LibTacticsA Collection of Handy General-Purpose Tactics
(* Chapter maintained by Arthur Chargueraud *)
This file contains a set of tactics that extends the set of builtin
tactics provided with the standard distribution of Coq. It intends
to overcome a number of limitations of the standard set of tactics,
and thereby to help user to write shorter and more robust scripts.
Hopefully, Coq tactics will be improved as time goes by, and this
file should ultimately be useless. In the meanwhile, serious Coq
users will probably find it very useful.
The present file contains the implementation and the detailed
documentation of those tactics. The SF reader need not read this
file; instead, he/she is encouraged to read the chapter named
UseTactics.v, which is gentle introduction to the most useful
tactics from the LibTactic library.
The main features offered are:
External credits:
- More convenient syntax for naming hypotheses, with tactics for introduction and inversion that take as input only the name of hypotheses of type Prop, rather than the name of all variables.
- Tactics providing true support for manipulating N-ary conjunctions, disjunctions and existentials, hidding the fact that the underlying implementation is based on binary propositions.
- Convenient support for automation: tactics followed with the symbol "~" or "*" will call automation on the generated subgoals. The symbol "~" stands for auto and "*" for intuition eauto. These bindings can be customized.
- Forward-chaining tactics are provided to instantiate lemmas either with variable or hypotheses or a mix of both.
- A more powerful implementation of apply is provided (it is based on refine and thus behaves better with respect to conversion).
- An improved inversion tactic which substitutes equalities on variables generated by the standard inversion mecanism. Moreover, it supports the elimination of dependently-typed equalities (requires axiom K, which is a weak form of Proof Irrelevance).
- Tactics for saving time when writing proofs, with tactics to asserts hypotheses or sub-goals, and improved tactics for clearing, renaming, and sorting hypotheses.
- thanks to Xavier Leroy for providing the idea of tactic forward
- thanks to Georges Gonthier for the implementation trick in rapply
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List.
(* Very important to remove hint trans_eq_bool from LibBool,
otherwise eauto slows down dramatically:
Lemma test : forall b, b = false.
time eauto 7. (* takes over 4 seconds to fail! *) *)
Remove Hints Bool.trans_eq_bool.
Require Import List.
(* Very important to remove hint trans_eq_bool from LibBool,
otherwise eauto slows down dramatically:
Lemma test : forall b, b = false.
time eauto 7. (* takes over 4 seconds to fail! *) *)
Remove Hints Bool.trans_eq_bool.
Ltac idcont tt :=
Untyped Arguments for Tactics
Inductive Boxer : Type :=
| boxer : ∀ (A:Type), A → Boxer.
| boxer : ∀ (A:Type), A → Boxer.
Optional Arguments for Tactics
Inductive ltac_No_arg : Set :=
| ltac_no_arg : ltac_No_arg.
| ltac_no_arg : ltac_No_arg.
Wildcard Arguments for Tactics
Inductive ltac_Wild : Set :=
| ltac_wild : ltac_Wild.
Notation "'__'" := ltac_wild : ltac_scope.
| ltac_wild : ltac_Wild.
Notation "'__'" := ltac_wild : ltac_scope.
ltac_wilds is another constant that is typically used to
simulate a sequence of N wildcards, with N chosen
appropriately depending on the context. Notation is ___.
Inductive ltac_Wilds : Set :=
| ltac_wilds : ltac_Wilds.
Notation "'___'" := ltac_wilds : ltac_scope.
Open Scope ltac_scope.
| ltac_wilds : ltac_Wilds.
Notation "'___'" := ltac_wilds : ltac_scope.
Open Scope ltac_scope.
Position Markers
Inductive ltac_Mark : Type :=
| ltac_mark : ltac_Mark.
| ltac_mark : ltac_Mark.
gen_until_mark repeats generalize on hypotheses from the
context, starting from the bottom and stopping as soon as reaching
an hypothesis of type Mark. If fails if Mark does not
appear in the context.
Ltac gen_until_mark :=
match goal with H: ?T |- _ ⇒
match T with
| ltac_Mark ⇒ clear H
| _ ⇒ generalize H; clear H; gen_until_mark
end end.
match goal with H: ?T |- _ ⇒
match T with
| ltac_Mark ⇒ clear H
| _ ⇒ generalize H; clear H; gen_until_mark
end end.
intro_until_mark repeats intro until reaching an hypothesis of
type Mark. It throws away the hypothesis Mark.
It fails if Mark does not appear as an hypothesis in the
Ltac intro_until_mark :=
match goal with
| |- (ltac_Mark → _) ⇒ intros _
| _ ⇒ intro; intro_until_mark
match goal with
| |- (ltac_Mark → _) ⇒ intros _
| _ ⇒ intro; intro_until_mark
List of Arguments for Tactics
Notation "'>>'" :=
(@nil Boxer)
(at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1" :=
((boxer v1)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
v8 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::(boxer v10)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0, v10 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::(boxer v10)
::(boxer v11)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0, v10 at level 0, v11 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::(boxer v10)
::(boxer v11)::(boxer v12)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0, v10 at level 0, v11 at level 0,
v12 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12 v13" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::(boxer v10)
::(boxer v11)::(boxer v12)::(boxer v13)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0, v10 at level 0, v11 at level 0,
v12 at level 0, v13 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
(@nil Boxer)
(at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1" :=
((boxer v1)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
v8 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::(boxer v10)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0, v10 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::(boxer v10)
::(boxer v11)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0, v10 at level 0, v11 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::(boxer v10)
::(boxer v11)::(boxer v12)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0, v10 at level 0, v11 at level 0,
v12 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
Notation "'>>' v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12 v13" :=
((boxer v1)::(boxer v2)::(boxer v3)::(boxer v4)::(boxer v5)
::(boxer v6)::(boxer v7)::(boxer v8)::(boxer v9)::(boxer v10)
::(boxer v11)::(boxer v12)::(boxer v13)::nil)
(at level 0, v1 at level 0, v2 at level 0, v3 at level 0,
v4 at level 0, v5 at level 0, v6 at level 0, v7 at level 0,
v8 at level 0, v9 at level 0, v10 at level 0, v11 at level 0,
v12 at level 0, v13 at level 0)
: ltac_scope.
The tactic list_boxer_of inputs a term E and returns a term
of type "list boxer", according to the following rules:
- if E is already of type "list Boxer", then it returns E;
- otherwise, it returns the list (boxer E)::nil.
Ltac list_boxer_of E :=
match type of E with
| List.list Boxer ⇒ constr:(E)
| _ ⇒ constr:((boxer E)::nil)
match type of E with
| List.list Boxer ⇒ constr:(E)
| _ ⇒ constr:((boxer E)::nil)
Databases of Lemmas
Inductive Ltac_database_token : Prop := ltac_database_token.
Definition ltac_database (D:Boxer) (T:Boxer) (A:Boxer) := Ltac_database_token.
Notation "'Register' D T" := (ltac_database (boxer D) (boxer T) _)
(at level 69, D at level 0, T at level 0).
Lemma ltac_database_provide : ∀ (A:Boxer) (D:Boxer) (T:Boxer),
ltac_database D T A.
Proof using. split. Qed.
Ltac Provide T := apply (@ltac_database_provide (boxer T)).
Ltac ltac_database_get D T :=
let A := fresh "TEMP" in evar (A:Boxer);
let H := fresh "TEMP" in
assert (H : ltac_database (boxer D) (boxer T) A);
[ subst A; auto
| subst A; match type of H with ltac_database _ _ (boxer ?L) ⇒
generalize L end; clear H ].
(* Note for a possible alternative implementation of the ltac_database_token:
Inductive Ltac_database : Type :=
| ltac_database : forall A, A -> Ltac_database.
Implicit Arguments ltac_database A.
Definition ltac_database (D:Boxer) (T:Boxer) (A:Boxer) := Ltac_database_token.
Notation "'Register' D T" := (ltac_database (boxer D) (boxer T) _)
(at level 69, D at level 0, T at level 0).
Lemma ltac_database_provide : ∀ (A:Boxer) (D:Boxer) (T:Boxer),
ltac_database D T A.
Proof using. split. Qed.
Ltac Provide T := apply (@ltac_database_provide (boxer T)).
Ltac ltac_database_get D T :=
let A := fresh "TEMP" in evar (A:Boxer);
let H := fresh "TEMP" in
assert (H : ltac_database (boxer D) (boxer T) A);
[ subst A; auto
| subst A; match type of H with ltac_database _ _ (boxer ?L) ⇒
generalize L end; clear H ].
(* Note for a possible alternative implementation of the ltac_database_token:
Inductive Ltac_database : Type :=
| ltac_database : forall A, A -> Ltac_database.
Implicit Arguments ltac_database A.
On-the-Fly Removal of Hypotheses
Definition rm (A:Type) (X:A) := X.
rm_term E removes one hypothesis that admits the same
type as E.
Ltac rm_term E :=
let T := type of E in
match goal with H: T |- _ ⇒ try clear H end.
let T := type of E in
match goal with H: T |- _ ⇒ try clear H end.
rm_inside E calls rm_term Ei for any subterm
of the form rm Ei found in E
Ltac rm_inside E :=
let go E := rm_inside E in
match E with
| rm ?X ⇒ rm_term X
| ?X1 ?X2 ⇒
go X1; go X2
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6; go X7
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ?X8 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6; go X7; go X8
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ?X8 ?X9 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6; go X7; go X8; go X9
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ?X8 ?X9 ?X10 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6; go X7; go X8; go X9; go X10
| _ ⇒ idtac
let go E := rm_inside E in
match E with
| rm ?X ⇒ rm_term X
| ?X1 ?X2 ⇒
go X1; go X2
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6; go X7
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ?X8 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6; go X7; go X8
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ?X8 ?X9 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6; go X7; go X8; go X9
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ?X8 ?X9 ?X10 ⇒
go X1; go X2; go X3; go X4; go X5; go X6; go X7; go X8; go X9; go X10
| _ ⇒ idtac
For faster performance, one may deactivate rm_inside by
replacing the body of this definition with idtac.
Ltac fast_rm_inside E :=
rm_inside E.
rm_inside E.
Numbers as Arguments
Require BinPos Coq.ZArith.BinInt.
Definition ltac_nat_from_int (x:BinInt.Z) : nat :=
match x with
| BinInt.Z0 ⇒ 0%nat
| BinInt.Zpos p ⇒ BinPos.nat_of_P p
| BinInt.Zneg p ⇒ 0%nat
Ltac nat_from_number N :=
match type of N with
| nat ⇒ constr:(N)
| BinInt.Z ⇒ let N' := constr:(ltac_nat_from_int N) in eval compute in N'
Definition ltac_nat_from_int (x:BinInt.Z) : nat :=
match x with
| BinInt.Z0 ⇒ 0%nat
| BinInt.Zpos p ⇒ BinPos.nat_of_P p
| BinInt.Zneg p ⇒ 0%nat
Ltac nat_from_number N :=
match type of N with
| nat ⇒ constr:(N)
| BinInt.Z ⇒ let N' := constr:(ltac_nat_from_int N) in eval compute in N'
ltac_pattern E at K is the same as pattern E at K except that
K is a Coq natural rather than a Ltac integer. Syntax
ltac_pattern E as K in H is also available.
Tactic Notation "ltac_pattern" constr(E) "at" constr(K) :=
match nat_from_number K with
| 1 ⇒ pattern E at 1
| 2 ⇒ pattern E at 2
| 3 ⇒ pattern E at 3
| 4 ⇒ pattern E at 4
| 5 ⇒ pattern E at 5
| 6 ⇒ pattern E at 6
| 7 ⇒ pattern E at 7
| 8 ⇒ pattern E at 8
Tactic Notation "ltac_pattern" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "in" hyp(H) :=
match nat_from_number K with
| 1 ⇒ pattern E at 1 in H
| 2 ⇒ pattern E at 2 in H
| 3 ⇒ pattern E at 3 in H
| 4 ⇒ pattern E at 4 in H
| 5 ⇒ pattern E at 5 in H
| 6 ⇒ pattern E at 6 in H
| 7 ⇒ pattern E at 7 in H
| 8 ⇒ pattern E at 8 in H
match nat_from_number K with
| 1 ⇒ pattern E at 1
| 2 ⇒ pattern E at 2
| 3 ⇒ pattern E at 3
| 4 ⇒ pattern E at 4
| 5 ⇒ pattern E at 5
| 6 ⇒ pattern E at 6
| 7 ⇒ pattern E at 7
| 8 ⇒ pattern E at 8
Tactic Notation "ltac_pattern" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "in" hyp(H) :=
match nat_from_number K with
| 1 ⇒ pattern E at 1 in H
| 2 ⇒ pattern E at 2 in H
| 3 ⇒ pattern E at 3 in H
| 4 ⇒ pattern E at 4 in H
| 5 ⇒ pattern E at 5 in H
| 6 ⇒ pattern E at 6 in H
| 7 ⇒ pattern E at 7 in H
| 8 ⇒ pattern E at 8 in H
Tactic Notation "show" tactic(tac) :=
let R := tac in pose R.
let R := tac in pose R.
dup N produces N copies of the current goal. It is useful
for building examples on which to illustrate behaviour of tactics.
dup is short for dup 2.
Lemma dup_lemma : ∀ P, P → P → P.
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Ltac dup_tactic N :=
match nat_from_number N with
| 0 ⇒ idtac
| S 0 ⇒ idtac
| S ?N' ⇒ apply dup_lemma; [ | dup_tactic N' ]
Tactic Notation "dup" constr(N) :=
dup_tactic N.
Tactic Notation "dup" :=
dup 2.
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Ltac dup_tactic N :=
match nat_from_number N with
| 0 ⇒ idtac
| S 0 ⇒ idtac
| S ?N' ⇒ apply dup_lemma; [ | dup_tactic N' ]
Tactic Notation "dup" constr(N) :=
dup_tactic N.
Tactic Notation "dup" :=
dup 2.
Ltac check_noevar M :=
first [ has_evar M; fail 2 | idtac ].
Ltac check_noevar_hyp H := (* todo: imlement using check_noevar *)
let T := type of H in check_noevar T.
Ltac check_noevar_goal := (* todo: imlement using check_noevar *)
match goal with |- ?G ⇒ check_noevar G end.
Helper Function for Introducing Evars
Ltac with_evar_base T cont :=
let x := fresh in evar (x:T); cont x; subst x.
Tactic Notation "with_evar" constr(T) tactic(cont) :=
with_evar_base T cont.
let x := fresh in evar (x:T); cont x; subst x.
Tactic Notation "with_evar" constr(T) tactic(cont) :=
with_evar_base T cont.
Tagging of Hypotheses
Ltac get_last_hyp tt :=
match goal with H: _ |- _ ⇒ constr:(H) end.
match goal with H: _ |- _ ⇒ constr:(H) end.
More Tagging of Hypotheses
Definition ltac_tag_subst (A:Type) (x:A) := x.
ltac_to_generalize is a specific marker for hypotheses
to be generalized.
Definition ltac_to_generalize (A:Type) (x:A) := x.
Ltac gen_to_generalize :=
repeat match goal with
H: ltac_to_generalize _ |- _ ⇒ generalize H; clear H end.
Ltac mark_to_generalize H :=
let T := type of H in
change T with (ltac_to_generalize T) in H.
Ltac gen_to_generalize :=
repeat match goal with
H: ltac_to_generalize _ |- _ ⇒ generalize H; clear H end.
Ltac mark_to_generalize H :=
let T := type of H in
change T with (ltac_to_generalize T) in H.
Deconstructing Terms
Ltac get_head E :=
match E with
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P ⇒ constr:(P)
match E with
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P _ ⇒ constr:(P)
| ?P ⇒ constr:(P)
get_fun_arg E is a tactic that decomposes an application
term E, ie, when applied to a term of the form X1 ... XN
it returns a pair made of X1 .. X(N-1) and XN.
Ltac get_fun_arg E :=
match E with
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6,X))
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1 X2 X3 X4 X5,X))
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1 X2 X3 X4,X))
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1 X2 X3,X))
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1 X2,X))
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1,X))
| ?X1 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1,X))
match E with
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X7 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6,X))
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1 X2 X3 X4 X5,X))
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1 X2 X3 X4,X))
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1 X2 X3,X))
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1 X2,X))
| ?X1 ?X2 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1,X))
| ?X1 ?X ⇒ constr:((X1,X))
Action at Occurence and Action Not at Occurence
Tactic Notation "ltac_action_at" constr(K) "of" constr(E) "do" tactic(Tac) :=
let p := fresh in ltac_pattern E at K;
match goal with |- ?P _ ⇒ set (p:=P) end;
Tac; unfold p; clear p.
Tactic Notation "ltac_action_at" constr(K) "of" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) "do" tactic(Tac) :=
let p := fresh in ltac_pattern E at K in H;
match type of H with ?P _ ⇒ set (p:=P) in H end;
Tac; unfold p in H; clear p.
let p := fresh in ltac_pattern E at K;
match goal with |- ?P _ ⇒ set (p:=P) end;
Tac; unfold p; clear p.
Tactic Notation "ltac_action_at" constr(K) "of" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) "do" tactic(Tac) :=
let p := fresh in ltac_pattern E at K in H;
match type of H with ?P _ ⇒ set (p:=P) in H end;
Tac; unfold p in H; clear p.
protects E do Tac temporarily assigns a name to the expression E
so that the execution of tactic Tac will not modify E. This is
useful for instance to restrict the action of simpl.
