problems that you encounter. You are encouraged to collaborate with others in the class on this material. Do not hand in solutions.

Any changes or corrections to the exercises will be noted in the course announcements. You are responsible for the information in the (most up to date) electronic versions.