Princeton University
COS 217: Introduction to Programming Systems

Assignment 4: Assembly Language Programming and Testing


The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn about ARMv8 computer architecture, ARMv8 assembly language programming, and testing strategies. It also will give you the opportunity to learn more about the GNU/Linux programming tools, especially bash, emacs, gcc, gdb, and gprof.

The assignment consists of two parts, each of which has subparts. We encourage you to complete Part 1 by the end of the first week of the assignment period.

A similar assignment was given in past semesters. Since the switch to the ARMv8 architecture and assembly language, students reported taking, on average, 21.5 hours to complete the assignment — certainly a serious undertaking! (But note that this is the first term in which this is a partnered assignment.)


You may work with one partner on this assignment. You need not work with a partner, but we prefer that you do. Your preceptor will help you with your partner search, if you so desire.

Part 2f, as defined below, is the "challenge" part of this assignment. While doing the challenge part of the assignment, you are bound to observe the course policies regarding assignment conduct as given in the course Policies web page, plus one additional policy: you may not use any "human" sources of information. That is, you may not consult with the course's staff members, the lab teaching assistants, other current students via Piazza, or any other people while working on the challenge part of an assignment, except for clarification of requirements.

The challenge part is worth 10 percent of this assignment. So if you don't do any of the challenge part and all other parts of your assignment solution are perfect and submitted on time, then your grade for the assignment will be 90 percent.

The Procedure

Develop on armlab. Use emacs to create source code. Use gdb to debug.

The armlab /u/cos217/Assignment4 directory contains files that you will find useful. Subsequent parts of this document describe them. Create a project directory, and copy all files from the /u/cos217/Assignment4 directory to your project directory.

Then complete the parts of the assignment given below, in the order of their appearance.

Do not use a C compiler to produce any of your assembly language code. Do not reference assembly code generated by a C compiler for the programs that you must produce. Doing so would be considered academically dishonest. Instead produce your assembly language code manually.

We encourage you to develop "flattened" C code (as described in lectures and precepts) to bridge the gap between the given "normal" C code and your assembly language code. Using flattened C code as a bridge can eliminate logic errors from your assembly language code, leaving only the possibility of translation errors.

We also encourage you to use your flattened C code as comments in your assembly language code. Such comments can clarify your assembly language code substantially.

Part 1: A Word Counting Program in Assembly Language

Part 1a: Translate to Assembly Language

The GNU toolset contains a program named wc (word count). In its simplest form, wc reads characters from stdin until end-of-file, and writes to stdout a count of how many lines, words, and characters it has read. A word is a sequence of characters that is delimited by one or more white space characters.

Consider some examples. In the following, a space is shown as s and a newline character as n.

If the file named proverb contains these characters:


then the command:

$ wc < proverb

writes this line to stdout:

      5      12      82

If the file proverb2 contains these characters:


(note that the last "line" does not end with a newline character) then the command:

$ wc < proverb2

writes this line to stdout:

      4      12      83

The given mywc.c file contains a C program that implements the subset of the wc command described above. Translate that program into ARMv8 assembly language, thus creating a file named mywc.s. Your mywc.s program must be an accurate translation of mywc.c. In particular, note that the given mywc.c program uses global variables, and so your mywc.s must use global variables too. That is, your mywc.s program must store data in the DATA and/or BSS sections. Your assembly language program must behave exactly the same (i.e. must write exactly the same characters to stdout) as the given C program does.

Part 1b: Test

Compose data files that, when read by your mywc.s program, perform boundary tests, statement tests, and stress tests of that program. Name each test file such that its prefix is mywc and its suffix is .txt. Thus, the command ls mywc*.txt must display the names of all test files, and only those files.

Note that the logic implemented by your mywc.s program must be identical to the logic implemented by the given mywc.c program. So, for the sake of simplicity, let's assume that any test file that boundary/statement/stress tests mywc.c also boundary/statement/stress tests mywc.s.

Describe your test files in your readme file. Your descriptions must have this structure:

You may submit as many test files as you want. However at most three of your test files may be large, and a large test file must contain no more than 50000 characters and no more than 1000 lines. It would be difficult for your grader to scroll through a test file that exceeds those limits.

To test your mywc.s program, make sure that it writes the same output as mywc.c does when given each your test files as input. The given testmywc and testmywcdiff are Bash shell scripts that automate your testing. Comments at the beginning of those files describe how to use them. After copying the scripts to your project directory, you may need to execute the commands chmod 700 testmywc and chmod 700 testmywcdiff to give them "executable" permissions.