Tactic Notation "protects" constr(E) "do" tactic(Tac) :=
(* let x := fresh "TEMP" in sets_eq x: E; T; subst x. *)
let x := fresh "TEMP" in let H := fresh "TEMP" in
set (X := E) in *; assert (H : X = E) by reflexivity;
clearbody X; Tac; subst x.
Tactic Notation "protects" constr(E) "do" tactic(Tac) "/" :=
protects E do Tac.
(* let x := fresh "TEMP" in sets_eq x: E; T; subst x. *)
let x := fresh "TEMP" in let H := fresh "TEMP" in
set (X := E) in *; assert (H : X = E) by reflexivity;
clearbody X; Tac; subst x.
Tactic Notation "protects" constr(E) "do" tactic(Tac) "/" :=
protects E do Tac.
An Alias for eq
Definition eq' := @eq.
Hint Unfold eq'.
Notation "x '='' y" := (@eq' _ x y)
(at level 70, y at next level).
Hint Unfold eq'.
Notation "x '='' y" := (@eq' _ x y)
(at level 70, y at next level).
Ltac jauto_set_hyps :=
repeat match goal with H: ?T |- _ ⇒
match T with
| _ ∧ _ ⇒ destruct H
| ∃ a, _ ⇒ destruct H
| _ ⇒ generalize H; clear H
Ltac jauto_set_goal :=
repeat match goal with
| |- ∃ a, _ ⇒ esplit
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
Ltac jauto_set :=
intros; jauto_set_hyps;
intros; jauto_set_goal;
unfold not in *.
Ltac old_refine f :=
refine f. (* ; shelve_unifiable. *)
rapply is a tactic similar to eapply except that it is
based on the refine tactics, and thus is strictly more
powerful (at least in theory :). In short, it is able to perform
on-the-fly conversions when required for arguments to match,
and it is able to instantiate existentials when required.
Tactic Notation "rapply" constr(t) :=
first (* todo: les @ sont inutiles *)
[ eexact (@t)
| refine (@t)
| refine (@t _)
| refine (@t _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
first (* todo: les @ sont inutiles *)
[ eexact (@t)
| refine (@t)
| refine (@t _)
| refine (@t _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
The tactics applys_N T, where N is a natural number,
provides a more efficient way of using applys T. It avoids
trying out all possible arities, by specifying explicitely
the arity of function T.
Tactic Notation "rapply_0" constr(t) :=
refine (@t).
Tactic Notation "rapply_1" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_2" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_3" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_4" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_5" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_6" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_7" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_8" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_9" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_10" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
refine (@t).
Tactic Notation "rapply_1" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_2" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_3" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_4" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_5" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_6" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_7" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_8" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_9" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Tactic Notation "rapply_10" constr(t) :=
refine (@t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
lets_base H E adds an hypothesis H : T to the context, where T is
the type of term E. If H is an introduction pattern, it will
destruct H according to the pattern.
Ltac lets_base I E := generalize E; intros I.
applys_to H E transform the type of hypothesis H by
replacing it by the result of the application of the term
E to H. Intuitively, it is equivalent to lets H: (E H).
Tactic Notation "applys_to" hyp(H) constr(E) :=
let H' := fresh in rename H into H';
(first [ lets_base H (E H')
| lets_base H (E _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H') ]
); clear H'.
let H' := fresh in rename H into H';
(first [ lets_base H (E H')
| lets_base H (E _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H')
| lets_base H (E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H') ]
); clear H'.
applys_to H1,...,HN E applys E to several hypotheses
Tactic Notation "applys_to" hyp(H1) "," hyp(H2) constr(E) :=
applys_to H1 E; applys_to H2 E.
Tactic Notation "applys_to" hyp(H1) "," hyp(H2) "," hyp(H3) constr(E) :=
applys_to H1 E; applys_to H2 E; applys_to H3 E.
Tactic Notation "applys_to" hyp(H1) "," hyp(H2) "," hyp(H3) "," hyp(H4) constr(E) :=
applys_to H1 E; applys_to H2 E; applys_to H3 E; applys_to H4 E.
applys_to H1 E; applys_to H2 E.
Tactic Notation "applys_to" hyp(H1) "," hyp(H2) "," hyp(H3) constr(E) :=
applys_to H1 E; applys_to H2 E; applys_to H3 E.
Tactic Notation "applys_to" hyp(H1) "," hyp(H2) "," hyp(H3) "," hyp(H4) constr(E) :=
applys_to H1 E; applys_to H2 E; applys_to H3 E; applys_to H4 E.
constructors calls constructor or econstructor.
Tactic Notation "constructors" :=
first [ constructor | econstructor ]; unfold eq'.
first [ constructor | econstructor ]; unfold eq'.
Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(T) :=
let H := fresh in assert (H : T);
[ | generalize H; clear H; intros I ].
let H := fresh in assert (H : T);
[ | generalize H; clear H; intros I ].
asserts H1 .. HN: T is a shorthand for
asserts \[H1 \[H2 \[.. HN\]\]\]\: T].
Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(T) :=
asserts [I1 I2]: T.
Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(T) :=
asserts [I1 [I2 I3]]: T.
Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(T) :=
asserts [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5) ":" constr(T) :=
asserts [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) ":" constr(T) :=
asserts [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 [I5 I6]]]]]: T.
simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(T) :=
asserts [I1 I2]: T.
Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(T) :=
asserts [I1 [I2 I3]]: T.
Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(T) :=
asserts [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5) ":" constr(T) :=
asserts [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "asserts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) ":" constr(T) :=
asserts [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 [I5 I6]]]]]: T.
asserts: T is asserts H: T with H being chosen automatically.
Tactic Notation "asserts" ":" constr(T) :=
let H := fresh in asserts H : T.
let H := fresh in asserts H : T.
cuts H: T is the same as asserts H: T except that the two subgoals
generated are swapped: the subgoal T comes second. Note that contrary
to cut, it introduces the hypothesis.
Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(T) :=
cut (T); [ intros I | idtac ].
cut (T); [ intros I | idtac ].
cuts: T is cuts H: T with H being chosen automatically.
Tactic Notation "cuts" ":" constr(T) :=
let H := fresh in cuts H: T.
let H := fresh in cuts H: T.
cuts H1 .. HN: T is a shorthand for
cuts \[H1 \[H2 \[.. HN\]\]\]\: T].
Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(T) :=
cuts [I1 I2]: T.
Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(T) :=
cuts [I1 [I2 I3]]: T.
Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(T) :=
cuts [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5) ":" constr(T) :=
cuts [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) ":" constr(T) :=
cuts [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 [I5 I6]]]]]: T.
simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(T) :=
cuts [I1 I2]: T.
Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(T) :=
cuts [I1 [I2 I3]]: T.
Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(T) :=
cuts [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5) ":" constr(T) :=
cuts [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "cuts" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) ":" constr(T) :=
cuts [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 [I5 I6]]]]]: T.
Instantiation and Forward-Chaining
(* Underlying implementation *)
Ltac app_assert t P cont :=
let H := fresh "TEMP" in
assert (H : P); [ | cont(t H); clear H ].
Ltac app_evar t A cont :=
let x := fresh "TEMP" in
evar (x:A);
let t' := constr:(t x) in
let t'' := (eval unfold x in t') in
subst x; cont t''.
Ltac app_arg t P v cont :=
let H := fresh "TEMP" in
assert (H : P); [ apply v | cont(t H); try clear H ].
Ltac build_app_alls t final :=
let rec go t :=
match type of t with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ app_assert t P go
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒ app_evar t A go
| _ ⇒ final t
end in
go t.
Ltac boxerlist_next_type vs :=
match vs with
| nil ⇒ constr:(ltac_wild)
| (boxer ltac_wild)::?vs' ⇒ boxerlist_next_type vs'
| (boxer ltac_wilds)::_ ⇒ constr:(ltac_wild)
| (@boxer ?T _)::_ ⇒ constr:(T)
(* Note: refuse to instantiate a dependent hypothesis with a proposition;
refuse to instantiate an argument of type Type with one that
does not have the type Type.
Ltac build_app_hnts t vs final :=
let rec go t vs :=
match vs with
| nil ⇒ first [ final t | fail 1 ]
| (boxer ltac_wilds)::_ ⇒ first [ build_app_alls t final | fail 1 ]
| (boxer ?v)::?vs' ⇒
let cont t' := go t' vs in
let cont' t' := go t' vs' in
let T := type of t in
let T := eval hnf in T in
match v with
| ltac_wild ⇒
first [ let U := boxerlist_next_type vs' in
match U with
| ltac_wild ⇒
match T with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t P cont' | fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t A cont' | fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒
match T with (* should test T for unifiability *)
| U → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t U cont' | fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:U, _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t U cont' | fail 3 ]
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t P cont | fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t A cont | fail 3 ]
| fail 2 ]
| _ ⇒
match T with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_arg t P v cont'
| app_assert t P cont
| fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:Type, _ ⇒
match type of v with
| Type ⇒ first [ cont' (t v)
| app_evar t Type cont
| fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t Type cont
| fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒
let V := type of v in
match type of V with
| Prop ⇒ first [ app_evar t A cont
| fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒ first [ cont' (t v)
| app_evar t A cont
| fail 3 ]
end in
go t vs.
Ltac app_assert t P cont :=
let H := fresh "TEMP" in
assert (H : P); [ | cont(t H); clear H ].
Ltac app_evar t A cont :=
let x := fresh "TEMP" in
evar (x:A);
let t' := constr:(t x) in
let t'' := (eval unfold x in t') in
subst x; cont t''.
Ltac app_arg t P v cont :=
let H := fresh "TEMP" in
assert (H : P); [ apply v | cont(t H); try clear H ].
Ltac build_app_alls t final :=
let rec go t :=
match type of t with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ app_assert t P go
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒ app_evar t A go
| _ ⇒ final t
end in
go t.
Ltac boxerlist_next_type vs :=
match vs with
| nil ⇒ constr:(ltac_wild)
| (boxer ltac_wild)::?vs' ⇒ boxerlist_next_type vs'
| (boxer ltac_wilds)::_ ⇒ constr:(ltac_wild)
| (@boxer ?T _)::_ ⇒ constr:(T)
(* Note: refuse to instantiate a dependent hypothesis with a proposition;
refuse to instantiate an argument of type Type with one that
does not have the type Type.
Ltac build_app_hnts t vs final :=
let rec go t vs :=
match vs with
| nil ⇒ first [ final t | fail 1 ]
| (boxer ltac_wilds)::_ ⇒ first [ build_app_alls t final | fail 1 ]
| (boxer ?v)::?vs' ⇒
let cont t' := go t' vs in
let cont' t' := go t' vs' in
let T := type of t in
let T := eval hnf in T in
match v with
| ltac_wild ⇒
first [ let U := boxerlist_next_type vs' in
match U with
| ltac_wild ⇒
match T with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t P cont' | fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t A cont' | fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒
match T with (* should test T for unifiability *)
| U → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t U cont' | fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:U, _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t U cont' | fail 3 ]
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t P cont | fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t A cont | fail 3 ]
| fail 2 ]
| _ ⇒
match T with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_arg t P v cont'
| app_assert t P cont
| fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:Type, _ ⇒
match type of v with
| Type ⇒ first [ cont' (t v)
| app_evar t Type cont
| fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t Type cont
| fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒
let V := type of v in
match type of V with
| Prop ⇒ first [ app_evar t A cont
| fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒ first [ cont' (t v)
| app_evar t A cont
| fail 3 ]
end in
go t vs.
newer version : support for typeclasses
Ltac app_typeclass t cont :=
let t' := constr:(t _) in
cont t'.
Ltac build_app_alls t final ::=
let rec go t :=
match type of t with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ app_assert t P go
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒
first [ app_evar t A go
| app_typeclass t go
| fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒ final t
end in
go t.
Ltac build_app_hnts t vs final ::=
let rec go t vs :=
match vs with
| nil ⇒ first [ final t | fail 1 ]
| (boxer ltac_wilds)::_ ⇒ first [ build_app_alls t final | fail 1 ]
| (boxer ?v)::?vs' ⇒
let cont t' := go t' vs in
let cont' t' := go t' vs' in
let T := type of t in
let T := eval hnf in T in
match v with
| ltac_wild ⇒
first [ let U := boxerlist_next_type vs' in
match U with
| ltac_wild ⇒
match T with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t P cont' | fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒ first [ app_typeclass t cont'
| app_evar t A cont'
| fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒
match T with (* should test T for unifiability *)
| U → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t U cont' | fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:U, _ ⇒ first
[ app_typeclass t cont'
| app_evar t U cont'
| fail 3 ]
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t P cont | fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒ first
[ app_typeclass t cont
| app_evar t A cont
| fail 3 ]
| fail 2 ]
| _ ⇒
match T with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_arg t P v cont'
| app_assert t P cont
| fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:Type, _ ⇒
match type of v with
| Type ⇒ first [ cont' (t v)
| app_evar t Type cont
| fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t Type cont
| fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒
let V := type of v in
match type of V with
| Prop ⇒ first [ app_typeclass t cont
| app_evar t A cont
| fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒ first [ cont' (t v)
| app_typeclass t cont
| app_evar t A cont
| fail 3 ]
end in
go t vs.
(* todo: use local function for first ... *)
(*--old version
Ltac build_app_hnts t vs final :=
let rec go t vs :=
match vs with
| nil => first final t | fail 1
| (boxer ltac_wilds)::_ => first build_app_alls t final | fail 1
| (boxer ?v)::?vs' =>
let cont t' := go t' vs in
let cont' t' := go t' vs' in
let T := type of t in
let T := eval hnf in T in
match v with
| ltac_wild =>
first let U := boxerlist_next_type vs' in match U with | ltac_wild ⇒ match T with | ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t P cont' | fail 3 ] | ∀_:?A, _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t A cont' | fail 3 ] end | _ ⇒ match T with should test T for unifiability *)
| U → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t U cont' | fail 3 ] | ∀_:U, _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t U cont' | fail 3 ] | ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t P cont | fail 3 ] | ∀_:?A, _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t A cont | fail 3 ] end end | fail 2
| _ =>
match T with
| ?P -> ?Q => first app_arg t P v cont' | app_assert t P cont | fail 3
| forall _:?A, _ => first cont' (t v) | app_evar t A cont | fail 3
end in
go t vs.
Ltac build_app args final :=
first [
match args with (@boxer ?T ?t)::?vs ⇒
let t := constr:(t:T) in
build_app_hnts t vs final;
fast_rm_inside args
| fail 1 "Instantiation fails for:" args].
Ltac unfold_head_until_product T :=
eval hnf in T.
Ltac args_unfold_head_if_not_product args :=
match args with (@boxer ?T ?t)::?vs ⇒
let T' := unfold_head_until_product T in
constr:((@boxer T' t)::vs)
Ltac args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args :=
match args with
| (boxer ?t)::(boxer ?v)::?vs ⇒
args_unfold_head_if_not_product args
| _ ⇒ constr:(args)
let t' := constr:(t _) in
cont t'.
Ltac build_app_alls t final ::=
let rec go t :=
match type of t with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ app_assert t P go
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒
first [ app_evar t A go
| app_typeclass t go
| fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒ final t
end in
go t.
Ltac build_app_hnts t vs final ::=
let rec go t vs :=
match vs with
| nil ⇒ first [ final t | fail 1 ]
| (boxer ltac_wilds)::_ ⇒ first [ build_app_alls t final | fail 1 ]
| (boxer ?v)::?vs' ⇒
let cont t' := go t' vs in
let cont' t' := go t' vs' in
let T := type of t in
let T := eval hnf in T in
match v with
| ltac_wild ⇒
first [ let U := boxerlist_next_type vs' in
match U with
| ltac_wild ⇒
match T with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t P cont' | fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒ first [ app_typeclass t cont'
| app_evar t A cont'
| fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒
match T with (* should test T for unifiability *)
| U → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t U cont' | fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:U, _ ⇒ first
[ app_typeclass t cont'
| app_evar t U cont'
| fail 3 ]
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t P cont | fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒ first
[ app_typeclass t cont
| app_evar t A cont
| fail 3 ]
| fail 2 ]
| _ ⇒
match T with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_arg t P v cont'
| app_assert t P cont
| fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:Type, _ ⇒
match type of v with
| Type ⇒ first [ cont' (t v)
| app_evar t Type cont
| fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t Type cont
| fail 3 ]
| ∀ _:?A, _ ⇒
let V := type of v in
match type of V with
| Prop ⇒ first [ app_typeclass t cont
| app_evar t A cont
| fail 3 ]
| _ ⇒ first [ cont' (t v)
| app_typeclass t cont
| app_evar t A cont
| fail 3 ]
end in
go t vs.
