(** * ADT: Abstract Data Types *) Require Import Omega. (** Let's consider the concept of lookup tables, indexed by keys that are numbers, mapping those keys to values of arbitrary (parametric) type. We can express this in Coq as follows: *) Module Type TABLE. Parameter V: Type. Parameter default: V. Parameter table: Type. Definition key := nat. Parameter empty: table. Parameter get: key -> table -> V. Parameter set: key -> V -> table -> table. Axiom gempty: forall k, (* get-empty *) get k empty = default. Axiom gss: forall k v t, (* get-set-same *) get k (set k v t) = v. Axiom gso: forall j k v t, (* get-set-other *) j <> k -> get j (set k v t) = get j t. End TABLE. (** This means: in any [Module] that satisfies this [Module Type], there's a type [table] of lookup-tables, a type [V] of values, and operators [empty], [get], [set] that satisfy the axioms [gempty], [gss], and [gso]. It's easy to make an implementation of [TABLE], using [Maps]. Just for example, let's choose [V] to be [Type]. *) Require Import Maps. Module MapsTable <: TABLE. Definition V := Type. Definition default: V := Prop. Definition table := total_map V. Definition key := nat. Definition empty : table := t_empty default. Definition get (k: key) (m: table) : V := m k. Definition set (k: key) (v: V) (m: table) : table := t_update m k v. Theorem gempty: forall k, get k empty = default. Proof. intros. reflexivity. Qed. Theorem gss: forall k v t, get k (set k v t) = v. Proof. intros. unfold get, set. apply t_update_eq. Qed. Theorem gso: forall j k v t, j<>k -> get j (set k v t) = get j t. Proof. intros. unfold get, set. apply t_update_neq. congruence. Qed. End MapsTable. (** In summary: to make a [Module] that implements a [Module Type], you need to provide a [Definition] or [Theorem] in the [Module], whose type matches the corresponding [Parameter] or [Axiom] in the [Module Type]. *) (** Now, let's calculate: put 1 and then 3 into a map, then lookup 1. *) Eval compute in MapsTable.get 1 (MapsTable.set 3 unit (MapsTable.set 1 bool MapsTable.empty)). (* = bool *) (** An _Abstract Data Type_ comprises: - A _type_ with a hidden representation (in this case, [t]). - Interface functions that operate on that type ([empty], [get], [set]). - Axioms about the interaction of those functions ([gempty], [gss], [gso]). *) (** So, [MapsTable] is an implementation of the [TABLE] abstract type. The problem with [MapsTable] is that the [Maps] implementation is very inefficient: linear time per [get] operation. If you do a sequence of [N] [get] and [set] operations, it can take time quadratic in [N]. For a more efficient implementation, let's use our search trees. *) Require Import SearchTree. Module TreeTable <: TABLE. Definition V := Type. Definition default : V := Prop. Definition table := tree V. Definition key := nat. Definition empty : table := empty_tree V. Definition get (k: key) (m: table) : V := lookup V default k m. Definition set (k: key) (v: V) (m: table) : table := insert V k v m. Theorem gempty: forall k, get k empty = default. Proof. intros. reflexivity. Qed. Theorem gss: forall k v t, get k (set k v t) = v. Proof. intros. unfold get, set. destruct (unrealistically_strong_can_relate V default t) as [cts H]. assert (H0 := insert_relate V default k v t cts H). assert (H1 := lookup_relate V default k _ _ H0). rewrite H1. apply t_update_eq. Qed. (** **** Exercise: 3 stars (TreeTable_gso) *) (** Prove this using techniques similar to the proof of [gss] just above. *) Theorem gso: forall j k v t, j<>k -> get j (set k v t) = get j t. Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. (** [] *) End TreeTable. (** But suppose we don't have an unrealistically strong can-relate theorem? Remember the type of the "ordinary" can_relate: *) Check can_relate. (* : forall (V : Type) (default : V) (t : tree V), SearchTree V t -> exists cts : total_map V, Abs V default t cts *) (** This requires that [t] have the [SearchTree] property, or in general, any value of type [table] should be well-formed, that is, should satisfy the representation invariant. We must ensure that the client of an ADT cannot "forge" values, that is, cannot coerce the representation type into the abstract type; especially ill-formed values of the representation type. This "unforgeability" is enforced in some real programming languages: ML (Standard ML or Ocaml) with its module system; Java, whose Classes have "private variables" that the client cannot see. *) (* ################################################################# *) (** * A Brief