Part 2: Beat the Compiler


Many programming environments contain modules to handle high-precision integer arithmetic. For example, the Java Development Kit (JDK) contains the BigDecimal and BigInteger classes.

The Fibonacci numbers are used often in computer science. See for some background information. Note in particular that Fibonacci numbers can be very large integers.

This part of the assignment asks you to use assembly language to compose a minimal but fast high-precision integer arithmetic module, and use it to compute large Fibonacci numbers.

Part 2a: Add BigInt Objects Using C Code

Suppose you must compute Fibonacci number 250000, that is, fib(250000)...

You are given a C program that computes Fibonacci numbers. It consists of two modules: a client and a BigInt ADT.

The client consists of the file fib.c. The client accepts an integer x as a command-line argument, where x must be a non-negative integer. The client computes and writes fib(x) to stdout as a hexadecimal number. Then it writes to stderr the amount of CPU time consumed while performing the computation. Finally the client performs some boundary condition and stress tests, writing the results to stdout. The client module delegates most of the work to BigInt objects.

The BigInt ADT performs high precision integer arithmetic. It is a minimal ADT; essentially it implements only an "add" operation. The BigInt ADT consists of four files:

Study the given code. Then build a fib program consisting of the files fib.c, bigint.c, and bigintadd.c, with no optimizations (that is, without the -D NDEBUG option and without the -O option, as described below). Run the program to compute fib(250000). In your readme file note the amount of CPU time consumed.

Part 2b: Add BigInt Objects Using C Code Built with Compiler Optimization

Suppose you decide that the amount of CPU time consumed is unacceptably large. You decide to command the compiler to optimize the code that it produces...

Build the fib program using optimization. Specifically, build with the -D NDEBUG option so the preprocessor disables the assert macro, and with the -O (that's an upper case "oh") option so the compiler generates optimized code. Run the resulting program to compute fib(250000). In your readme file note the amount of CPU time consumed.

Part 2c: Profile the Code

Suppose you decide that the amount of CPU time consumed still is too large. You decide to investigate by doing a gprof analysis to determine which functions are consuming the most time...

Perform a gprof analysis of the executable binary file from Part 2b. Save the textual report in a file named performance. Don't delete the file; as described later in this document, you must submit that file.

Part 2d: Add BigInt Objects Using Assembly Language Code

Suppose, not surprisingly, your gprof analysis shows that most CPU time is spent executing the BigInt_add function. In an attempt to gain speed, you decide to code the BigInt_add function manually in assembly language...

Manually translate the C code in the bigintadd.c file into ARMv8 assembly language, thus creating the file bigintadd.s. Do not translate the code in other files into assembly language.

Your assembly language code must store all parameters and local variables defined in the BigInt_larger and BigInt_add functions in memory, on the stack.

Note that assert is a parameterized macro, not a function. (See Section 14.3 of the King book for a description of parameterized macros.) So assembly language code cannot call assert. When translating bigintadd.c to assembly language, simply pretend that the calls of assert are not in the C code.

Use .equ directives to avoid "magic numbers." In particular, in bigintadd.s use .equ directives to give meaningful names to:

Build a fib program consisting of the files fib.c, bigint.c, and bigintadd.s using the -D NDEBUG and -O options. Run the program to compute fib(x) for various values of x, and make sure it writes the same output to stdout as the program built from C code does.

It's error prone to compare the output of the two programs manually. Instead use the diff command. Commands such as these are appropriate:

gcc217 fib.c bigint.c bigintadd.c -o fibc
gcc217 -D NDEBUG -O fib.c bigint.c bigintadd.s -o fibs
fibc somepositiveinteger > file1
fibs somepositiveinteger > file2
diff file1 file2
rm file1
rm file2

If and only if the diff command generates no output, then the contents of file1 and file2 are the same. Similarly, using the diff command is appropriate in subsequent steps of this assignment.

The output generated by the diff command can be difficult to understand. If you have trouble understanding it, then one course of action is to study the man page for diff (which isn't particularly helpful) or the GNU Comparing and Merging Files website.

Another course of action is to widen your terminal window and then issue the diff command with the -y option. When given the -y option diff writes complete side-by-side listings of the two given files, and marks lines that differ. Section 2.3 of the GNU Comparing and Merging Files website will help you to interpret the marks.

The given simple.c file defines a client of the BigInt module that is much simpler than the client defined by fib.c. If your bigintadd.s implementation is failing tests performed by the fib.c client, then you might find it helpful to debug using the simple.c client.

Finally, run the program to compute fib(250000). In your readme file note the amount of CPU time consumed.

Part 2e: Add BigInt Objects Using Optimized Assembly Language Code

Suppose, to your horror, you discover that you have taken a step backward: the CPU time consumed by your assembly language code is approximately the same as that of the non-optimized compiler-generated code! So you decide to optimize your assembly language code...

Manually optimize your assembly language code in bigintadd.s, thus creating the file bigintaddopt.s. Specifically, perform this optimization:

Use .equ directives to give meaningful names to:

Use .req directives to give meaningful names to:

Build a fib program consisting of the files fib.c, bigint.c, and bigintaddopt.s using the -D NDEBUG and -O options. Run the program to compute fib(x) for various values of x, and make sure it writes the same output to stdout as the program built from C code does. Finally, run the program to compute fib(250000). In your readme file note the amount of CPU time consumed.

If your bigintaddopt.s implementation is failing tests performed by the fib.c client, then you might find it helpful to debug using the simple.c client.

Can you write assembly language code that is approximately as fast as the optimized code that the compiler generates? That is, can you approximately tie the compiler?

Part 2f: Add BigInt Objects Using Highly Optimized Assembly Language Code

Finally, suppose you decide to optimize your assembly language code even further, moving away from a statement-by-statement translation of C code into assembly language...

Further optimize your assembly language code in bigintaddopt.s, thus creating the file bigintaddoptopt.s. Specifically, perform these optimizations:

Feel free to implement any additional optimizations you want. You are not limited to the subset of ARMv8 assembly language covered in COS 217 lectures and precepts. However, your BigInt_add function must be a general-purpose function for adding two given BigInt objects; the function cannot be specific to the task of adding two Fibonacci numbers to generate a third Fibonacci number. In other words, your function must work with the given fib.c client.

This part is challenging. We will not think unkindly of you if you decide not to do it.

Build a fib program consisting of the files fib.c, bigint.c, and bigintaddoptopt.s using the -D NDEBUG and -O options. Run the program to compute fib(x) for various values of x, and make sure it writes the same output to stdout as the program built from C code does. Finally, run the program to compute fib(250000). In your readme file note the amount of CPU time consumed.

If your bigintaddoptopt.s implementation is failing tests performed by the fib.c client, then you might find it helpful to debug using the simple.c client.

Can you beat the compiler?

The Procedure: Finishing Up

Edit your copy of the given readme file by answering each question that is expressed therein.

One of the sections of the readme file requires you to list the authorized sources of information that you used to complete the assignment. Another section requires you to list the unauthorized sources of information that you used to complete the assignment. Your grader will not grade your submission unless you have completed those sections. To complete the authorized sources section of your readme file, copy the list of authorized sources given in the Policies web page to that section, and edit it as appropriate.

Provide the instructors with your feedback on the assignment. To do that, issue this command: 4

and answer the questions that it asks. That command stores its questions and your answers in a file named feedback in your working directory.

Submit your work electronically on armlab using these commands:

submit 4 mywc.s
submit 4 mywc*.txt
submit 4 performance
submit 4 bigintadd.s
submit 4 bigintaddopt.s
submit 4 bigintaddoptopt.s
submit 4 readme feedback

If you worked with a partner, create a partner file indicating your partner's netid and submit it:

touch netid.partner
submit 4 netid.partner

Program Style

Comments in your assembly language code are especially important. Each assembly language function — especially the main function — must have a comment with the same information previous assignments have expected for a C function comment. Local comments within your assembly language functions are equally important. Comments copied from corresponding flattened C code are particularly helpful.


Minimal requirement to receive credit for the "Translate to Assembly Language" (Part 1a) implementation:

Minimal requirement to receive credit for the "Add BigInt Objects Using Assembly Language Code" (Part 2d) implementation:

Minimal requirement to receive credit for the "Add BigInt Objects Using Optimized Assembly Language Code" (Part 2e) implementation:

Minimal requirement to receive credit for the "Add BigInt Objects Using Highly Optimized Assembly Language Code" (Part 2f) implementation:

We will grade your work on two kinds of quality:

To encourage good coding practices, we will deduct points if gcc217 generates warning messages.

Testing is a substantial aspect of the assignment. At least 10 percent of the grade will be based upon your mywc test plan as described in your readme file and as implemented by your data files.

Your grade for Part 2f will be based upon:

This assignment was written by Robert M. Dondero, Jr.,
based in part upon suggestions from Andrew Appel.