(* todo: use local function for first ... *)
(*--old version
Ltac build_app_hnts t vs final :=
let rec go t vs :=
match vs with
| nil => first final t | fail 1
| (boxer ltac_wilds)::_ => first build_app_alls t final | fail 1
| (boxer ?v)::?vs' =>
let cont t' := go t' vs in
let cont' t' := go t' vs' in
let T := type of t in
let T := eval hnf in T in
match v with
| ltac_wild =>
first let U := boxerlist_next_type vs' in match U with | ltac_wild ⇒ match T with | ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t P cont' | fail 3 ] | ∀_:?A, _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t A cont' | fail 3 ] end | _ ⇒ match T with should test T for unifiability *)
| U → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t U cont' | fail 3 ] | ∀_:U, _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t U cont' | fail 3 ] | ?P → ?Q ⇒ first [ app_assert t P cont | fail 3 ] | ∀_:?A, _ ⇒ first [ app_evar t A cont | fail 3 ] end end | fail 2
| _ =>
match T with
| ?P -> ?Q => first app_arg t P v cont' | app_assert t P cont | fail 3
| forall _:?A, _ => first cont' (t v) | app_evar t A cont | fail 3
end in
go t vs.
Ltac build_app args final :=
first [
match args with (@boxer ?T ?t)::?vs ⇒
let t := constr:(t:T) in
build_app_hnts t vs final;
fast_rm_inside args
| fail 1 "Instantiation fails for:" args].
Ltac unfold_head_until_product T :=
eval hnf in T.
Ltac args_unfold_head_if_not_product args :=
match args with (@boxer ?T ?t)::?vs ⇒
let T' := unfold_head_until_product T in
constr:((@boxer T' t)::vs)
Ltac args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args :=
match args with
| (boxer ?t)::(boxer ?v)::?vs ⇒
args_unfold_head_if_not_product args
| _ ⇒ constr:(args)
lets H: (>> E0 E1 .. EN) will instantiate lemma E0
on the arguments Ei (which may be wildcards __),
and name H the resulting term. H may be an introduction
pattern, or a sequence of introduction patterns I1 I2 IN,
or empty.
Syntax lets H: E0 E1 .. EN is also available. If the last
argument EN is ___ (triple-underscore), then all
arguments of H will be instantiated.
Ltac lets_build I Ei :=
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args in
(* let Ei''' := args_unfold_head_if_not_product Ei'' in*)
build_app args ltac:(fun R ⇒ lets_base I R).
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
lets_build I E.
Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E) :=
let H := fresh in lets H: E.
Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets: (>> E0 A1).
Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets: (>> E0 A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
(* --todo: deprecated, do not use *)
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
":" constr(E) :=
lets [I1 I2]: E.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(E) :=
lets [I1 [I2 I3]]: E.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(E) :=
lets [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: E.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
":" constr(E) :=
lets [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: E.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets I: (>> E0 A1).
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets I: (>> E0 A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1 A2.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1 A2 A3.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5.
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args in
(* let Ei''' := args_unfold_head_if_not_product Ei'' in*)
build_app args ltac:(fun R ⇒ lets_base I R).
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
lets_build I E.
Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E) :=
let H := fresh in lets H: E.
Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets: (>> E0 A1).
Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets: (>> E0 A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "lets" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
(* --todo: deprecated, do not use *)
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
":" constr(E) :=
lets [I1 I2]: E.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(E) :=
lets [I1 [I2 I3]]: E.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(E) :=
lets [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: E.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
":" constr(E) :=
lets [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: E.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets I: (>> E0 A1).
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets I: (>> E0 A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1 A2.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1 A2 A3.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4.
Tactic Notation "lets" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets [I1 I2]: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5.
forwards H: (>> E0 E1 .. EN) is short for
forwards H: (>> E0 E1 .. EN ___).
The arguments Ei can be wildcards __ (except E0).
H may be an introduction pattern, or a sequence of
introduction pattern, or empty.
Syntax forwards H: E0 E1 .. EN is also available.
Ltac forwards_build_app_arg Ei :=
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := (eval simpl in (args ++ ((boxer ___)::nil))) in
let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product args in
Ltac forwards_then Ei cont :=
let args := forwards_build_app_arg Ei in
let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args in
build_app args cont.
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(Ei) :=
let args := forwards_build_app_arg Ei in
lets I: args.
Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E) :=
let H := fresh in forwards H: E.
Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
forwards: (>> E0 A1).
Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
forwards: (>> E0 A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
forwards: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
forwards: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
forwards: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
(* todo: deprecated, do not use *)
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
":" constr(E) :=
forwards [I1 I2]: E.
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(E) :=
forwards [I1 [I2 I3]]: E.
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(E) :=
forwards [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: E.
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
":" constr(E) :=
forwards [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: E.
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
forwards I: (>> E0 A1).
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
forwards I: (>> E0 A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
forwards I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
forwards I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
forwards I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
(* for use by tactics -- todo: factorize better *)
Tactic Notation "forwards_nounfold" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(Ei) :=
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := (eval simpl in (args ++ ((boxer ___)::nil))) in
build_app args ltac:(fun R ⇒ lets_base I R).
Ltac forwards_nounfold_then Ei cont :=
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := (eval simpl in (args ++ ((boxer ___)::nil))) in
build_app args cont.
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := (eval simpl in (args ++ ((boxer ___)::nil))) in
let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product args in
Ltac forwards_then Ei cont :=
let args := forwards_build_app_arg Ei in
let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args in
build_app args cont.
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(Ei) :=
let args := forwards_build_app_arg Ei in
lets I: args.
Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E) :=
let H := fresh in forwards H: E.
Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
forwards: (>> E0 A1).
Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
forwards: (>> E0 A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
forwards: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
forwards: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "forwards" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
forwards: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
(* todo: deprecated, do not use *)
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
":" constr(E) :=
forwards [I1 I2]: E.
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(E) :=
forwards [I1 [I2 I3]]: E.
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(E) :=
forwards [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: E.
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
":" constr(E) :=
forwards [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: E.
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
forwards I: (>> E0 A1).
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
forwards I: (>> E0 A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
forwards I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
forwards I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "forwards" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
forwards I: (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
(* for use by tactics -- todo: factorize better *)
Tactic Notation "forwards_nounfold" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(Ei) :=
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := (eval simpl in (args ++ ((boxer ___)::nil))) in
build_app args ltac:(fun R ⇒ lets_base I R).
Ltac forwards_nounfold_then Ei cont :=
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := (eval simpl in (args ++ ((boxer ___)::nil))) in
build_app args cont.
applys (>> E0 E1 .. EN) instantiates lemma E0
on the arguments Ei (which may be wildcards __),
and apply the resulting term to the current goal,
using the tactic applys defined earlier on.
applys E0 E1 E2 .. EN is also available.
Ltac applys_build Ei :=
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args in
build_app args ltac:(fun R ⇒
first [ apply R | eapply R | rapply R ]).
Ltac applys_base E :=
match type of E with
| list Boxer ⇒ applys_build E
| _ ⇒ first [ rapply E | applys_build E ]
end; fast_rm_inside E.
Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E) :=
applys_base E.
Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
applys (>> E0 A1).
Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
applys (>> E0 A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
applys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
applys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
applys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args in
build_app args ltac:(fun R ⇒
first [ apply R | eapply R | rapply R ]).
Ltac applys_base E :=
match type of E with
| list Boxer ⇒ applys_build E
| _ ⇒ first [ rapply E | applys_build E ]
end; fast_rm_inside E.
Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E) :=
applys_base E.
Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
applys (>> E0 A1).
Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
applys (>> E0 A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
applys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
applys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "applys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
applys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
fapplys (>> E0 E1 .. EN) instantiates lemma E0
on the arguments Ei and on the argument ___ meaning
that all evars should be explicitly instantiated,
and apply the resulting term to the current goal.
fapplys E0 E1 E2 .. EN is also available.
Ltac fapplys_build Ei :=
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := (eval simpl in (args ++ ((boxer ___)::nil))) in
let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args in
build_app args ltac:(fun R ⇒ apply R).
Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) := (* todo: use the tactic for that*)
match type of E0 with
| list Boxer ⇒ fapplys_build E0
| _ ⇒ fapplys_build (>> E0)
Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
fapplys (>> E0 A1).
Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
fapplys (>> E0 A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
fapplys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
fapplys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
fapplys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := (eval simpl in (args ++ ((boxer ___)::nil))) in
let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product_but_params args in
build_app args ltac:(fun R ⇒ apply R).
Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) := (* todo: use the tactic for that*)
match type of E0 with
| list Boxer ⇒ fapplys_build E0
| _ ⇒ fapplys_build (>> E0)
Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
fapplys (>> E0 A1).
Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
fapplys (>> E0 A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
fapplys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
fapplys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "fapplys" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
fapplys (>> E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
specializes H (>> E1 E2 .. EN) will instantiate hypothesis H
on the arguments Ei (which may be wildcards __). If the last
argument EN is ___ (triple-underscore), then all arguments of
H get instantiated.
Ltac specializes_build H Ei :=
let H' := fresh "TEMP" in rename H into H';
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := constr:((boxer H')::args) in
let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product args in
build_app args ltac:(fun R ⇒ lets H: R);
clear H'.
Ltac specializes_base H Ei :=
specializes_build H Ei; fast_rm_inside Ei.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) :=
specializes_base H (___).
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A) :=
specializes_base H A.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
specializes H (>> A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
specializes H (>> A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
specializes H (>> A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
specializes H (>> A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
let H' := fresh "TEMP" in rename H into H';
let args := list_boxer_of Ei in
let args := constr:((boxer H')::args) in
let args := args_unfold_head_if_not_product args in
build_app args ltac:(fun R ⇒ lets H: R);
clear H'.
Ltac specializes_base H Ei :=
specializes_build H Ei; fast_rm_inside Ei.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) :=
specializes_base H (___).
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A) :=
specializes_base H A.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
specializes H (>> A1 A2).
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
specializes H (>> A1 A2 A3).
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
specializes H (>> A1 A2 A3 A4).
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
specializes H (>> A1 A2 A3 A4 A5).
specializes_vars H is equivalent to specializes H __ .. __
with as many double underscore as the number of dependent arguments
visible from the type of H. Note that no unfolding is currently
being performed (this behavior might change in the future).
The current implementation is restricted to the case where
H is an existing hypothesis — TODO: generalize.
Ltac specializes_var_base H :=
match type of H with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ fail 1
| ∀ _:_, _ ⇒ specializes H __
Ltac specializes_vars_base H :=
repeat (specializes_var_base H).
Tactic Notation "specializes_var" hyp(H) :=
specializes_var_base H.
Tactic Notation "specializes_vars" hyp(H) :=
specializes_vars_base H.
match type of H with
| ?P → ?Q ⇒ fail 1
| ∀ _:_, _ ⇒ specializes H __
Ltac specializes_vars_base H :=
repeat (specializes_var_base H).
Tactic Notation "specializes_var" hyp(H) :=
specializes_var_base H.
Tactic Notation "specializes_vars" hyp(H) :=
specializes_vars_base H.
Tactic Notation "fapply" constr(E) :=
let H := fresh in forwards H: E;
first [ apply H | eapply H | rapply H | hnf; apply H
| hnf; eapply H | applys H ].
(* todo: is applys redundant with rapply ? *)
let H := fresh in forwards H: E;
first [ apply H | eapply H | rapply H | hnf; apply H
| hnf; eapply H | applys H ].
(* todo: is applys redundant with rapply ? *)
sapply stands for "super apply". It tries
apply, eapply, applys and fapply,
and also tries to head-normalize the goal first.
Tactic Notation "sapply" constr(H) :=
first [ apply H | eapply H | rapply H | applys H
| hnf; apply H | hnf; eapply H | hnf; applys H
| fapply H ].
first [ apply H | eapply H | rapply H | applys H
| hnf; apply H | hnf; eapply H | hnf; applys H
| fapply H ].
Adding Assumptions
Tactic Notation "lets_simpl" ident(H) ":" constr(E) :=
lets H: E; try simpl in H.
Tactic Notation "lets_simpl" ":" constr(T) :=
let H := fresh in lets_simpl H: T.
lets H: E; try simpl in H.
Tactic Notation "lets_simpl" ":" constr(T) :=
let H := fresh in lets_simpl H: T.
lets_hnf H: E is the same as lets H: E excepts that it
calls hnf to set the definition in head normal form.
lets_hnf: E is also provided.
Tactic Notation "lets_hnf" ident(H) ":" constr(E) :=
lets H: E; hnf in H.
Tactic Notation "lets_hnf" ":" constr(T) :=
let H := fresh in lets_hnf H: T.
lets H: E; hnf in H.
Tactic Notation "lets_hnf" ":" constr(T) :=
let H := fresh in lets_hnf H: T.
puts X: E is a synonymous for pose (X := E).
Alternative syntax is puts: E.
Tactic Notation "puts" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
pose (X := E).
Tactic Notation "puts" ":" constr(E) :=
let X := fresh "X" in pose (X := E).
pose (X := E).
Tactic Notation "puts" ":" constr(E) :=
let X := fresh "X" in pose (X := E).
Application of Tautologies
Ltac logic_base E cont :=
assert (H:E); [ cont tt | eapply H; clear H ].
Tactic Notation "logic" constr(E) :=
logic_base E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ tauto).
assert (H:E); [ cont tt | eapply H; clear H ].
Tactic Notation "logic" constr(E) :=
logic_base E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ tauto).
Application Modulo Equalities
Section equatesLemma.
Variables (A0 A1 : Type).
Variables (A2 : ∀ (x1 : A1), Type).
Variables (A3 : ∀ (x1 : A1) (x2 : A2 x1), Type).
Variables (A4 : ∀ (x1 : A1) (x2 : A2 x1) (x3 : A3 x2), Type).
Variables (A5 : ∀ (x1 : A1) (x2 : A2 x1) (x3 : A3 x2) (x4 : A4 x3), Type).
Variables (A6 : ∀ (x1 : A1) (x2 : A2 x1) (x3 : A3 x2) (x4 : A4 x3) (x5 : A5 x4), Type).
Lemma equates_0 : ∀ (P Q:Prop),
P → P = Q → Q.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma equates_1 :
∀ (P:A0→Prop) x1 y1,
P y1 → x1 = y1 → P x1.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma equates_2 :
∀ y1 (P:A0→∀(x1:A1),Prop) x1 x2,
P y1 x2 → x1 = y1 → P x1 x2.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma equates_3 :
∀ y1 (P:A0→∀(x1:A1)(x2:A2 x1),Prop) x1 x2 x3,
P y1 x2 x3 → x1 = y1 → P x1 x2 x3.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma equates_4 :
∀ y1 (P:A0→∀(x1:A1)(x2:A2 x1)(x3:A3 x2),Prop) x1 x2 x3 x4,
P y1 x2 x3 x4 → x1 = y1 → P x1 x2 x3 x4.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma equates_5 :
∀ y1 (P:A0→∀(x1:A1)(x2:A2 x1)(x3:A3 x2)(x4:A4 x3),Prop) x1 x2 x3 x4 x5,
P y1 x2 x3 x4 x5 → x1 = y1 → P x1 x2 x3 x4 x5.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma equates_6 :
∀ y1 (P:A0→∀(x1:A1)(x2:A2 x1)(x3:A3 x2)(x4:A4 x3)(x5:A5 x4),Prop)
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6,
P y1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 → x1 = y1 → P x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
End equatesLemma.
Ltac equates_lemma n :=
match nat_from_number n with
| 0 ⇒ constr:(equates_0)
| 1 ⇒ constr:(equates_1)
| 2 ⇒ constr:(equates_2)
| 3 ⇒ constr:(equates_3)
| 4 ⇒ constr:(equates_4)
| 5 ⇒ constr:(equates_5)
| 6 ⇒ constr:(equates_6)
Ltac equates_one n :=
let L := equates_lemma n in
eapply L.
Ltac equates_several E cont :=
let all_pos := match type of E with
| List.list Boxer ⇒ constr:(E)
| _ ⇒ constr:((boxer E)::nil)
end in
let rec go pos :=
match pos with
| nil ⇒ cont tt
| (boxer ?n)::?pos' ⇒ equates_one n; [ instantiate; go pos' | ]
end in
go all_pos.
Tactic Notation "equates" constr(E) :=
equates_several E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ idtac).
Tactic Notation "equates" constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
equates (>> n1 n2).
Tactic Notation "equates" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
equates (>> n1 n2 n3).
Tactic Notation "equates" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
equates (>> n1 n2 n3 n4).
Variables (A0 A1 : Type).
Variables (A2 : ∀ (x1 : A1), Type).
Variables (A3 : ∀ (x1 : A1) (x2 : A2 x1), Type).
Variables (A4 : ∀ (x1 : A1) (x2 : A2 x1) (x3 : A3 x2), Type).
Variables (A5 : ∀ (x1 : A1) (x2 : A2 x1) (x3 : A3 x2) (x4 : A4 x3), Type).
Variables (A6 : ∀ (x1 : A1) (x2 : A2 x1) (x3 : A3 x2) (x4 : A4 x3) (x5 : A5 x4), Type).
