COS 320: Compiling Techniques, Spring 2019

HW2: X86lite

Due: Tuesday, March 5 at 11:59pm


Submit on TigerFile

X86Lite Specification

Author: Steve Zdancevic


In this project you will implement an assembler and simulator for a small, idealized subset of the X86-64 platform that will serve as the target language for the compilers we build in later projects. This project will continue to help get you up to speed with OCaml programming -- we'll need a few more constructs not used in HW1. You will also implement a non-trivial assembly-language program by hand to familiarize yourself with the workings of the X86 architecture.
Note: You may work alone or in pairs for this project.

Getting Started

To get started, download the project source files (and, if you use Eclipse, create a project whose executable is main.native or main.byte). The files included in are briefly described below. Those marked with * are the only ones you should need to modify while completing this assignment.
Note: You need to add the nums library (which provides the Big_int implementation) to compile this project. If you use OCamlBuild manually, you can compile the project from the command line by doing ocamlbuild -lib nums main.native The provided Makefile is appropriately configured.
Makefile          - builds main.native, also supports targets 'test' and 'zip'

util/ - the assertion framework    - graded test cases that we provide           - the main test harness

/x86/x86.mli      - the X86lite interface 
/x86/       - the X86lite instruction set implementation - library for working with int64 values

*     - where your interpreter and assembler code (Parts I and II) should go
*  - where your submitted test cases (Part III) should go

Part I: The Simulator

X86lite assembly code is organized into labeled blocks of instructions, which might be written in concrete syntax as shown below.
	subq	$8, %rsp
	cmpq	$1, %rdi
	jle	exit
	movq	%rdi, (%rsp)
	decq	%rdi
	callq	fac
	imulq	(%rsp), %rax
	addq	$8, %rsp
	movq	$1, %rax
	addq	$8, %rsp
	.globl	main
	movq	$5, %rdi
	callq	fac
This code has three blocks, labeled fac, exit, and main. The code at labels fac and exit implements a recursive version of the familiar factorial function. The code at main calls factorial with the immediate value 5.

In this part of the project you will implement a simulator for the X86lite platform, but rather than using the concrete syntax shown above, you will execute programs that have been converted to machine code and layed out in the memory of an idealized X86lite machine:

[| ...
   InsB0 (Subq,  [Imm (Lit 8L); Reg Rsp]);  InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (Cmpq,  [Imm (Lit 1L); Reg Rdi]);  InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (J Le,  [Imm (Lit 72L)]);          InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (Movq,  [Reg Rdi;      Ind2 Rsp]); InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (Decq,  [Reg Rdi]);                InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (Callq, [Imm (Lit 0L)]);           InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (Imulq, [Ind2 Rsp;     Reg Rax]);  InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (Addq,  [Imm (Lit 8L); Reg Rsp]);  InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (Retq,  []);                       InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (Movq,  [Imm (Lit 1L); Reg Rax]);  InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (Addq,  [Imm (Lit 8L); Reg Rsp]);  InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (Retq,  []);                       InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (Movq,  [Imm (Lit 5L); Reg Rdi]);  InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (Callq, [Imm (Lit 0L)]);           InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
   InsB0 (Retq,  []);                       InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag; InsFrag
This is just an OCaml array of sbytes, "symbolic" bytes where InsB0 represents the first byte of an instruction and seven subsequent InsFrags represent the remaining seven bytes. While in a real machine each fragment would encode meaningful information about the instructions, this approach hides the details of a specific encoding and aids in debugging. The actual encoding of X86 instructions in particular is notoriously complicated, and as we mentioned in class, variable in length. We will assume a fixed-length, 8-byte encoding of X86lite for our simulator, representing instructions in memory as sbytes. Fetching and decoding an instruction will simply involve reading the contents of its first byte, ignoring the following InsFrags.

The OCaml datatype used for instructions is defined in the provided, and the X86Lite Specification gives the full details about the meaning of each instruction.

Read (or at least skim) the X86Lite Specification now. You might want to correlate the various parts of the X86lite machine with the datatypes defined in
The X86lite specification is written from the point of view of actual X86 hardware, except for the behavior of labels, which are "resolved" by another program, the assembler (and linker/loader). Your simulator can assume that this has already been done, so instruction operands will not contain labels. In the memory image for the factorial example above, you can see that calls using the label fac and jumps using exit have been replaced with literal immediate operands OL and 72L.

Our ML-level interpreter's representation of the X86lite machine state is given by the following type:

type flags = { mutable fo : bool
             ; mutable fs : bool
             ; mutable fz : bool

type regs = quad array

type mem = sbyte array

type mach = { flags : flags
            ; regs : regs
            ; mem : mem
The memory and register files are simulated by OCaml-level (mutable) arrays of sbytes and quads (OCaml 64-bit integers), respectively. The three condition flags are mutable boolean fields; all of the state is bundled together in a record (see IOC Chapter 8.1 for more about OCaml's record types). The main differences between the interpreter and the environment in which real X86 programs are executed include:

Provided Code


Complete the implementation in the file, some parts of which are given to you. We recommend that you do things in this order:


We will grade this part of the assignment based on a suite of tests. Some of them are available for you to look at in, the rest of them we reserve for our own cases. We will also stress-test your interpreter on a number of "big" programs (see Part III) that we have developed and that your classmates will develop as part of this project.