Excursion into Dependent Types *) (** We can enforce the representation invariant in Coq using dependent types. Suppose [P] is a predicate on type [A], that is, [P: A -> Prop]. Suppose [x] is a value of type [A], and [proof: P x] is the name of the theorem that [x] satisfies [P]. Then [ (exist x, proof) ] is a "package" of two things: [x], along with the proof of [P(x)]. The type of [(exists x, proof)] is written as [{x | P x}]. *) Check exist. (* forall {A : Type} (P : A -> Prop) (x : A), P x -> {x | P x} *) Check proj1_sig. (* forall {A : Type} {P : A -> Prop}, {x | P x} -> A *) Check proj2_sig. (* forall (A : Type) {P : A -> Prop} (e : {x | P x}), P (proj1_sig e) *) (** We'll apply that idea to search trees. The type [A] will be [tree V]. The predicate [P(x)] will be [SearchTree(x)]. *) Module TreeTable2 <: TABLE. Definition V := Type. Definition default : V := Prop. Definition table := {x | SearchTree V x}. Definition key := nat. Definition empty : table := exist (SearchTree V) (empty_tree V) (empty_tree_SearchTree V). Definition get (k: key) (m: table) : V := (lookup V default k (proj1_sig m)). Definition set (k: key) (v: V) (m: table) : table := exist (SearchTree V) (insert V k v (proj1_sig m)) (insert_SearchTree _ _ _ _ (proj2_sig m)). Theorem gempty: forall k, get k empty = default. Proof. intros. reflexivity. Qed. Theorem gss: forall k v t, get k (set k v t) = v. Proof. intros. unfold get, set. unfold table in t. (** Now: [t] is a package with two components: The first component is a tree, and the second component is a proof that the first component has the SearchTree property. We can destruct [t] to see that more clearly. *) destruct t as [a Ha]. (* Watch what this [simpl] does: *) simpl. (* Now we can use [can_relate] instead of [unrealistically_strong_can_relate]: *) destruct (can_relate V default a Ha) as [cts H]. pose proof (insert_relate V default k v a cts H). pose proof (lookup_relate V default k _ _ H0). rewrite H1. apply t_update_eq. Qed. (** **** Exercise: 3 stars (TreeTable_gso) *) (** Prove this using techniques similar to the proof of [gss] just above; don't use [unrealistically_strong_can_relate]. *) Theorem gso: forall j k v t, j<>k -> get j (set k v t) = get j t. Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. (** [] *) End TreeTable2. (** (End of the brief excursion into dependent types.) *) (* ################################################################# *) (** * Summary of Abstract Data Type Proofs *) Section ADT_SUMMARY. Variable V: Type. Variable default: V. (** Step 1. Define a _representation invariant_. (In the case of search trees, the representation invariant is the [SearchTree] predicate.) Prove that each operation on the data type _preserves_ the representation invariant. For example: *) Check (empty_tree_SearchTree V). (* SearchTree V (empty_tree V) *) Check (insert_SearchTree V). (* forall (k : key) (v : V) (t : tree V), SearchTree V t -> SearchTree V (insert V k v t) *) (** Notice two things: Any operator (such as [insert]) that takes a [tree] _parameter_ can _assume_ that the parameter satisfies the representation invariant. That is, the [insert_SearchTree] theorem takes a premise, [SearchTree V t]. Any operator that produces a [tree] _result_ must prove that the result satisfies the representation invariant. Thus, the conclusions, [SearchTree V (empty_tree V)] and [SearchTree V (empty_tree V)] of the two theorems above. Finally, any operator that produces a result of "base type", has no obligation to prove that the result satisfies the representation invariant; that wouldn't make any sense anyway, because the types wouldn't match. That is, there's no "lookup_SearchTree" theorem, because [lookup] doesn't return a result that's a [tree]. Step 2. Define an _abstraction relation_. (In the case of search trees, it's the [Abs] relation. This relates the data structure to some mathematical value that is (presumably) simpler to reason about. *) Check (Abs V default). (* tree V -> total_map V -> Prop *) (** For each operator, prove that: assuming each [tree] argument satisfies the representation invariant _and_ the abstraction relation, prove that the results also satisfy the appropriate abstraction relation. *) Check (empty_tree_relate V default). (* Abs V default (empty_tree V) (t_empty default) *) Check (lookup_relate' V default). (* forall k t cts, SearchTree V t -> Abs V default t cts -> lookup V default k t = cts (Id k) *) Check (insert_relate' V default). (* : forall k v t cts, SearchTree V t -> Abs V default t cts -> Abs