Lemma equates_0 : ∀ (P Q:Prop),
P → P = Q → Q.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma equates_1 :
∀ (P:A0→Prop) x1 y1,
P y1 → x1 = y1 → P x1.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma equates_2 :
∀ y1 (P:A0→∀(x1:A1),Prop) x1 x2,
P y1 x2 → x1 = y1 → P x1 x2.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma equates_3 :
∀ y1 (P:A0→∀(x1:A1)(x2:A2 x1),Prop) x1 x2 x3,
P y1 x2 x3 → x1 = y1 → P x1 x2 x3.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma equates_4 :
∀ y1 (P:A0→∀(x1:A1)(x2:A2 x1)(x3:A3 x2),Prop) x1 x2 x3 x4,
P y1 x2 x3 x4 → x1 = y1 → P x1 x2 x3 x4.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma equates_5 :
∀ y1 (P:A0→∀(x1:A1)(x2:A2 x1)(x3:A3 x2)(x4:A4 x3),Prop) x1 x2 x3 x4 x5,
P y1 x2 x3 x4 x5 → x1 = y1 → P x1 x2 x3 x4 x5.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
Lemma equates_6 :
∀ y1 (P:A0→∀(x1:A1)(x2:A2 x1)(x3:A3 x2)(x4:A4 x3)(x5:A5 x4),Prop)
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6,
P y1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 → x1 = y1 → P x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6.
Proof. intros. subst. auto. Qed.
End equatesLemma.
Ltac equates_lemma n :=
match nat_from_number n with
| 0 ⇒ constr:(equates_0)
| 1 ⇒ constr:(equates_1)
| 2 ⇒ constr:(equates_2)
| 3 ⇒ constr:(equates_3)
| 4 ⇒ constr:(equates_4)
| 5 ⇒ constr:(equates_5)
| 6 ⇒ constr:(equates_6)
Ltac equates_one n :=
let L := equates_lemma n in
eapply L.
Ltac equates_several E cont :=
let all_pos := match type of E with
| List.list Boxer ⇒ constr:(E)
| _ ⇒ constr:((boxer E)::nil)
end in
let rec go pos :=
match pos with
| nil ⇒ cont tt
| (boxer ?n)::?pos' ⇒ equates_one n; [ instantiate; go pos' | ]
end in
go all_pos.
Tactic Notation "equates" constr(E) :=
equates_several E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ idtac).
Tactic Notation "equates" constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
equates (>> n1 n2).
Tactic Notation "equates" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
equates (>> n1 n2 n3).
Tactic Notation "equates" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
equates (>> n1 n2 n3 n4).
applys_eq H i1 .. iK is the same as
equates i1 .. iK followed by apply H
on the first subgoal.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" constr(H) constr(E) :=
equates_several E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ sapply H).
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
applys_eq H (>> n1 n2).
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
applys_eq H (>> n1 n2 n3).
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
applys_eq H (>> n1 n2 n3 n4).
equates_several E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ sapply H).
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
applys_eq H (>> n1 n2).
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
applys_eq H (>> n1 n2 n3).
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
applys_eq H (>> n1 n2 n3 n4).
Absurd Goals
Tactic Notation "false_goal" :=
elimtype False.
elimtype False.
false_post is the underlying tactic used to prove goals
of the form False. In the default implementation, it proves
the goal if the context contains False or an hypothesis of the
form C x1 .. xN = D y1 .. yM, or if the congruence tactic
finds a proof of x ≠ x for some x.
Ltac false_post :=
solve [ assumption | discriminate | congruence ].
solve [ assumption | discriminate | congruence ].
false replaces any goal by the goal False, and calls false_post
Tactic Notation "false" :=
false_goal; try false_post.
false_goal; try false_post.
tryfalse tries to solve a goal by contradiction, and leaves
the goal unchanged if it cannot solve it.
It is equivalent to try solve \[ false \].
Tactic Notation "tryfalse" :=
try solve [ false ].
try solve [ false ].
false E tries to exploit lemma E to prove the goal false.
false E1 .. EN is equivalent to false (>> E1 .. EN),
which tries to apply applys (>> E1 .. EN) and if it
does not work then tries forwards H: (>> E1 .. EN)
followed with false
Ltac false_then E cont :=
false_goal; first
[ applys E; instantiate
| forwards_then E ltac:(fun M ⇒
pose M; jauto_set_hyps; intros; false) ];
cont tt.
(* TODO: is cont needed? *)
Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) :=
false_then E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ idtac).
Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) constr(E1) :=
false (>> E E1).
Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
false (>> E E1 E2).
Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
false (>> E E1 E2 E3).
Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) constr(E4) :=
false (>> E E1 E2 E3 E4).
false_goal; first
[ applys E; instantiate
| forwards_then E ltac:(fun M ⇒
pose M; jauto_set_hyps; intros; false) ];
cont tt.
(* TODO: is cont needed? *)
Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) :=
false_then E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ idtac).
Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) constr(E1) :=
false (>> E E1).
Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
false (>> E E1 E2).
Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
false (>> E E1 E2 E3).
Tactic Notation "false" constr(E) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) constr(E4) :=
false (>> E E1 E2 E3 E4).
false_invert H proves a goal if it absurd after
calling inversion H and false
Ltac false_invert_for H :=
let M := fresh in pose (M := H); inversion H; false.
Tactic Notation "false_invert" constr(H) :=
try solve [ false_invert_for H | false ].
let M := fresh in pose (M := H); inversion H; false.
Tactic Notation "false_invert" constr(H) :=
try solve [ false_invert_for H | false ].
false_invert proves any goal provided there is at least
one hypothesis H in the context (or as a universally quantified
hypothesis visible at the head of the goal) that can be proved absurd by calling
inversion H.
Ltac false_invert_iter :=
match goal with H:_ |- _ ⇒
solve [ inversion H; false
| clear H; false_invert_iter
| fail 2 ] end.
Tactic Notation "false_invert" :=
intros; solve [ false_invert_iter | false ].
match goal with H:_ |- _ ⇒
solve [ inversion H; false
| clear H; false_invert_iter
| fail 2 ] end.
Tactic Notation "false_invert" :=
intros; solve [ false_invert_iter | false ].
tryfalse_invert H and tryfalse_invert are like the
above but leave the goal unchanged if they don't solve it.
Tactic Notation "tryfalse_invert" constr(H) :=
try (false_invert H).
Tactic Notation "tryfalse_invert" :=
try false_invert.
try (false_invert H).
Tactic Notation "tryfalse_invert" :=
try false_invert.
false_neq_self_hyp proves any goal if the context
contains an hypothesis of the form E ≠ E. It is
a restricted and optimized version of false. It is
intended to be used by other tactics only.
Ltac false_neq_self_hyp :=
match goal with H: ?x ≠ ?x |- _ ⇒
false_goal; apply H; reflexivity end.
match goal with H: ?x ≠ ?x |- _ ⇒
false_goal; apply H; reflexivity end.
- If introv is called on a goal of the form ∀x, H, it should introduce all the variables quantified with a ∀at the head of the goal, but it does not introduce hypotheses that preceed an arrow constructor, like in P → Q.
- If introv is called on a goal that is not of the form ∀x, H nor P → Q, the tactic unfolds definitions until the goal takes the form ∀x, H or P → Q. If unfolding definitions does not produces a goal of this form, then the tactic introv does nothing at all.
(* introv_rec introduces all visible variables.
It does not try to unfold any definition. *)
Ltac introv_rec :=
match goal with
| |- ?P → ?Q ⇒ idtac
| |- ∀ _, _ ⇒ intro; introv_rec
| |- _ ⇒ idtac
(* introv_noarg forces the goal to be a ∀or an →,
and then calls introv_rec to introduces variables
(possibly none, in which case introv is the same as hnf).
If the goal is not a product, then it does not do anything. *)
Ltac introv_noarg :=
match goal with
| |- ?P → ?Q ⇒ idtac
| |- ∀ _, _ ⇒ introv_rec
| |- ?G ⇒ hnf;
match goal with
| |- ?P → ?Q ⇒ idtac
| |- ∀ _, _ ⇒ introv_rec
| |- _ ⇒ idtac
(* simpler yet perhaps less efficient imlementation *)
Ltac introv_noarg_not_optimized :=
intro; match goal with H:_|-_ ⇒ revert H end; introv_rec.
(* introv_arg H introduces one non-dependent hypothesis
under the name H, after introducing the variables
quantified with a ∀that preceeds this hypothesis.
This tactic fails if there does not exist a hypothesis
to be introduced. *)
(* todo: __ in introv means "intros" *)
Ltac introv_arg H :=
hnf; match goal with
| |- ?P → ?Q ⇒ intros H
| |- ∀ _, _ ⇒ intro; introv_arg H
(* introv I1 .. IN iterates introv Ik *)
Tactic Notation "introv" :=
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
introv_arg I1.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) :=
introv I1; introv I2.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) simple_intropattern(I8) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) simple_intropattern(I8)
simple_intropattern(I9) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) simple_intropattern(I8)
simple_intropattern(I9) simple_intropattern(I10) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I10.
It does not try to unfold any definition. *)
Ltac introv_rec :=
match goal with
| |- ?P → ?Q ⇒ idtac
| |- ∀ _, _ ⇒ intro; introv_rec
| |- _ ⇒ idtac
(* introv_noarg forces the goal to be a ∀or an →,
and then calls introv_rec to introduces variables
(possibly none, in which case introv is the same as hnf).
If the goal is not a product, then it does not do anything. *)
Ltac introv_noarg :=
match goal with
| |- ?P → ?Q ⇒ idtac
| |- ∀ _, _ ⇒ introv_rec
| |- ?G ⇒ hnf;
match goal with
| |- ?P → ?Q ⇒ idtac
| |- ∀ _, _ ⇒ introv_rec
| |- _ ⇒ idtac
(* simpler yet perhaps less efficient imlementation *)
Ltac introv_noarg_not_optimized :=
intro; match goal with H:_|-_ ⇒ revert H end; introv_rec.
(* introv_arg H introduces one non-dependent hypothesis
under the name H, after introducing the variables
quantified with a ∀that preceeds this hypothesis.
This tactic fails if there does not exist a hypothesis
to be introduced. *)
(* todo: __ in introv means "intros" *)
Ltac introv_arg H :=
hnf; match goal with
| |- ?P → ?Q ⇒ intros H
| |- ∀ _, _ ⇒ intro; introv_arg H
(* introv I1 .. IN iterates introv Ik *)
Tactic Notation "introv" :=
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
introv_arg I1.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2) :=
introv I1; introv I2.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) simple_intropattern(I8) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) simple_intropattern(I8)
simple_intropattern(I9) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9.
Tactic Notation "introv" simple_intropattern(I1) simple_intropattern(I2)
simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) simple_intropattern(I8)
simple_intropattern(I9) simple_intropattern(I10) :=
introv I1; introv I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I10.
intros_all repeats intro as long as possible. Contrary to intros,
it unfolds any definition on the way. Remark that it also unfolds the
definition of negation, so applying introz to a goal of the form
∀x, P x → ¬Q will introduce x and P x and Q, and will
leave False in the goal.
Tactic Notation "intros_all" :=
repeat intro.
repeat intro.
intros_hnf introduces an hypothesis and sets in head normal form
Tactic Notation "intro_hnf" :=
intro; match goal with H: _ |- _ ⇒ hnf in H end.
intro; match goal with H: _ |- _ ⇒ hnf in H end.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) :=
generalize dependent X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) :=
gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) :=
gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) :=
gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) :=
gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
ident(X6) :=
gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
ident(X6) ident(X7) :=
gen X7; gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
ident(X6) ident(X7) ident(X8) :=
gen X8; gen X7; gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
ident(X6) ident(X7) ident(X8) ident(X9) :=
gen X9; gen X8; gen X7; gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
ident(X6) ident(X7) ident(X8) ident(X9) ident(X10) :=
gen X10; gen X9; gen X8; gen X7; gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
generalize dependent X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) :=
gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) :=
gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) :=
gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) :=
gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
ident(X6) :=
gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
ident(X6) ident(X7) :=
gen X7; gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
ident(X6) ident(X7) ident(X8) :=
gen X8; gen X7; gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
ident(X6) ident(X7) ident(X8) ident(X9) :=
gen X9; gen X8; gen X7; gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
Tactic Notation "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5)
ident(X6) ident(X7) ident(X8) ident(X9) ident(X10) :=
gen X10; gen X9; gen X8; gen X7; gen X6; gen X5; gen X4; gen X3; gen X2; gen X1.
generalizes X is a shorthand for calling generalize X; clear X.
It is weaker than tactic gen X since it does not support
dependencies. It is mainly intended for writing tactics.
Tactic Notation "generalizes" hyp(X) :=
generalize X; clear X.
Tactic Notation "generalizes" hyp(X1) hyp(X2) :=
generalizes X1; generalizes X2.
Tactic Notation "generalizes" hyp(X1) hyp(X2) hyp(X3) :=
generalizes X1 X2; generalizes X3.
Tactic Notation "generalizes" hyp(X1) hyp(X2) hyp(X3) hyp(X4) :=
generalizes X1 X2 X3; generalizes X4.
generalize X; clear X.
Tactic Notation "generalizes" hyp(X1) hyp(X2) :=
generalizes X1; generalizes X2.
Tactic Notation "generalizes" hyp(X1) hyp(X2) hyp(X3) :=
generalizes X1 X2; generalizes X3.
Tactic Notation "generalizes" hyp(X1) hyp(X2) hyp(X3) hyp(X4) :=
generalizes X1 X2 X3; generalizes X4.
Tactic Notation "sets" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
set (X := E) in *.
set (X := E) in *.
def_to_eq E X H applies when X := E is a local
definition. It adds an assumption H: X = E
and then clears the definition of X.
def_to_eq_sym is similar except that it generates
the equality H: E = X.
Ltac def_to_eq X HX E :=
assert (HX : X = E) by reflexivity; clearbody X.
Ltac def_to_eq_sym X HX E :=
assert (HX : E = X) by reflexivity; clearbody X.
assert (HX : X = E) by reflexivity; clearbody X.
Ltac def_to_eq_sym X HX E :=
assert (HX : E = X) by reflexivity; clearbody X.
set_eq X H: E generates the equality H: X = E,
for a fresh name X, and replaces E by X in the
current goal. Syntaxes set_eq X: E and
set_eq: E are also available. Similarly,
set_eq <- X H: E generates the equality H: E = X.
sets_eq X HX: E does the same but replaces E by X
everywhere in the goal. sets_eq X HX: E in H replaces in H.
set_eq X HX: E in |- performs no substitution at all.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) :=
set (X := E); def_to_eq X HX E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq X HX: E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ":" constr(E) :=
let X := fresh "X" in set_eq X: E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) :=
set (X := E); def_to_eq_sym X HX E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq <- X HX: E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ":" constr(E) :=
let X := fresh "X" in set_eq <- X: E.
Tactic Notation "sets_eq" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) :=
set (X := E) in *; def_to_eq X HX E.
Tactic Notation "sets_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in sets_eq X HX: E.
Tactic Notation "sets_eq" ":" constr(E) :=
let X := fresh "X" in sets_eq X: E.
Tactic Notation "sets_eq" "<-" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) :=
set (X := E) in *; def_to_eq_sym X HX E.
Tactic Notation "sets_eq" "<-" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in sets_eq <- X HX: E.
Tactic Notation "sets_eq" "<-" ":" constr(E) :=
let X := fresh "X" in sets_eq <- X: E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
set (X := E) in H; def_to_eq X HX E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq X HX: E in H.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
let X := fresh "X" in set_eq X: E in H.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
set (X := E) in H; def_to_eq_sym X HX E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq <- X HX: E in H.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
let X := fresh "X" in set_eq <- X: E in H.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
set (X := E) in |-; def_to_eq X HX E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq X HX: E in |-.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
let X := fresh "X" in set_eq X: E in |-.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
set (X := E) in |-; def_to_eq_sym X HX E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq <- X HX: E in |-.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
let X := fresh "X" in set_eq <- X: E in |-.
set (X := E); def_to_eq X HX E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq X HX: E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ":" constr(E) :=
let X := fresh "X" in set_eq X: E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) :=
set (X := E); def_to_eq_sym X HX E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq <- X HX: E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ":" constr(E) :=
let X := fresh "X" in set_eq <- X: E.
Tactic Notation "sets_eq" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) :=
set (X := E) in *; def_to_eq X HX E.
Tactic Notation "sets_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in sets_eq X HX: E.
Tactic Notation "sets_eq" ":" constr(E) :=
let X := fresh "X" in sets_eq X: E.
Tactic Notation "sets_eq" "<-" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) :=
set (X := E) in *; def_to_eq_sym X HX E.
Tactic Notation "sets_eq" "<-" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in sets_eq <- X HX: E.
Tactic Notation "sets_eq" "<-" ":" constr(E) :=
let X := fresh "X" in sets_eq <- X: E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
set (X := E) in H; def_to_eq X HX E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq X HX: E in H.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
let X := fresh "X" in set_eq X: E in H.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
set (X := E) in H; def_to_eq_sym X HX E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq <- X HX: E in H.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ":" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
let X := fresh "X" in set_eq <- X: E in H.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
set (X := E) in |-; def_to_eq X HX E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq X HX: E in |-.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
let X := fresh "X" in set_eq X: E in |-.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ident(HX) ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
set (X := E) in |-; def_to_eq_sym X HX E.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ident(X) ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
let HX := fresh "EQ" X in set_eq <- X HX: E in |-.
Tactic Notation "set_eq" "<-" ":" constr(E) "in" "|-" :=
let X := fresh "X" in set_eq <- X: E in |-.
gen_eq X: E is a tactic whose purpose is to introduce
equalities so as to work around the limitation of the induction
tactic which typically loses information. gen_eq E as X replaces
all occurences of term E with a fresh variable X and the equality
X = E as extra hypothesis to the current conclusion. In other words
a conclusion C will be turned into (X = E) → C.
gen_eq: E and gen_eq: E as X are also accepted.
Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ident(X) ":" constr(E) :=
let EQ := fresh in sets_eq X EQ: E; revert EQ.
Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ":" constr(E) :=
let X := fresh "X" in gen_eq X: E.
Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ":" constr(E) "as" ident(X) :=
gen_eq X: E.
Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ident(X1) ":" constr(E1) ","
ident(X2) ":" constr(E2) :=
gen_eq X2: E2; gen_eq X1: E1.
Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ident(X1) ":" constr(E1) ","
ident(X2) ":" constr(E2) "," ident(X3) ":" constr(E3) :=
gen_eq X3: E3; gen_eq X2: E2; gen_eq X1: E1.
let EQ := fresh in sets_eq X EQ: E; revert EQ.
Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ":" constr(E) :=
let X := fresh "X" in gen_eq X: E.
Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ":" constr(E) "as" ident(X) :=
gen_eq X: E.
Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ident(X1) ":" constr(E1) ","
ident(X2) ":" constr(E2) :=
gen_eq X2: E2; gen_eq X1: E1.
Tactic Notation "gen_eq" ident(X1) ":" constr(E1) ","
ident(X2) ":" constr(E2) "," ident(X3) ":" constr(E3) :=
gen_eq X3: E3; gen_eq X2: E2; gen_eq X1: E1.
sets_let X finds the first let-expression in the goal
and names its body X. sets_eq_let X is similar,
except that it generates an explicit equality.
Tactics sets_let X in H and sets_eq_let X in H
allow specifying a particular hypothesis (by default,
the first one that contains a let is considered).
Known limitation: it does not seem possible to support
naming of multiple let-in constructs inside a term, from ltac.
Ltac sets_let_base tac :=
match goal with
| |- context[let _ := ?E in _] ⇒ tac E; cbv zeta
| H: context[let _ := ?E in _] |- _ ⇒ tac E; cbv zeta in H
Ltac sets_let_in_base H tac :=
match type of H with context[let _ := ?E in _] ⇒
tac E; cbv zeta in H end.
Tactic Notation "sets_let" ident(X) :=
sets_let_base ltac:(fun E ⇒ sets X: E).
Tactic Notation "sets_let" ident(X) "in" hyp(H) :=
sets_let_in_base H ltac:(fun E ⇒ sets X: E).
Tactic Notation "sets_eq_let" ident(X) :=
sets_let_base ltac:(fun E ⇒ sets_eq X: E).
Tactic Notation "sets_eq_let" ident(X) "in" hyp(H) :=
sets_let_in_base H ltac:(fun E ⇒ sets_eq X: E).
match goal with
| |- context[let _ := ?E in _] ⇒ tac E; cbv zeta
| H: context[let _ := ?E in _] |- _ ⇒ tac E; cbv zeta in H
Ltac sets_let_in_base H tac :=
match type of H with context[let _ := ?E in _] ⇒
tac E; cbv zeta in H end.
Tactic Notation "sets_let" ident(X) :=
sets_let_base ltac:(fun E ⇒ sets X: E).
Tactic Notation "sets_let" ident(X) "in" hyp(H) :=
sets_let_in_base H ltac:(fun E ⇒ sets X: E).
Tactic Notation "sets_eq_let" ident(X) :=
sets_let_base ltac:(fun E ⇒ sets_eq X: E).
Tactic Notation "sets_eq_let" ident(X) "in" hyp(H) :=
sets_let_in_base H ltac:(fun E ⇒ sets_eq X: E).
Ltac rewrites_base E cont :=
match type of E with
| List.list Boxer ⇒ forwards_then E cont
| _ ⇒ cont E; fast_rm_inside E
Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) :=
rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M ⇒ rewrite M ).
Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M ⇒ rewrite M in H).
Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M ⇒ rewrite M in *).
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M ⇒ rewrite <- M ).
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M ⇒ rewrite <- M in H).
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M ⇒ rewrite <- M in *).
(* TODO: extend tactics below to use rewrites *)
match type of E with
| List.list Boxer ⇒ forwards_then E cont
| _ ⇒ cont E; fast_rm_inside E
Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) :=
rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M ⇒ rewrite M ).
Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M ⇒ rewrite M in H).
Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M ⇒ rewrite M in *).
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M ⇒ rewrite <- M ).
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M ⇒ rewrite <- M in H).
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrites_base E ltac:(fun M ⇒ rewrite <- M in *).
(* TODO: extend tactics below to use rewrites *)
rewrite_all E iterates version of rewrite E as long as possible.
Warning: this tactic can easily get into an infinite loop.
Syntax for rewriting from right to left and/or into an hypothese
is similar to the one of rewrite.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" constr(E) :=
repeat rewrite E.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "<-" constr(E) :=
repeat rewrite <- E.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
repeat rewrite E in H.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "<-" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
repeat rewrite <- E in H.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
repeat rewrite E in *.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
repeat rewrite <- E in *.
repeat rewrite E.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "<-" constr(E) :=
repeat rewrite <- E.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
repeat rewrite E in H.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "<-" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
repeat rewrite <- E in H.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
repeat rewrite E in *.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
repeat rewrite <- E in *.
asserts_rewrite E asserts that an equality E holds (generating a
corresponding subgoal) and rewrite it straight away in the current
goal. It avoids giving a name to the equality and later clearing it.
Syntax for rewriting from right to left and/or into an hypothese
is similar to the one of rewrite. Note: the tactic replaces
plays a similar role.
Ltac asserts_rewrite_tactic E action :=
let EQ := fresh in (assert (EQ : E);
[ idtac | action EQ; clear EQ ]).
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" constr(E) :=
asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite EQ).
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) :=
asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite <- EQ).
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite EQ in H).
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite <- EQ in H).
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite EQ in *).
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite <- EQ in *).
let EQ := fresh in (assert (EQ : E);
[ idtac | action EQ; clear EQ ]).
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" constr(E) :=
asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite EQ).
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) :=
asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite <- EQ).
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite EQ in H).
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite <- EQ in H).
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite EQ in *).
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite <- EQ in *).
cuts_rewrite E is the same as asserts_rewrite E except
that subgoals are permuted.
Ltac cuts_rewrite_tactic E action :=
let EQ := fresh in (cuts EQ: E;
[ action EQ; clear EQ | idtac ]).
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" constr(E) :=
cuts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite EQ).
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) :=
cuts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite <- EQ).
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
cuts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite EQ in H).
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
cuts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite <- EQ in H).
let EQ := fresh in (cuts EQ: E;
[ action EQ; clear EQ | idtac ]).
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" constr(E) :=
cuts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite EQ).
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) :=
cuts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite <- EQ).
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
cuts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite EQ in H).
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
cuts_rewrite_tactic E ltac:(fun EQ ⇒ rewrite <- EQ in H).
rewrite_except H EQ rewrites equality EQ everywhere
but in hypothesis H. Mainly useful for other tactics.
Ltac rewrite_except H EQ :=
let K := fresh in let T := type of H in
set (K := T) in H;
rewrite EQ in *; unfold K in H; clear K.
let K := fresh in let T := type of H in
set (K := T) in H;
rewrite EQ in *; unfold K in H; clear K.
rewrites E at K applies when E is of the form T1 = T2
rewrites the equality E at the K-th occurence of T1
in the current goal.
Syntaxes rewrites <- E at K and rewrites E at K in H
are also available.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) "at" constr(K) :=
match type of E with ?T1 = ?T2 ⇒
ltac_action_at K of T1 do (rewrites E) end.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) "at" constr(K) :=
match type of E with ?T1 = ?T2 ⇒
ltac_action_at K of T2 do (rewrites <- E) end.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "in" hyp(H) :=
match type of E with ?T1 = ?T2 ⇒
ltac_action_at K of T1 in H do (rewrites E in H) end.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "in" hyp(H) :=
match type of E with ?T1 = ?T2 ⇒
ltac_action_at K of T2 in H do (rewrites <- E in H) end.
match type of E with ?T1 = ?T2 ⇒
ltac_action_at K of T1 do (rewrites E) end.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) "at" constr(K) :=
match type of E with ?T1 = ?T2 ⇒
ltac_action_at K of T2 do (rewrites <- E) end.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "in" hyp(H) :=
match type of E with ?T1 = ?T2 ⇒
ltac_action_at K of T1 in H do (rewrites E in H) end.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "<-" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "in" hyp(H) :=
match type of E with ?T1 = ?T2 ⇒
ltac_action_at K of T2 in H do (rewrites <- E in H) end.
Tactic Notation "replaces" constr(E) "with" constr(F) :=
let T := fresh in assert (T: E = F); [ | replace E with F; clear T ].
Tactic Notation "replaces" constr(E) "with" constr(F) "in" hyp(H) :=
let T := fresh in assert (T: E = F); [ | replace E with F in H; clear T ].
let T := fresh in assert (T: E = F); [ | replace E with F; clear T ].
Tactic Notation "replaces" constr(E) "with" constr(F) "in" hyp(H) :=
let T := fresh in assert (T: E = F); [ | replace E with F in H; clear T ].
replaces E at K with F replaces the K-th occurence of E
with F in the current goal. Syntax replaces E at K with F in H
is also available.
Tactic Notation "replaces" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "with" constr(F) :=
let T := fresh in assert (T: E = F); [ | rewrites T at K; clear T ].
Tactic Notation "replaces" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "with" constr(F) "in" hyp(H) :=
let T := fresh in assert (T: E = F); [ | rewrites T at K in H; clear T ].
let T := fresh in assert (T: E = F); [ | rewrites T at K; clear T ].
Tactic Notation "replaces" constr(E) "at" constr(K) "with" constr(F) "in" hyp(H) :=
let T := fresh in assert (T: E = F); [ | rewrites T at K in H; clear T ].
(* TODO: support "changes (E1 = E2)" *)
Tactic Notation "changes" constr(E1) "with" constr(E2) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite (E1 = E2) in H; [ reflexivity | ].
Tactic Notation "changes" constr(E1) "with" constr(E2) :=
asserts_rewrite (E1 = E2); [ reflexivity | ].
Tactic Notation "changes" constr(E1) "with" constr(E2) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite (E1 = E2) in *; [ reflexivity | ].
Tactic Notation "changes" constr(E1) "with" constr(E2) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite (E1 = E2) in H; [ reflexivity | ].
Tactic Notation "changes" constr(E1) "with" constr(E2) :=
asserts_rewrite (E1 = E2); [ reflexivity | ].
Tactic Notation "changes" constr(E1) "with" constr(E2) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite (E1 = E2) in *; [ reflexivity | ].
Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) :=
rename X1 into Y1.
Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) :=
renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2.
Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) "," ident(X3) "to" ident(Y3) :=
renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2, X3 to Y3.
Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) "," ident(X3) "to" ident(Y3) ","
ident(X4) "to" ident(Y4) :=
renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2, X3 to Y3, X4 to Y4.
Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) "," ident(X3) "to" ident(Y3) ","
ident(X4) "to" ident(Y4) "," ident(X5) "to" ident(Y5) :=
renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2, X3 to Y3, X4 to Y4, X5 to Y5.
Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) "," ident(X3) "to" ident(Y3) ","
ident(X4) "to" ident(Y4) "," ident(X5) "to" ident(Y5) ","
ident(X6) "to" ident(Y6) :=
renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2, X3 to Y3, X4 to Y4, X5 to Y5, X6 to Y6.
rename X1 into Y1.
Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) :=
renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2.
Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) "," ident(X3) "to" ident(Y3) :=
renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2, X3 to Y3.
Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) "," ident(X3) "to" ident(Y3) ","
ident(X4) "to" ident(Y4) :=
renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2, X3 to Y3, X4 to Y4.
Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) "," ident(X3) "to" ident(Y3) ","
ident(X4) "to" ident(Y4) "," ident(X5) "to" ident(Y5) :=
renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2, X3 to Y3, X4 to Y4, X5 to Y5.
Tactic Notation "renames" ident(X1) "to" ident(Y1) ","
ident(X2) "to" ident(Y2) "," ident(X3) "to" ident(Y3) ","
ident(X4) "to" ident(Y4) "," ident(X5) "to" ident(Y5) ","
ident(X6) "to" ident(Y6) :=
renames X1 to Y1; renames X2 to Y2, X3 to Y3, X4 to Y4, X5 to Y5, X6 to Y6.
Ltac apply_to_head_of E cont :=
let go E :=
let P := get_head E in cont P in
match E with
| ∀ _,_ ⇒ intros; apply_to_head_of E cont
| ?A = ?B ⇒ first [ go A | go B ]
| ?A ⇒ go A
Ltac unfolds_base :=
match goal with |- ?G ⇒
apply_to_head_of G ltac:(fun P ⇒ unfold P) end.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" :=
let go E :=
let P := get_head E in cont P in
match E with
| ∀ _,_ ⇒ intros; apply_to_head_of E cont
| ?A = ?B ⇒ first [ go A | go B ]
| ?A ⇒ go A
Ltac unfolds_base :=
match goal with |- ?G ⇒
apply_to_head_of G ltac:(fun P ⇒ unfold P) end.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" :=
unfolds in H unfolds the head definition of hypothesis H, i.e., if
H has type P x1 ... xN then it calls unfold P in H.
Ltac unfolds_in_base H :=
match type of H with ?G ⇒
apply_to_head_of G ltac:(fun P ⇒ unfold P in H) end.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "in" hyp(H) :=
unfolds_in_base H.
match type of H with ?G ⇒
apply_to_head_of G ltac:(fun P ⇒ unfold P in H) end.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "in" hyp(H) :=
unfolds_in_base H.
unfolds in H1,H2,..,HN allows unfolding the head constant
in several hypotheses at once.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "in" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) :=
unfolds in H1; unfolds in H2.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "in" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) :=
unfolds in H1; unfolds in H2 H3.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "in" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) :=
unfolds in H1; unfolds in H2 H3 H4.
unfolds in H1; unfolds in H2.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "in" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) :=
unfolds in H1; unfolds in H2 H3.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "in" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) :=
unfolds in H1; unfolds in H2 H3 H4.
unfolds P1,..,PN is a shortcut for unfold P1,..,PN in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) :=
unfold F1 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) :=
unfold F1,F2 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) :=
unfold F1,F2,F3 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) :=
unfold F1,F2,F3,F4 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) "," constr(F5) :=
unfold F1,F2,F3,F4,F5 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) "," constr(F5) "," constr(F6) :=
unfold F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) "," constr(F5)
"," constr(F6) "," constr(F7) :=
unfold F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) "," constr(F5)
"," constr(F6) "," constr(F7) "," constr(F8) :=
unfold F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8 in *.
unfold F1 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) :=
unfold F1,F2 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) :=
unfold F1,F2,F3 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) :=
unfold F1,F2,F3,F4 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) "," constr(F5) :=
unfold F1,F2,F3,F4,F5 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) "," constr(F5) "," constr(F6) :=
unfold F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) "," constr(F5)
"," constr(F6) "," constr(F7) :=
unfold F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7 in *.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) "," constr(F5)
"," constr(F6) "," constr(F7) "," constr(F8) :=
unfold F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8 in *.
folds P1,..,PN is a shortcut for fold P1 in *; ..; fold PN in *.
Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H) :=
fold H in *.
Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H1) "," constr(H2) :=
folds H1; folds H2.
Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H1) "," constr(H2) "," constr(H3) :=
folds H1; folds H2; folds H3.
Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H1) "," constr(H2) "," constr(H3)
"," constr(H4) :=
folds H1; folds H2; folds H3; folds H4.
Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H1) "," constr(H2) "," constr(H3)
"," constr(H4) "," constr(H5) :=
folds H1; folds H2; folds H3; folds H4; folds H5.
fold H in *.
Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H1) "," constr(H2) :=
folds H1; folds H2.
Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H1) "," constr(H2) "," constr(H3) :=
folds H1; folds H2; folds H3.
Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H1) "," constr(H2) "," constr(H3)
"," constr(H4) :=
folds H1; folds H2; folds H3; folds H4.
Tactic Notation "folds" constr(H1) "," constr(H2) "," constr(H3)
"," constr(H4) "," constr(H5) :=
folds H1; folds H2; folds H3; folds H4; folds H5.
Tactic Notation "simpls" :=
simpl in *.
simpl in *.
simpls P1,..,PN is a shortcut for
simpl P1 in *; ..; simpl PN in *.
Tactic Notation "simpls" constr(F1) :=
simpl F1 in *.
Tactic Notation "simpls" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) :=
simpls F1; simpls F2.
Tactic Notation "simpls" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) :=
simpls F1; simpls F2; simpls F3.
Tactic Notation "simpls" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) :=
simpls F1; simpls F2; simpls F3; simpls F4.
simpl F1 in *.
Tactic Notation "simpls" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) :=
simpls F1; simpls F2.
Tactic Notation "simpls" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) :=
simpls F1; simpls F2; simpls F3.
Tactic Notation "simpls" constr(F1) "," constr(F2)
"," constr(F3) "," constr(F4) :=
simpls F1; simpls F2; simpls F3; simpls F4.
unsimpl E replaces all occurence of X by E, where X is
the result which the tactic simpl would give when applied to E.
It is useful to undo what simpl has simplified too far.