To help other teams debug their interpreters, you are encouraged to share "microbenchmark" test cases by posting them to the indicated thread on Piazza. These should be short (2-3 instruction) programs that test various functional aspects of the interpreter. We will not use these tests in our grading. You may add such test cases to the test suite defined in

Part II: X86lite Assembler and Loader

Writing machine code directly is difficult and error-prone, even using our symbolic representation of instructions. The example factorial program in the previous section is written as a set of instructions for an assembler, a program that can automate much of the process for us. The primary functionality of the assembler for the purposes of this project includes the translation of human-readable mnemonics for instructions into machine code, and the translation of symbolic labels that appear in the assembly program into addresses understood by the machine.

Rather than working with a concrete syntax as in the above example, we will use the abstract syntax defined in

[ text "fac"
       [ Subq,  [~$8; ~%Rsp]
       ; Cmpq,  [~$1; ~%Rdi]
       ; J Le,  [~$$"exit"]
       ; Movq,  [~%Rdi; Ind2 Rsp]
       ; Decq,  [~%Rdi]
       ; Callq, [~$$"fac"]
       ; Imulq, [Ind2 Rsp; ~%Rax]
       ; Addq,  [~$8; ~%Rsp]
       ; Retq,  []
; text "exit"
       [ Movq,  [~$1; ~%Rax]
       ; Addq,  [~$8; ~%Rsp]
       ; Retq,  [] 
; gtext "main"
       [ Movq,  [~$n; ~%Rdi]
       ; Callq, [~$$"fac"]
       ; Retq,  []

As you can see, the correspondence between the abstract syntax and the concrete syntax is quite close. The file and its corresponding interface x86.mli together provide the basic definitions for the creating and manipulating X86lite abstract syntax -- the main types you should be aware of are lbl, reg, operand, cnd, ins, and. Each of these corresponds fairly directly to a concept from the X86lite spec.

In addition to the instructions covered in the spec, X86lite assembly programs can contain label declarations and data consisting of either 64-bit words or zero-terminated strings. Each label declaration also has a visibility modifier, though these will only be used in later projects. X86lite assembly programs are represented using the following types defined in

type data = Asciz of string
          | Quad of imm

type asm = Text of ins list
         | Data of data list

type elem = { lbl: lbl; global: bool; asm: asm }

type prog = elem list

The elem type represents a section of an assembly program beginning with a label that contains either a list of instructions or a list of data. Each piece of data in a data section is a 64-bit value or a string. We can access the contents of each of these sections via offsets from their associated labels. X86lite assembly programs are lists of labeled elem blocks.

Your goal in this part of the assignment is to translate an X86.prog into an initial machine state that can be executed by your simulator. While this is not the simplest way to execute an X86lite program, it is meant to illustrate some of what the system assembler, linker, and loader will do to the assembly your compiler will generate in future projects.

This part of the project will involve serializing instructions and data into sbytes, laying out the program in memory, resolving labels to addresses, and initializing the machine state. We can split this into two phases, assembling and loading. The assembler will do most of the work, outputting an executable that the loader will use to generate an initial machine state:

type exec = { entry    : quad
            ; text_pos : quad
            ; data_pos : quad
            ; text_seg : sbyte list
            ; data_seg : sbyte list
An executable contains the following fields:

Unlike an assembly program represented as an X86.prog, an object file has a single, contiguous segment of memory containing instructions and a single contiguous segment containing data. This is not strictly necessary to execute the program, but real systems often keep executable code in sections of memory that are guaranteed to be read-only by the virtual memory system for security purposes. Also, our executables contain neither declarations nor uses of labels. The provided functions to convert instructions and data to sbytes guarantee this invariant.

Executable File Specification

We will require very specific output from your assembler and loader. Though programs may still execute correctly using other layouts, uniform outputs are necessary for testing purposes. The text_seg and data_seg fields of the executable should consist of the serialized contents of the Text and Data sections of the assembly program in the order that they appear, without any extra padding or extraneous sbytes. Use the supplied sbytes_of_ins and sbytes_of_data functions. The text_pos field must be exactly 0x400000, the lowest addressable byte in the simulator. The data_pos field must contain the address immediately following the end of the text segment in memory. The entry field must contain the address of the first instruction after the label "main" in the assembly program.

The assemble function should raise an Undefined_symbol excpetion if it encounters a label that is not declared in the source program, or if "main" is not declared.

Loader Specification and Memory Layout

The load function should initialize a machine state given an executable file by copying the contents of text_seg and data_seg to the load addresses specified in text_pos and data_pos. It should initialize the instruction pointer to the address in entry, and the stack pointer to the highest legal memory address of our simulator. The contents of memory at the highest address should be the sentinel exit_addr.


Part III: X86lite Assembly Programming

For this part of the assignment, you will create (by hand) a non-trivial X86lite assembly program to test your interpreter's behavior and gain some experience programming in X86lite. The factorial program supplied with the test code is an example of what we mean by "non-trivial" -- only test cases of roughly this level of difficulty can earn full credit. In particular, your program should include:

Some good candidates for such programs include: simple sorting or searching algorithms (i.e. treat some chunk of memory as an array of values to be sorted), simple arithmetic algorithms such as GCD, recursive functions over integers or very simple data structures such as linked lists. If you are unsure whether the test case you'd like to implement is sufficient, contact one of the course staff.

Your test should be a function of type unit -> unit that works in the assertion framework (as defined in This test should be supplied in as the "Student-Provided Big Test for Part III". We will hand grade this submission (and test it against our own interpreter). We will also use all correct submitted tests to validate all of the other projects in the course -- the trickier your test is, the harder it will be for other teams to pass it!

Unlike the "microbenchmark" tests from Part I, you should not post your big test to Piazza.


Projects that do not compile will receive no credit!

Your team's grade for this project will be based on: