Here is how to be a scribe:
Prepare the notes into a latex document (including figures, if appropriate) using this latex template. If you are new to latex, you can look at the raw latex that was used to generate the scribe notes for lecture #1 (and here is a figure called generic-ml.pdf that gets included by that file). Information about latex is available, for instance, here and here. Small latex tip: variables representing vectors, such as x, should be typeset in bold (for instance, using $\mathbf{x}$), not as variables with an arrow on top; the individual elements of such a vector are written in italics, for instance, xi (produced using $x_i$).
You can sign up to reserve a date to be the scribe by catching me after class or by sending me email. Or, you can wait and volunteer at the beginning of class on a day when no one has signed up.