V default (insert V k v t) (t_update cts (Id k) v) *) (** Step 3. Using the representation invariant and the abstraction relation, prove that all the axioms of your ADT are valid. For example... *) Check TreeTable2.gso. (* : forall (j k : TreeTable2.key) (v : TreeTable2.V) (t : TreeTable2.table), j <> k -> TreeTable2.get j (TreeTable2.set k v t) = TreeTable2.get j t *) End ADT_SUMMARY. (* ################################################################# *) (** * Exercise in Data Abstraction *) (** The rest of this chapter is optional. *) Require Import List. Import ListNotations. (** Here's the Fibonacci function. *) Fixpoint fibonacci (n: nat) := match n with | 0 => 1 | S i => match i with 0 => 1 | S j => fibonacci i + fibonacci j end end. Eval compute in map fibonacci [0;1;2;3;4;5;6]. (** Here's a silly little program that computes the Fibonacci function. *) Fixpoint repeat {A} (f: A->A) (x: A) n := match n with O => x | S n' => f (repeat f x n') end. Definition step (al: list nat) : list nat := List.cons (nth 0 al 0 + nth 1 al 0) al. Eval compute in map (repeat step [1;0;0]) [0;1;2;3;4;5]. Definition fib n := nth 0 (repeat step [1;0;0] n) 0. Eval compute in map fib [0;1;2;3;4;5;6]. (** Here's a strange "List" module. *) Module Type LISTISH. Parameter list: Type. Parameter create : nat -> nat -> nat -> list. Parameter cons: nat -> list -> list. Parameter nth: nat -> list -> nat. End LISTISH. Module L <: LISTISH. Definition list := (nat*nat*nat)%type. Definition create (a b c: nat) : list := (a,b,c). Definition cons (i: nat) (il : list) := match il with (a,b,c) => (i,a,b) end. Definition nth (n: nat) (al: list) := match al with (a,b,c) => match n with 0 => a | 1 => b | 2 => c | _ => 0 end end. End L. Definition sixlist := L.cons 0 (L.cons 1 (L.cons 2 (L.create 3 4 5))). Eval compute in map (fun i => L.nth i sixlist) [0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7]. (** Module [L] implements _approximations_ of lists: it can remember the first three elements, and forget the rest. Now watch: *) Definition stepish (al: L.list) : L.list := L.cons (L.nth 0 al + L.nth 1 al) al. Eval compute in map (repeat stepish (L.create 1 0 0)) [0;1;2;3;4;5]. Definition fibish n := L.nth 0 (repeat stepish (L.create 1 0 0) n). Eval compute in map fibish [0;1;2;3;4;5;6]. (** This little theorem may be useful in the next exercise. *) Lemma nth_firstn: forall A d i j (al: list A), i nth i (firstn j al) d = nth i al d. Proof. induction i; destruct j,al; simpl; intros; auto; try omega. apply IHi. omega. Qed. (** **** Exercise: 4 stars, optional (listish_abstraction) *) (** In this exercise we will not need a _representation invariant_. Define an abstraction relation: *) Inductive L_Abs: L.list -> List.list nat -> Prop := (* FILL IN HERE *) . Definition O_Abs al al' := L_Abs al al'. (* State these theorems using O_Abs, not L_Abs. You'll see why below, at "Opaque". *) Lemma create_relate : True. (* change this line appropriately *) (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. Lemma cons_relate : True. (* change this line appropriately *) (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. Lemma nth_relate : True. (* change this line appropriately *) (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. (** Now, we will make these operators opaque. Therefore, in the rest of the proofs in this exercise, you will not unfold their definitions. Instead, you will just use the theorems [create_relate], [cons_relate], [nth_relate]. *) Opaque L.list. Opaque L.create. Opaque L.cons. Opaque L.nth. Opaque O_Abs. Lemma step_relate: forall al al', O_Abs al al' -> O_Abs (stepish al) (step al'). Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. Lemma repeat_step_relate: forall n al al', O_Abs al al' -> O_Abs (repeat stepish al n) (repeat step al' n). Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. Lemma fibish_correct: forall n, fibish n = fib n. Proof. (* No induction needed in this proof! *) (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. (** [] *) (** **** Exercise: 2 stars, optional (fib_time_complexity) *) (** Suppose you run these three programs call-by-value, that is, as if they were ML programs. [fibonacci N] [fib N] [fibish N] What is the asymptotic time complexity (big-Oh run time) of each, as a function of N? Assume that the [plus] function runs in constant time. You can use terms like "linear," "N log N," "quadratic," "cubic," "exponential." Explain your answers briefly. fibonacci: (* fill in here *) fib: (* fill in here *) fibish: (* fill in here *) [] *)