What's a Checklist?

The programming assignments in the course packet specify the general programming assignment. However, you should consult the assignment checklist to determine exactly which files to submit and which output to include (as this changes from semester to semester). The checklists usually supply extra hints or clarifications. Also, we include links to any preliminary code provided in the course packet (enhanced with comments).

Not much to say for Assignment 0, but be sure to submit it. If you don't, the rest of your assignments will not get graded. Part of Assignment 0 is to fill out the questionnaire on the Announcements page.


The goal of this "assignment" is to make sure that you can

  • Surf the Web.

  • Login to your arizona account.

  • Write a C program using emacs.

  • Compile a C program using gcc.

  • Submit your assignment electronically.

  • Using Unix

  • The instructions in the course packet on how to find the "Terminal" are out-of-date. Instead, click the right mouse button in an empty area of the display, choose "Programs" and then select "Terminal."

  • Using Unix machines is in many ways similar to using home PCs. However, you should never turn on or off a Unix machine. If your machine hangs, ask a lab assistant for instruction.

  • Learn to manage your files in "directories." These are the analog of "Folders" in Windows.

  • Part 1   (writing hello.c)

  • The Assignment 0 handout is designed to get started in the CS 101 lab. You will need to modify the instructions in order to work from home. For example, from a telnet session you will not get the GUI (graphical user interface) referred to in the handout. As a result, you should omit the "&" from commands like "emacs hello.c &" since you will not be able to open new windows.

  • Use the editor emacs or xemacs. At first, emacs will seem awkward, but soon you will find this to be the most productive environment for writing and debugging C code.

  • Part 2    (compiling)

  • Compile your program with the gcc compiler using
    gcc hello.c
  • Submission
  • Use the following submit command:
    /u/cs126/bin/submit 0 hello.c
    Do not use different file names.

  • There is no need to submit a readme file for this assignment.

  • Kevin Wayne