rank | nickname | puzzles solved | last puzzle solved (seconds) |
2 | Testing Different Optimizations | 31/31 | 0.32 |
3 | Yazan entered the chat. Zucc has left the chat | 31/31 | 0.84 |
4 | fishy_code | 31/31 | 1.06 |
5 | Arthur | 31/31 | 1.79 |
6 | Schrodinger's Uncertainty Principle | 31/31 | 2.00 |
7 | klim | 31/31 | 3.40 |
8 | floatersandboaters | 31/31 | 3.67 |
9 | Not fast, just furious | 31/31 | 3.68 |
10 | The REAL Bob Sedgewick | 31/31 | 3.78 |
11 | jdawg | 31/31 | 5.00 |
12 | slowComputer | 31/31 | 5.08 |
13 | dingdongbingbong | 31/31 | 5.52 |
14 | Bare Minimum | 31/31 | 5.99 |
15 | ||||||||||| | 31/31 | 6.39 |
16 | it really do be like that sometimes | 31/31 | 6.73 |
17 | yeetyeet2020 | 31/31 | 9.29 |
18 | dp | 30/31 | 2.19 |
19 | l8dayz | 30/31 | 9.27 |
20 | Not Me | 30/31 | 9.59 |
21 | i <3 cos | 30/31 | 12.81 |
22 | pineapple | 29/31 | 4.48 |
23 | feeelie | 29/31 | 4.57 |
24 | Jeff Bezos's child | 29/31 | 5.51 |
25 | Man in the mirror | 29/31 | 5.70 |
26 | <insert funny name> | 29/31 | 6.40 |
27 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1671\cocoasubrtf20 | 29/31 | 6.77 |
28 | OoOoOoOoOoO | 29/31 | 7.05 |
29 | suhyun | 29/31 | 7.22 |
30 | bobby | 29/31 | 7.32 |
31 | Heisenberg's Wave Equation | 29/31 | 7.34 |
32 | p130 | 29/31 | 7.55 |
33 | this totally isn't late at all | 29/31 | 7.66 |
34 | Alicia is not as good as Allen in pool | 29/31 | 8.00 |
35 | sedgewick-realortrue? | 29/31 | 8.26 |
36 | lester | 29/31 | 8.46 |
37 | hillelk | 29/31 | 8.48 |
38 | hm | 29/31 | 8.56 |
39 | yay | 29/31 | 8.72 |
40 | This ain't it Chief... | 29/31 | 8.75 |
41 | who gon stop me huh? - yeezy | 29/31 | 8.80 |
42 | cosLegend.rar | 29/31 | 8.90 |
43 | ChristineChoFanClub | 29/31 | 8.94 |
44 | Glory Glory Manchester United | 29/31 | 8.96 |
45 | COS Assignment just took us too longgg | 29/31 | 9.00 |
46 | ADayInTheLife | 29/31 | 9.25 |
47 | Maximillian Walther | 29/31 | 9.47 |
48 | rickyboi | 29/31 | 9.48 |
49 | coders 4 lyfe | 29/31 | 9.78 |
50 | this is better than my regression | 29/31 | 9.96 |
51 | Don't forget Kevin Wayne! | 29/31 | 10.04 |
52 | Sunny Salamander | 29/31 | 10.50 |
53 | LongFinger | 29/31 | 11.01 |
54 | cruise princeton women's water polo game saturday | 29/31 | 11.30 |
55 | monky | 29/31 | 11.56 |
56 | late day | 29/31 | 11.71 |
57 | two halves of a whole idiot | 29/31 | 11.73 |
58 | submitting for fun :) | 29/31 | 12.01 |
59 | >_< | 29/31 | 12.84 |
60 | untitled | 29/31 | 14.95 |
61 | a hopeless, unoptimized solver | 28/31 | 1.49 |
62 | spicyfriedrice | 28/31 | 1.59 |
63 | Gauss House | 28/31 | 1.92 |
64 | kdfenganlinz | 28/31 | 2.04 |
65 | SubcribeToPewdiepie | 28/31 | 2.14 |
66 | Better Late then Never | 28/31 | 2.24 |
67 | apna time aayega | 28/31 | 2.48 |
68 | The REAL Bob Sedgewick | 28/31 | 2.48 |
69 | A* Is Born | 28/31 | 2.95 |
70 | chris | 13/31 | 0.02 |
71 | Ascendre Descendre Squaaad!! | 0/31 | 999.99 |
72 | dat boi | 0/31 | 999.99 |
73 | 0/31 | 999.99 |
Puzzles are in increasing order of difficulty; puzzle 31 is extremely challenging. The ranking is based on the number of puzzles solved, breaking ties with the amount of time to solve the last puzzle.