Tactic Notation "unsimpl" constr(E) :=
let F := (eval simpl in E) in change F with E.
let F := (eval simpl in E) in change F with E.
unsimpl E in H is similar to unsimpl E but it applies
inside a particular hypothesis H.
Tactic Notation "unsimpl" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
let F := (eval simpl in E) in change F with E in H.
let F := (eval simpl in E) in change F with E in H.
unsimpl E in * applies unsimpl E everywhere possible.
unsimpls E is a synonymous.
Tactic Notation "unsimpl" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
let F := (eval simpl in E) in change F with E in *.
Tactic Notation "unsimpls" constr(E) :=
unsimpl E in *.
let F := (eval simpl in E) in change F with E in *.
Tactic Notation "unsimpls" constr(E) :=
unsimpl E in *.
nosimpl t protects the Coq termt against some forms of
simplification. See Gonthier's work for details on this trick.
Notation "'nosimpl' t" := (match tt with tt ⇒ t end)
(at level 10).
(at level 10).
Tactic Notation "hnfs" := hnf in *.
Tactic Notation "substs" :=
repeat (match goal with H: ?x = ?y |- _ ⇒
first [ subst x | subst y ] end).
repeat (match goal with H: ?x = ?y |- _ ⇒
first [ subst x | subst y ] end).
Implementation of substs below, which allows to call
subst on all the hypotheses that lie beyond a given
position in the proof context.
Ltac substs_below limit :=
match goal with H: ?T |- _ ⇒
match T with
| limit ⇒ idtac
| ?x = ?y ⇒
first [ subst x; substs_below limit
| subst y; substs_below limit
| generalizes H; substs_below limit; intro ]
end end.
match goal with H: ?T |- _ ⇒
match T with
| limit ⇒ idtac
| ?x = ?y ⇒
first [ subst x; substs_below limit
| subst y; substs_below limit
| generalizes H; substs_below limit; intro ]
end end.
substs below body E applies subst on all equalities that appear
in the context below the first hypothesis whose body is E.
If there is no such hypothesis in the context, it is equivalent
to subst. For instance, if H is an hypothesis, then
substs below H will substitute equalities below hypothesis H.
Tactic Notation "substs" "below" "body" constr(M) :=
substs_below M.
substs_below M.
substs below H applies subst on all equalities that appear
in the context below the hypothesis named H. Note that
the current implementation is technically incorrect since it
will confuse different hypotheses with the same body.
Tactic Notation "substs" "below" hyp(H) :=
match type of H with ?M ⇒ substs below body M end.
match type of H with ?M ⇒ substs below body M end.
subst_hyp H substitutes the equality contained in the
first hypothesis from the context.
Ltac intro_subst_hyp := fail. (* definition further on *)
subst_hyp H substitutes the equality contained in H.
Ltac subst_hyp_base H :=
match type of H with
| (_,_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_,_) ⇒ injection H; clear H; do 4 intro_subst_hyp
| (_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_) ⇒ injection H; clear H; do 4 intro_subst_hyp
| (_,_,_) = (_,_,_) ⇒ injection H; clear H; do 3 intro_subst_hyp
| (_,_) = (_,_) ⇒ injection H; clear H; do 2 intro_subst_hyp
| ?x = ?x ⇒ clear H
| ?x = ?y ⇒ first [ subst x | subst y ]
Tactic Notation "subst_hyp" hyp(H) := subst_hyp_base H.
Ltac intro_subst_hyp ::=
let H := fresh "TEMP" in intros H; subst_hyp H.
match type of H with
| (_,_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_,_) ⇒ injection H; clear H; do 4 intro_subst_hyp
| (_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_) ⇒ injection H; clear H; do 4 intro_subst_hyp
| (_,_,_) = (_,_,_) ⇒ injection H; clear H; do 3 intro_subst_hyp
| (_,_) = (_,_) ⇒ injection H; clear H; do 2 intro_subst_hyp
| ?x = ?x ⇒ clear H
| ?x = ?y ⇒ first [ subst x | subst y ]
Tactic Notation "subst_hyp" hyp(H) := subst_hyp_base H.
Ltac intro_subst_hyp ::=
let H := fresh "TEMP" in intros H; subst_hyp H.
intro_subst is a shorthand for intro H; subst_hyp H:
it introduces and substitutes the equality at the head
of the current goal.
Tactic Notation "intro_subst" :=
let H := fresh "TEMP" in intros H; subst_hyp H.
let H := fresh "TEMP" in intros H; subst_hyp H.
subst_local substitutes all local definition from the context
Ltac subst_local :=
repeat match goal with H:=_ |- _ ⇒ subst H end.
repeat match goal with H:=_ |- _ ⇒ subst H end.
subst_eq E takes an equality x = t and replace x
with t everywhere in the goal
Ltac subst_eq_base E :=
let H := fresh "TEMP" in lets H: E; subst_hyp H.
Tactic Notation "subst_eq" constr(E) :=
subst_eq_base E.
let H := fresh "TEMP" in lets H: E; subst_hyp H.
Tactic Notation "subst_eq" constr(E) :=
subst_eq_base E.
Require Import ProofIrrelevance.
pi_rewrite E replaces E of type Prop with a fresh
unification variable, and is thus a practical way to
exploit proof irrelevance, without writing explicitly
rewrite (proof_irrelevance E E'). Particularly useful
when E' is a big expression.
Ltac pi_rewrite_base E rewrite_tac :=
let E' := fresh in let T := type of E in evar (E':T);
rewrite_tac (@proof_irrelevance _ E E'); subst E'.
Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" constr(E) :=
pi_rewrite_base E ltac:(fun X ⇒ rewrite X).
Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
pi_rewrite_base E ltac:(fun X ⇒ rewrite X in H).
let E' := fresh in let T := type of E in evar (E':T);
rewrite_tac (@proof_irrelevance _ E E'); subst E'.
Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" constr(E) :=
pi_rewrite_base E ltac:(fun X ⇒ rewrite X).
Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
pi_rewrite_base E ltac:(fun X ⇒ rewrite X in H).
Proving Equalities
Ltac fequal_base :=
let go := f_equal; [ fequal_base | ] in
match goal with
| |- (_,_,_) = (_,_,_) ⇒ go
| |- (_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_) ⇒ go
| |- (_,_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_,_) ⇒ go
| |- (_,_,_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_,_,_) ⇒ go
| |- _ ⇒ f_equal
Tactic Notation "fequal" :=
let go := f_equal; [ fequal_base | ] in
match goal with
| |- (_,_,_) = (_,_,_) ⇒ go
| |- (_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_) ⇒ go
| |- (_,_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_,_) ⇒ go
| |- (_,_,_,_,_,_) = (_,_,_,_,_,_) ⇒ go
| |- _ ⇒ f_equal
Tactic Notation "fequal" :=
fequals is the same as fequal except that it tries and solve
all trivial subgoals, using reflexivity and congruence
(as well as the proof-irrelevance principle).
fequals applies to goals of the form f x1 .. xN = f y1 .. yN
and produces some subgoals of the form xi = yi).
Ltac fequal_post :=
first [ reflexivity | congruence | apply proof_irrelevance | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "fequals" :=
fequal; fequal_post.
first [ reflexivity | congruence | apply proof_irrelevance | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "fequals" :=
fequal; fequal_post.
fequals_rec calls fequals recursively.
It is equivalent to repeat (progress fequals).
Tactic Notation "fequals_rec" :=
repeat (progress fequals).
repeat (progress fequals).
Basic Inversion
Tactic Notation "invert" "keep" hyp(H) :=
pose ltac_mark; inversion H; gen_until_mark.
pose ltac_mark; inversion H; gen_until_mark.
invert keep H as X1 .. XN is the same as inversion H as ... except
that only hypotheses which are not variable need to be named
explicitely, in a similar fashion as introv is used to name
only hypotheses.
Tactic Notation "invert" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
invert keep H; introv I1.
Tactic Notation "invert" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) :=
invert keep H; introv I1 I2.
Tactic Notation "invert" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
invert keep H; introv I1 I2 I3.
invert keep H; introv I1.
Tactic Notation "invert" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) :=
invert keep H; introv I1 I2.
Tactic Notation "invert" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
invert keep H; introv I1 I2 I3.
invert H is same to inversion H except that it puts all the
facts obtained in the goal and clears hypothesis H.
In other words, it is equivalent to invert keep H; clear H.
Tactic Notation "invert" hyp(H) :=
invert keep H; clear H.
invert keep H; clear H.
invert H as X1 .. XN is the same as invert keep H as X1 .. XN
but it also clears hypothesis H.
Tactic Notation "invert_tactic" hyp(H) tactic(tac) :=
let H' := fresh in rename H into H'; tac H'; clear H'.
Tactic Notation "invert" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ invert keep H as I1).
Tactic Notation "invert" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ invert keep H as I1 I2).
Tactic Notation "invert" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ invert keep H as I1 I2 I3).
let H' := fresh in rename H into H'; tac H'; clear H'.
Tactic Notation "invert" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ invert keep H as I1).
Tactic Notation "invert" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ invert keep H as I1 I2).
Tactic Notation "invert" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ invert keep H as I1 I2 I3).
Inversion with Substitution
(* --we do not import Eqdep because it imports nasty hints automatically
Require Import Eqdep. *)
Axiom inj_pair2 : (* is in fact derivable from the axioms in LibAxiom.v *)
∀ (U : Type) (P : U → Type) (p : U) (x y : P p),
existT P p x = existT P p y → x = y.
(* Proof using. apply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.inj_pair2. Qed.*)
Ltac inverts_tactic H i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 :=
let rec go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 :=
match goal with
| |- (ltac_Mark → _) ⇒ intros _
| |- (?x = ?y → _) ⇒ let H := fresh in intro H;
first [ subst x | subst y ];
go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6
| |- (existT ?P ?p ?x = existT ?P ?p ?y → _) ⇒
let H := fresh in intro H;
generalize (@inj_pair2 _ P p x y H);
clear H; go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6
| |- (?P → ?Q) ⇒ i1; go i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 ltac:(intro)
| |- (∀ _, _) ⇒ intro; go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6
end in
generalize ltac_mark; invert keep H; go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6;
unfold eq' in *.
Require Import Eqdep. *)
Axiom inj_pair2 : (* is in fact derivable from the axioms in LibAxiom.v *)
∀ (U : Type) (P : U → Type) (p : U) (x y : P p),
existT P p x = existT P p y → x = y.
(* Proof using. apply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.inj_pair2. Qed.*)
Ltac inverts_tactic H i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 :=
let rec go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 :=
match goal with
| |- (ltac_Mark → _) ⇒ intros _
| |- (?x = ?y → _) ⇒ let H := fresh in intro H;
first [ subst x | subst y ];
go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6
| |- (existT ?P ?p ?x = existT ?P ?p ?y → _) ⇒
let H := fresh in intro H;
generalize (@inj_pair2 _ P p x y H);
clear H; go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6
| |- (?P → ?Q) ⇒ i1; go i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 ltac:(intro)
| |- (∀ _, _) ⇒ intro; go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6
end in
generalize ltac_mark; invert keep H; go i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6;
unfold eq' in *.
inverts keep H is same to invert keep H except that it
applies subst to all the equalities generated by the inversion.
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) :=
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro)
ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro)
ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
inverts keep H as X1 .. XN is the same as
invert keep H as X1 .. XN except that it applies subst to all the
equalities generated by the inversion
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1)
ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) :=
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2)
ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2) ltac:(intros I3)
ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) :=
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2) ltac:(intros I3)
ltac:(intros I4) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
simple_intropattern(I5) :=
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2) ltac:(intros I3)
ltac:(intros I4) ltac:(intros I5) ltac:(intro).
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
simple_intropattern(I5) simple_intropattern(I6) :=
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2) ltac:(intros I3)
ltac:(intros I4) ltac:(intros I5) ltac:(intros I6).
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1)
ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) :=
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2)
ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2) ltac:(intros I3)
ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) :=
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2) ltac:(intros I3)
ltac:(intros I4) ltac:(intro) ltac:(intro).
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
simple_intropattern(I5) :=
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2) ltac:(intros I3)
ltac:(intros I4) ltac:(intros I5) ltac:(intro).
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
simple_intropattern(I5) simple_intropattern(I6) :=
inverts_tactic H ltac:(intros I1) ltac:(intros I2) ltac:(intros I3)
ltac:(intros I4) ltac:(intros I5) ltac:(intros I6).
inverts H is same to inverts keep H except that it
clears hypothesis H.
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) :=
inverts keep H; clear H.
inverts keep H; clear H.
inverts H as X1 .. XN is the same as inverts keep H as X1 .. XN
but it also clears the hypothesis H.
Tactic Notation "inverts_tactic" hyp(H) tactic(tac) :=
let H' := fresh in rename H into H'; tac H'; clear H'.
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ inverts keep H as I1).
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ inverts keep H as I1 I2).
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ inverts keep H as I1 I2 I3).
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ inverts keep H as I1 I2 I3 I4).
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
simple_intropattern(I5) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ inverts keep H as I1 I2 I3 I4 I5).
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
simple_intropattern(I5) simple_intropattern(I6) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ inverts keep H as I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6).
let H' := fresh in rename H into H'; tac H'; clear H'.
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ inverts keep H as I1).
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ inverts keep H as I1 I2).
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ inverts keep H as I1 I2 I3).
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ inverts keep H as I1 I2 I3 I4).
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
simple_intropattern(I5) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ inverts keep H as I1 I2 I3 I4 I5).
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
simple_intropattern(I5) simple_intropattern(I6) :=
invert_tactic H (fun H ⇒ inverts keep H as I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6).
inverts H as performs an inversion on hypothesis H, substitutes
generated equalities, and put in the goal the other freshly-created
hypotheses, for the user to name explicitly.
inverts keep H as is the same except that it does not clear H.
TODO: reimplement inverts above using this one
Ltac inverts_as_tactic H :=
let rec go tt :=
match goal with
| |- (ltac_Mark → _) ⇒ intros _
| |- (?x = ?y → _) ⇒ let H := fresh "TEMP" in intro H;
first [ subst x | subst y ];
go tt
| |- (existT ?P ?p ?x = existT ?P ?p ?y → _) ⇒
let H := fresh in intro H;
generalize (@inj_pair2 _ P p x y H);
clear H; go tt
| |- (∀ _, _) ⇒
intro; let H := get_last_hyp tt in mark_to_generalize H; go tt
end in
pose ltac_mark; inversion H;
generalize ltac_mark; gen_until_mark;
go tt; gen_to_generalize; unfolds ltac_to_generalize;
unfold eq' in *.
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" :=
inverts_as_tactic H.
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" :=
inverts_as_tactic H; clear H.
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
simple_intropattern(I5) simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) :=
inverts H as; introv I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7.
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
simple_intropattern(I5) simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7)
simple_intropattern(I8) :=
inverts H as; introv I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8.
let rec go tt :=
match goal with
| |- (ltac_Mark → _) ⇒ intros _
| |- (?x = ?y → _) ⇒ let H := fresh "TEMP" in intro H;
first [ subst x | subst y ];
go tt
| |- (existT ?P ?p ?x = existT ?P ?p ?y → _) ⇒
let H := fresh in intro H;
generalize (@inj_pair2 _ P p x y H);
clear H; go tt
| |- (∀ _, _) ⇒
intro; let H := get_last_hyp tt in mark_to_generalize H; go tt
end in
pose ltac_mark; inversion H;
generalize ltac_mark; gen_until_mark;
go tt; gen_to_generalize; unfolds ltac_to_generalize;
unfold eq' in *.
Tactic Notation "inverts" "keep" hyp(H) "as" :=
inverts_as_tactic H.
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" :=
inverts_as_tactic H; clear H.
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
simple_intropattern(I5) simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7) :=
inverts H as; introv I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7.
Tactic Notation "inverts" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4)
simple_intropattern(I5) simple_intropattern(I6) simple_intropattern(I7)
simple_intropattern(I8) :=
inverts H as; introv I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8.
lets_inverts E as I1 .. IN is intuitively equivalent to
inverts E, with the difference that it applies to any
expression and not just to the name of an hypothesis.
Ltac lets_inverts_base E cont :=
let H := fresh "TEMP" in lets H: E; try cont H.
Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) :=
lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H ⇒ inverts H).
Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H ⇒ inverts H as I1).
Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) :=
lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H ⇒ inverts H as I1 I2).
Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H ⇒ inverts H as I1 I2 I3).
Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) :=
lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H ⇒ inverts H as I1 I2 I3 I4).
let H := fresh "TEMP" in lets H: E; try cont H.
Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) :=
lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H ⇒ inverts H).
Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I1) :=
lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H ⇒ inverts H as I1).
Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) :=
lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H ⇒ inverts H as I1 I2).
Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) :=
lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H ⇒ inverts H as I1 I2 I3).
Tactic Notation "lets_inverts" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) simple_intropattern(I4) :=
lets_inverts_base E ltac:(fun H ⇒ inverts H as I1 I2 I3 I4).
Ltac injects_tactic H :=
let rec go _ :=
match goal with
| |- (ltac_Mark → _) ⇒ intros _
| |- (?x = ?y → _) ⇒ let H := fresh in intro H;
first [ subst x | subst y | idtac ];
go tt
end in
generalize ltac_mark; injection H; go tt.
let rec go _ :=
match goal with
| |- (ltac_Mark → _) ⇒ intros _
| |- (?x = ?y → _) ⇒ let H := fresh in intro H;
first [ subst x | subst y | idtac ];
go tt
end in
generalize ltac_mark; injection H; go tt.
injects keep H takes an hypothesis H of the form
C a1 .. aN = C b1 .. bN and substitute all equalities
ai = bi that have been generated.
Tactic Notation "injects" "keep" hyp(H) :=
injects_tactic H.
injects_tactic H.
injects H is similar to injects keep H but clears
the hypothesis H.
Tactic Notation "injects" hyp(H) :=
injects_tactic H; clear H.
injects_tactic H; clear H.
inject H as X1 .. XN is the same as injection
followed by intros X1 .. XN
Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) :=
injection H.
Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) :=
injection H; intros X1.
Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) ident(X2) :=
injection H; intros X1 X2.
Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) :=
injection H; intros X1 X2 X3.
Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3)
ident(X4) :=
injection H; intros X1 X2 X3 X4.
Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3)
ident(X4) ident(X5) :=
injection H; intros X1 X2 X3 X4 X5.
injection H.
Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) :=
injection H; intros X1.
Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) ident(X2) :=
injection H; intros X1 X2.
Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) :=
injection H; intros X1 X2 X3.
Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3)
ident(X4) :=
injection H; intros X1 X2 X3 X4.
Tactic Notation "inject" hyp(H) "as" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3)
ident(X4) ident(X5) :=
injection H; intros X1 X2 X3 X4 X5.
Inversion and Injection with Substitution —rough implementation
Tactic Notation "inversions" "keep" hyp(H) :=
inversion H; subst.
inversion H; subst.
inversions H is a shortcut for inversion H followed by subst
and clear H.
It is a rough implementation of inverts keep H which behave
badly when the proof context already contains equalities.
It is provided in case the better implementation turns out to be
too slow.
Tactic Notation "inversions" hyp(H) :=
inversion H; subst; clear H.
inversion H; subst; clear H.
injections keep H is the same as injection H followed
by intros and subst. It is a rough implementation of
injects keep H which behave
badly when the proof context already contains equalities,
or when the goal starts with a forall or an implication.
Tactic Notation "injections" "keep" hyp(H) :=
injection H; intros; subst.
injection H; intros; subst.
injections H is the same as injection H followed
by intros and clear H and subst. It is a rough
implementation of injects keep H which behave
badly when the proof context already contains equalities,
or when the goal starts with a forall or an implication.
Tactic Notation "injections" "keep" hyp(H) :=
injection H; clear H; intros; subst.
injection H; clear H; intros; subst.
Case Analysis
Tactic Notation "cases" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
let X := fresh "TEMP" in
set (X := E) in *; def_to_eq_sym X H E;
destruct X.
Tactic Notation "cases" constr(E) :=
let H := fresh "Eq" in cases E as H.
let X := fresh "TEMP" in
set (X := E) in *; def_to_eq_sym X H E;
destruct X.
Tactic Notation "cases" constr(E) :=
let H := fresh "Eq" in cases E as H.
case_if_post is to be defined later as a tactic to clean
up goals. By defaults, it looks for obvious contradictions.
Currently, this tactic is extended in LibReflect to clean up
boolean propositions.
Ltac case_if_post := tryfalse.
case_if looks for a pattern of the form if ?B then ?E1 else ?E2
in the goal, and perform a case analysis on B by calling
destruct B. Subgoals containing a contradiction are discarded.
case_if looks in the goal first, and otherwise in the
first hypothesis that contains and if statement.
case_if in H can be used to specify which hypothesis to consider.
Syntaxes case_if as Eq and case_if in H as Eq allows to name
the hypothesis coming from the case analysis.
Ltac case_if_on_tactic_core E Eq :=
match type of E with
| {_}+{_} ⇒ destruct E as [Eq | Eq]
| _ ⇒ let X := fresh in
sets_eq <- X Eq: E;
destruct X
Ltac case_if_on_tactic E Eq :=
case_if_on_tactic_core E Eq; case_if_post.
Tactic Notation "case_if_on" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
case_if_on_tactic E Eq.
Tactic Notation "case_if" "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
match goal with
| |- context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒ case_if_on B as Eq
| K: context [if ?B then _ else _] |- _ ⇒ case_if_on B as Eq
Tactic Notation "case_if" "in" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
match type of H with context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒
case_if_on B as Eq end.
Tactic Notation "case_if" :=
let Eq := fresh in case_if as Eq.
Tactic Notation "case_if" "in" hyp(H) :=
let Eq := fresh in case_if in H as Eq.
match type of E with
| {_}+{_} ⇒ destruct E as [Eq | Eq]
| _ ⇒ let X := fresh in
sets_eq <- X Eq: E;
destruct X
Ltac case_if_on_tactic E Eq :=
case_if_on_tactic_core E Eq; case_if_post.
Tactic Notation "case_if_on" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
case_if_on_tactic E Eq.
Tactic Notation "case_if" "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
match goal with
| |- context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒ case_if_on B as Eq
| K: context [if ?B then _ else _] |- _ ⇒ case_if_on B as Eq
Tactic Notation "case_if" "in" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
match type of H with context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒
case_if_on B as Eq end.
Tactic Notation "case_if" :=
let Eq := fresh in case_if as Eq.
Tactic Notation "case_if" "in" hyp(H) :=
let Eq := fresh in case_if in H as Eq.
cases_if is similar to case_if with two main differences:
if it creates an equality of the form x = y and then
substitutes it in the goal
Ltac cases_if_on_tactic_core E Eq :=
match type of E with
| {_}+{_} ⇒ destruct E as [Eq|Eq]; try subst_hyp Eq
| _ ⇒ let X := fresh in
sets_eq <- X Eq: E;
destruct X
Ltac cases_if_on_tactic E Eq :=
cases_if_on_tactic_core E Eq; tryfalse; case_if_post.
Tactic Notation "cases_if_on" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
cases_if_on_tactic E Eq.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
match goal with
| |- context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒ cases_if_on B as Eq
| K: context [if ?B then _ else _] |- _ ⇒ cases_if_on B as Eq
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "in" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
match type of H with context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒
cases_if_on B as Eq end.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" :=
let Eq := fresh in cases_if as Eq.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "in" hyp(H) :=
let Eq := fresh in cases_if in H as Eq.
match type of E with
| {_}+{_} ⇒ destruct E as [Eq|Eq]; try subst_hyp Eq
| _ ⇒ let X := fresh in
sets_eq <- X Eq: E;
destruct X
Ltac cases_if_on_tactic E Eq :=
cases_if_on_tactic_core E Eq; tryfalse; case_if_post.
Tactic Notation "cases_if_on" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
cases_if_on_tactic E Eq.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
match goal with
| |- context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒ cases_if_on B as Eq
| K: context [if ?B then _ else _] |- _ ⇒ cases_if_on B as Eq
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "in" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
match type of H with context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒
cases_if_on B as Eq end.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" :=
let Eq := fresh in cases_if as Eq.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "in" hyp(H) :=
let Eq := fresh in cases_if in H as Eq.
case_ifs is like repeat case_if
Ltac case_ifs_core :=
repeat case_if.
Tactic Notation "case_ifs" :=
repeat case_if.
Tactic Notation "case_ifs" :=
destruct_if looks for a pattern of the form if ?B then ?E1 else ?E2
in the goal, and perform a case analysis on B by calling
destruct B. It looks in the goal first, and otherwise in the
first hypothesis that contains and if statement.
Ltac destruct_if_post := tryfalse.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if"
"as" simple_intropattern(Eq1) simple_intropattern(Eq2) :=
match goal with
| |- context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒ destruct B as [Eq1|Eq2]
| K: context [if ?B then _ else _] |- _ ⇒ destruct B as [Eq1|Eq2]
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "in" hyp(H)
"as" simple_intropattern(Eq1) simple_intropattern(Eq2) :=
match type of H with context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒
destruct B as [Eq1|Eq2] end;
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
destruct_if as Eq Eq.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "in" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
destruct_if in H as Eq Eq.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" :=
let Eq := fresh "C" in destruct_if as Eq Eq.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "in" hyp(H) :=
let Eq := fresh "C" in destruct_if in H as Eq Eq.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if"
"as" simple_intropattern(Eq1) simple_intropattern(Eq2) :=
match goal with
| |- context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒ destruct B as [Eq1|Eq2]
| K: context [if ?B then _ else _] |- _ ⇒ destruct B as [Eq1|Eq2]
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "in" hyp(H)
"as" simple_intropattern(Eq1) simple_intropattern(Eq2) :=
match type of H with context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒
destruct B as [Eq1|Eq2] end;
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
destruct_if as Eq Eq.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "in" hyp(H) "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
destruct_if in H as Eq Eq.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" :=
let Eq := fresh "C" in destruct_if as Eq Eq.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "in" hyp(H) :=
let Eq := fresh "C" in destruct_if in H as Eq Eq.
BROKEN since v8.5beta2.
destruct_head_match performs a case analysis on the argument
of the head pattern matching when the goal has the form
match ?E with ... or match ?E with ... = _ or
_ = match ?E with .... Due to the limits of Ltac, this tactic
will not fail if a match does not occur. Instead, it might
perform a case analysis on an unspecified subterm from the goal.
Warning: experimental.
Ltac find_head_match T :=
match T with context [?E] ⇒
match T with
| E ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ constr:(E)
Ltac destruct_head_match_core cont :=
match goal with
| |- ?T1 = ?T2 ⇒ first [ let E := find_head_match T1 in cont E
| let E := find_head_match T2 in cont E ]
| |- ?T1 ⇒ let E := find_head_match T1 in cont E
Tactic Notation "destruct_head_match" "as" simple_intropattern(I) :=
destruct_head_match_core ltac:(fun E ⇒ destruct E as I).
Tactic Notation "destruct_head_match" :=
destruct_head_match_core ltac:(fun E ⇒ destruct E).
(**--provided for compatibility with remember *)
match T with context [?E] ⇒
match T with
| E ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ constr:(E)
Ltac destruct_head_match_core cont :=
match goal with
| |- ?T1 = ?T2 ⇒ first [ let E := find_head_match T1 in cont E
| let E := find_head_match T2 in cont E ]
| |- ?T1 ⇒ let E := find_head_match T1 in cont E
Tactic Notation "destruct_head_match" "as" simple_intropattern(I) :=
destruct_head_match_core ltac:(fun E ⇒ destruct E as I).
Tactic Notation "destruct_head_match" :=
destruct_head_match_core ltac:(fun E ⇒ destruct E).
(**--provided for compatibility with remember *)
cases' E is similar to case_eq E except that it generates the
equality in the context and not in the goal. The syntax cases E as H
allows specifying the name H of that hypothesis.
Tactic Notation "cases'" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
let X := fresh "TEMP" in
set (X := E) in *; def_to_eq X H E;
destruct X.
Tactic Notation "cases'" constr(E) :=
let x := fresh "Eq" in cases' E as H.
let X := fresh "TEMP" in
set (X := E) in *; def_to_eq X H E;
destruct X.
Tactic Notation "cases'" constr(E) :=
let x := fresh "Eq" in cases' E as H.
cases_if' is similar to cases_if except that it generates
the symmetric equality.
Ltac cases_if_on' E Eq :=
match type of E with
| {_}+{_} ⇒ destruct E as [Eq|Eq]; try subst_hyp Eq
| _ ⇒ let X := fresh in
sets_eq X Eq: E;
destruct X
end; case_if_post.
Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
match goal with
| |- context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒ cases_if_on' B Eq
| K: context [if ?B then _ else _] |- _ ⇒ cases_if_on' B Eq
Tactic Notation "cases_if'" :=
let Eq := fresh in cases_if' as Eq.
match type of E with
| {_}+{_} ⇒ destruct E as [Eq|Eq]; try subst_hyp Eq
| _ ⇒ let X := fresh in
sets_eq X Eq: E;
destruct X
end; case_if_post.
Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "as" simple_intropattern(Eq) :=
match goal with
| |- context [if ?B then _ else _] ⇒ cases_if_on' B Eq
| K: context [if ?B then _ else _] |- _ ⇒ cases_if_on' B Eq
Tactic Notation "cases_if'" :=
let Eq := fresh in cases_if' as Eq.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Ltac inductions_post :=
unfold eq' in *.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) :=
dependent induction E; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
ident(X3) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
ident(X3) ident(X4) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4 X5; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) ident(X6) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) ident(X6) ident(X7) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) ident(X6) ident(X7) ident(X8) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8; inductions_post.
Ltac inductions_post :=
unfold eq' in *.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) :=
dependent induction E; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
ident(X3) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
ident(X3) ident(X4) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4 X5; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) ident(X6) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) ident(X6) ident(X7) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7; inductions_post.
Tactic Notation "inductions" ident(E) "gen" ident(X1) ident(X2)
ident(X3) ident(X4) ident(X5) ident(X6) ident(X7) ident(X8) :=
dependent induction E generalizing X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8; inductions_post.
induction_wf IH: E X is used to apply the well-founded induction
principle, for a given well-founded relation. It applies to a goal
PX where PX is a proposition on X. First, it sets up the
goal in the form (fun a ⇒ P a) X, using pattern X, and then
it applies the well-founded induction principle instantiated on E,
where E is a term of type well_founded R, and R is a binary
Syntaxes induction_wf: E X and induction_wf E X.
Tactic Notation "induction_wf" ident(IH) ":" constr(E) ident(X) :=
pattern X; apply (well_founded_ind E); clear X; intros X IH.
Tactic Notation "induction_wf" ":" constr(E) ident(X) :=
let IH := fresh "IH" in induction_wf IH: E X.
Tactic Notation "induction_wf" ":" constr(E) ident(X) :=
induction_wf: E X.
pattern X; apply (well_founded_ind E); clear X; intros X IH.
Tactic Notation "induction_wf" ":" constr(E) ident(X) :=
let IH := fresh "IH" in induction_wf IH: E X.
Tactic Notation "induction_wf" ":" constr(E) ident(X) :=
induction_wf: E X.
Induction on the height of a derivation: the helper tactic
induct_height helps proving the equivalence of the auxiliary
judgment that includes a counter for the maximal height
(see LibTacticsDemos for an example)
Require Import Compare_dec Omega.
Lemma induct_height_max2 : ∀ n1 n2 : nat,
∃ n, n1 < n ∧ n2 < n.
Proof using.
intros. destruct (lt_dec n1 n2).
∃ (S n2). omega.
∃ (S n1). omega.
Ltac induct_height_step x :=
match goal with
| H: ∃ _, _ |- _ ⇒
let n := fresh "n" in let y := fresh "x" in
destruct H as [n ?];
forwards (y&?&?): induct_height_max2 n x;
induct_height_step y
| _ ⇒ ∃ (S x); eauto
Ltac induct_height := induct_height_step O.
Lemma induct_height_max2 : ∀ n1 n2 : nat,
∃ n, n1 < n ∧ n2 < n.
Proof using.
intros. destruct (lt_dec n1 n2).
∃ (S n2). omega.
∃ (S n1). omega.
Ltac induct_height_step x :=
match goal with
| H: ∃ _, _ |- _ ⇒
let n := fresh "n" in let y := fresh "x" in
destruct H as [n ?];
forwards (y&?&?): induct_height_max2 n x;
induct_height_step y
| _ ⇒ ∃ (S x); eauto
Ltac induct_height := induct_height_step O.
Definition COIND (P:Prop) := P.
Tactic Notation "cofixs" ident(IH) :=
cofix IH;
match type of IH with ?P ⇒ change P with (COIND P) in IH end.
Tactic Notation "cofixs" ident(IH) :=
cofix IH;
match type of IH with ?P ⇒ change P with (COIND P) in IH end.
Tactic clear_coind clears all the coinduction hypotheses,
assuming that they have been tagged
Ltac clear_coind :=
repeat match goal with H: COIND _ |- _ ⇒ clear H end.
repeat match goal with H: COIND _ |- _ ⇒ clear H end.
Tactic abstracts tac is like abstract tac except that
it clears the coinduction hypotheses so that the productivity
check will be happy. For example, one can use abstracts omega
to obtain the same behavior as omega but with an auxiliary
lemma being generated.
Tactic Notation "abstracts" tactic(tac) :=
clear_coind; tac.
clear_coind; tac.
Decidable Equality
Ltac decides_equality_tactic :=
first [ decide equality | progress(unfolds); decides_equality_tactic ].
Tactic Notation "decides_equality" :=
first [ decide equality | progress(unfolds); decides_equality_tactic ].
Tactic Notation "decides_equality" :=
Lemma iff_intro_swap : ∀ (P Q : Prop),
(Q → P) → (P → Q) → (P ↔ Q).
Proof using. intuition. Qed.
Tactic Notation "iff" simple_intropattern(H1) simple_intropattern(H2) :=
split; [ intros H1 | intros H2 ].
Tactic Notation "iff" simple_intropattern(H) :=
iff H H.
Tactic Notation "iff" :=
let H := fresh "H" in iff H.
Tactic Notation "iff" "<-" simple_intropattern(H1) simple_intropattern(H2) :=
apply iff_intro_swap; [ intros H1 | intros H2 ].
Tactic Notation "iff" "<-" simple_intropattern(H) :=
iff <- H H.
Tactic Notation "iff" "<-" :=
let H := fresh "H" in iff <- H.
(Q → P) → (P → Q) → (P ↔ Q).
Proof using. intuition. Qed.
Tactic Notation "iff" simple_intropattern(H1) simple_intropattern(H2) :=
split; [ intros H1 | intros H2 ].
Tactic Notation "iff" simple_intropattern(H) :=
iff H H.
Tactic Notation "iff" :=
let H := fresh "H" in iff H.
Tactic Notation "iff" "<-" simple_intropattern(H1) simple_intropattern(H2) :=
apply iff_intro_swap; [ intros H1 | intros H2 ].
Tactic Notation "iff" "<-" simple_intropattern(H) :=
iff <- H H.
Tactic Notation "iff" "<-" :=
let H := fresh "H" in iff <- H.
N-ary Conjunctions Splitting in Goals
Underlying implementation of splits.
Ltac splits_tactic N :=
match N with
| O ⇒ fail
| S O ⇒ idtac
| S ?N' ⇒ split; [| splits_tactic N']
Ltac unfold_goal_until_conjunction :=
match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ idtac
| _ ⇒ progress(unfolds); unfold_goal_until_conjunction
Ltac get_term_conjunction_arity T :=
match T with
| _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(8)
| _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(7)
| _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(6)
| _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(5)
| _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(4)
| _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(3)
| _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(2)
| _ → ?T' ⇒ get_term_conjunction_arity T'
| _ ⇒ let P := get_head T in
let T' := eval unfold P in T in
match T' with
| T ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ get_term_conjunction_arity T'
(* todo: warning this can loop... *)
Ltac get_goal_conjunction_arity :=
match goal with |- ?T ⇒ get_term_conjunction_arity T end.
match N with
| O ⇒ fail
| S O ⇒ idtac
| S ?N' ⇒ split; [| splits_tactic N']
Ltac unfold_goal_until_conjunction :=
match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ idtac
| _ ⇒ progress(unfolds); unfold_goal_until_conjunction
Ltac get_term_conjunction_arity T :=
match T with
| _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(8)
| _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(7)
| _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(6)
| _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(5)
| _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(4)
| _ ∧ _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(3)
| _ ∧ _ ⇒ constr:(2)
| _ → ?T' ⇒ get_term_conjunction_arity T'
| _ ⇒ let P := get_head T in
let T' := eval unfold P in T in
match T' with
| T ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ get_term_conjunction_arity T'
(* todo: warning this can loop... *)
Ltac get_goal_conjunction_arity :=
match goal with |- ?T ⇒ get_term_conjunction_arity T end.
splits applies to a goal of the form (T1 ∧ .. ∧ TN) and
destruct it into N subgoals T1 .. TN. If the goal is not a
conjunction, then it unfolds the head definition.
Tactic Notation "splits" :=
let N := get_goal_conjunction_arity in
splits_tactic N.
let N := get_goal_conjunction_arity in
splits_tactic N.
splits N is similar to splits, except that it will unfold as many
definitions as necessary to obtain an N-ary conjunction.
Tactic Notation "splits" constr(N) :=
let N := nat_from_number N in
splits_tactic N.
let N := nat_from_number N in
splits_tactic N.
splits_all will recursively split any conjunction, unfolding
definitions when necessary. Warning: this tactic will loop
on goals of the form well_founded R. Todo: fix this
Ltac splits_all_base := repeat split.
Tactic Notation "splits_all" :=
Tactic Notation "splits_all" :=
N-ary Conjunctions Deconstruction
Underlying implementation of destructs.
Ltac destructs_conjunction_tactic N T :=
match N with
| 2 ⇒ destruct T as [? ?]
| 3 ⇒ destruct T as [? [? ?]] | 4 ⇒ destruct T as [? [? [? ?]]] | 5 ⇒ destruct T as [? [? [? [? ?]]]] | 6 ⇒ destruct T as [? [? [? [? [? ?]]]]] | 7 ⇒ destruct T as [? [? [? [? [? [? ?]]]]]] end.
match N with
| 2 ⇒ destruct T as [? ?]
| 3 ⇒ destruct T as [? [? ?]] | 4 ⇒ destruct T as [? [? [? ?]]] | 5 ⇒ destruct T as [? [? [? [? ?]]]] | 6 ⇒ destruct T as [? [? [? [? [? ?]]]]] | 7 ⇒ destruct T as [? [? [? [? [? [? ?]]]]]] end.
destructs T allows destructing a term T which is a N-ary
conjunction. It is equivalent to destruct T as (H1 .. HN),
except that it does not require to manually specify N different
Tactic Notation "destructs" constr(T) :=
let TT := type of T in
let N := get_term_conjunction_arity TT in
destructs_conjunction_tactic N T.
let TT := type of T in
let N := get_term_conjunction_arity TT in
destructs_conjunction_tactic N T.
destructs N T is equivalent to destruct T as (H1 .. HN),
except that it does not require to manually specify N different
names. Remark that it is not restricted to N-ary conjunctions.
Tactic Notation "destructs" constr(N) constr(T) :=
let N := nat_from_number N in
destructs_conjunction_tactic N T.
let N := nat_from_number N in
destructs_conjunction_tactic N T.
Proving goals which are N-ary disjunctions
Underlying implementation of branch.
Ltac branch_tactic K N :=
match constr:((K,N)) with
| (_,0) ⇒ fail 1
| (0,_) ⇒ fail 1
| (1,1) ⇒ idtac
| (1,_) ⇒ left
| (S ?K', S ?N') ⇒ right; branch_tactic K' N'
Ltac unfold_goal_until_disjunction :=
match goal with
| |- _ ∨ _ ⇒ idtac
| _ ⇒ progress(unfolds); unfold_goal_until_disjunction
Ltac get_term_disjunction_arity T :=
match T with
| _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(8)
| _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(7)
| _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(6)
| _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(5)
| _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(4)
| _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(3)
| _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(2)
| _ → ?T' ⇒ get_term_disjunction_arity T'
| _ ⇒ let P := get_head T in
let T' := eval unfold P in T in
match T' with
| T ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ get_term_disjunction_arity T'
Ltac get_goal_disjunction_arity :=
match goal with |- ?T ⇒ get_term_disjunction_arity T end.
match constr:((K,N)) with
| (_,0) ⇒ fail 1
| (0,_) ⇒ fail 1
| (1,1) ⇒ idtac
| (1,_) ⇒ left
| (S ?K', S ?N') ⇒ right; branch_tactic K' N'
Ltac unfold_goal_until_disjunction :=
match goal with
| |- _ ∨ _ ⇒ idtac
| _ ⇒ progress(unfolds); unfold_goal_until_disjunction
Ltac get_term_disjunction_arity T :=
match T with
| _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(8)
| _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(7)
| _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(6)
| _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(5)
| _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(4)
| _ ∨ _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(3)
| _ ∨ _ ⇒ constr:(2)
| _ → ?T' ⇒ get_term_disjunction_arity T'
| _ ⇒ let P := get_head T in
let T' := eval unfold P in T in
match T' with
| T ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ get_term_disjunction_arity T'
Ltac get_goal_disjunction_arity :=
match goal with |- ?T ⇒ get_term_disjunction_arity T end.
branch N applies to a goal of the form
P1 ∨ ... ∨ PK ∨ ... ∨ PN and leaves the goal PK.
It only able to unfold the head definition (if there is one),
but for more complex unfolding one should use the tactic
branch K of N.
Tactic Notation "branch" constr(K) :=
let K := nat_from_number K in
let N := get_goal_disjunction_arity in
branch_tactic K N.
let K := nat_from_number K in
let N := get_goal_disjunction_arity in
branch_tactic K N.
branch K of N is similar to branch K except that the
arity of the disjunction N is given manually, and so this
version of the tactic is able to unfold definitions.
In other words, applies to a goal of the form
P1 ∨ ... ∨ PK ∨ ... ∨ PN and leaves the goal PK.
Tactic Notation "branch" constr(K) "of" constr(N) :=
let N := nat_from_number N in
let K := nat_from_number K in
branch_tactic K N.
let N := nat_from_number N in
let K := nat_from_number K in
branch_tactic K N.
N-ary Disjunction Deconstruction
Underlying implementation of branches.
Ltac destructs_disjunction_tactic N T :=
match N with
| 2 ⇒ destruct T as [? | ?]
| 3 ⇒ destruct T as [? | [? | ?]] | 4 ⇒ destruct T as [? | [? | [? | ?]]] | 5 ⇒ destruct T as [? | [? | [? | [? | ?]]]] end.
match N with
| 2 ⇒ destruct T as [? | ?]
| 3 ⇒ destruct T as [? | [? | ?]] | 4 ⇒ destruct T as [? | [? | [? | ?]]] | 5 ⇒ destruct T as [? | [? | [? | [? | ?]]]] end.
branches T allows destructing a term T which is a N-ary
disjunction. It is equivalent to destruct T as [ H1 | .. | HN ] ,
and produces N subgoals corresponding to the N possible cases.
Tactic Notation "branches" constr(T) :=
let TT := type of T in
let N := get_term_disjunction_arity TT in
destructs_disjunction_tactic N T.
let TT := type of T in
let N := get_term_disjunction_arity TT in
destructs_disjunction_tactic N T.
branches N T is the same as branches T except that the arity is
forced to N. This version is useful to unfold definitions
on the fly.
Tactic Notation "branches" constr(N) constr(T) :=
let N := nat_from_number N in
destructs_disjunction_tactic N T.
let N := nat_from_number N in
destructs_disjunction_tactic N T.
N-ary Existentials
(* Underlying implementation of ∃. *)
Ltac get_term_existential_arity T :=
match T with
| ∃ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8, _ ⇒ constr:(8)
| ∃ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7, _ ⇒ constr:(7)
| ∃ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6, _ ⇒ constr:(6)
| ∃ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5, _ ⇒ constr:(5)
| ∃ x1 x2 x3 x4, _ ⇒ constr:(4)
| ∃ x1 x2 x3, _ ⇒ constr:(3)
| ∃ x1 x2, _ ⇒ constr:(2)
| ∃ x1, _ ⇒ constr:(1)
| _ → ?T' ⇒ get_term_existential_arity T'
| _ ⇒ let P := get_head T in
let T' := eval unfold P in T in
match T' with
| T ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ get_term_existential_arity T'
Ltac get_goal_existential_arity :=
match goal with |- ?T ⇒ get_term_existential_arity T end.
Ltac get_term_existential_arity T :=
match T with
| ∃ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8, _ ⇒ constr:(8)
| ∃ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7, _ ⇒ constr:(7)
| ∃ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6, _ ⇒ constr:(6)
| ∃ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5, _ ⇒ constr:(5)
| ∃ x1 x2 x3 x4, _ ⇒ constr:(4)
| ∃ x1 x2 x3, _ ⇒ constr:(3)
| ∃ x1 x2, _ ⇒ constr:(2)
| ∃ x1, _ ⇒ constr:(1)
| _ → ?T' ⇒ get_term_existential_arity T'
| _ ⇒ let P := get_head T in
let T' := eval unfold P in T in
match T' with
| T ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ get_term_existential_arity T'
Ltac get_goal_existential_arity :=
match goal with |- ?T ⇒ get_term_existential_arity T end.
∃T1 ... TN is a shorthand for ∃T1; ...; ∃TN.
It is intended to prove goals of the form exist X1 .. XN, P.
If an argument provided is __ (double underscore), then an
evar is introduced. ∃T1 .. TN ___ is equivalent to
∃T1 .. TN __ __ __ with as many __ as possible.
Tactic Notation "exists_original" constr(T1) :=
∃ T1.
Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) :=
match T1 with
| ltac_wild ⇒ esplit
| ltac_wilds ⇒ repeat esplit
| _ ⇒ ∃ T1
Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) :=
∃ T1; ∃ T2.
Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) :=
∃ T1; ∃ T2; ∃ T3.
Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4) :=
∃ T1; ∃ T2; ∃ T3; ∃ T4.
Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
constr(T5) :=
∃ T1; ∃ T2; ∃ T3; ∃ T4; ∃ T5.
Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
constr(T5) constr(T6) :=
∃ T1; ∃ T2; ∃ T3; ∃ T4; ∃ T5; ∃ T6.
(* The tactic exists___ N is short for ∃__ ... __
with N double-underscores. The tactic ∃is equivalent
to calling exists___ N, where the value of N is obtained
by counting the number of existentials syntactically present
at the head of the goal. The behaviour of ∃differs
from that of ∃___ is the case where the goal is a
definition which yields an existential only after unfolding. *)
Tactic Notation "exists___" constr(N) :=
let rec aux N :=
match N with
| 0 ⇒ idtac
| S ?N' ⇒ esplit; aux N'
end in
let N := nat_from_number N in aux N.
(* todo: deprecated *)
Tactic Notation "exists___" :=
let N := get_goal_existential_arity in
exists___ N.
(* todo: does not seem to work *)
Tactic Notation "exists" :=
(* todo: exists_all is the new syntax for exists___ *)
Tactic Notation "exists_all" := exists___.
∃ T1.
Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) :=
match T1 with
| ltac_wild ⇒ esplit
| ltac_wilds ⇒ repeat esplit
| _ ⇒ ∃ T1
Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) :=
∃ T1; ∃ T2.
Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) :=
∃ T1; ∃ T2; ∃ T3.
Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4) :=
∃ T1; ∃ T2; ∃ T3; ∃ T4.
Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
constr(T5) :=
∃ T1; ∃ T2; ∃ T3; ∃ T4; ∃ T5.
Tactic Notation "exists" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
constr(T5) constr(T6) :=
∃ T1; ∃ T2; ∃ T3; ∃ T4; ∃ T5; ∃ T6.
(* The tactic exists___ N is short for ∃__ ... __
with N double-underscores. The tactic ∃is equivalent
to calling exists___ N, where the value of N is obtained
by counting the number of existentials syntactically present
at the head of the goal. The behaviour of ∃differs
from that of ∃___ is the case where the goal is a
definition which yields an existential only after unfolding. *)
Tactic Notation "exists___" constr(N) :=
let rec aux N :=
match N with
| 0 ⇒ idtac
| S ?N' ⇒ esplit; aux N'
end in
let N := nat_from_number N in aux N.
(* todo: deprecated *)
Tactic Notation "exists___" :=
let N := get_goal_existential_arity in
exists___ N.
(* todo: does not seem to work *)
Tactic Notation "exists" :=
(* todo: exists_all is the new syntax for exists___ *)
Tactic Notation "exists_all" := exists___.
Existentials and conjunctions in hypotheses
unpack or unpack H destructs conjunctions and existentials in
all or one hypothesis.
Ltac unpack_core :=
repeat match goal with
| H: _ ∧ _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H
| H: ∃ a, _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H
Ltac unpack_from H :=
first [ progress (unpack_core)
| destruct H; unpack_core ].
Tactic Notation "unpack" :=
Tactic Notation "unpack" constr(H) :=
unpack_from H.
repeat match goal with
| H: _ ∧ _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H
| H: ∃ a, _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H
Ltac unpack_from H :=
first [ progress (unpack_core)
| destruct H; unpack_core ].
Tactic Notation "unpack" :=
Tactic Notation "unpack" constr(H) :=
unpack_from H.
Tactics to Prove Typeclass Instances
Tactic Notation "typeclass" :=
let go _ := eauto with typeclass_instances in
solve [ go tt | constructor; go tt ].
let go _ := eauto with typeclass_instances in
solve [ go tt | constructor; go tt ].
solve_typeclass is a simpler version of typeclass, to use
in hint tactics for resolving instances
Tactic Notation "solve_typeclass" :=
solve [ eauto with typeclass_instances ].
solve [ eauto with typeclass_instances ].
Tactic Notation "f_equal" :=
Tactic Notation "constructor" :=
Tactic Notation "simple" :=
Tactic Notation "split" :=
Tactic Notation "right" :=
Tactic Notation "left" :=
hint to Add Hints Local to a Lemma
Tactic Notation "hint" constr(E) :=
let H := fresh "Hint" in lets H: E.
Tactic Notation "hint" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) :=
hint E1; hint E2.
Tactic Notation "hint" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) "," constr(E3) :=
hint E1; hint E2; hint(E3).
Tactic Notation "hint" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) "," constr(E3) "," constr(E4) :=
hint E1; hint E2; hint(E3); hint(E4 ).
let H := fresh "Hint" in lets H: E.
Tactic Notation "hint" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) :=
hint E1; hint E2.
Tactic Notation "hint" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) "," constr(E3) :=
hint E1; hint E2; hint(E3).
Tactic Notation "hint" constr(E1) "," constr(E2) "," constr(E3) "," constr(E4) :=
hint E1; hint E2; hint(E3); hint(E4 ).
jauto, a New Automation Tactic
- open all the existentials and conjunctions from the context
- call esplit and split on the existentials and conjunctions in the goal
- call eauto.
Tactic Notation "jauto" :=
try solve [ jauto_set; eauto ].
Tactic Notation "jauto_fast" :=
try solve [ auto | eauto | jauto ].
try solve [ jauto_set; eauto ].
Tactic Notation "jauto_fast" :=
try solve [ auto | eauto | jauto ].
iauto is a shorthand for intuition eauto
Tactic Notation "iauto" := try solve [intuition eauto].
Definitions of Automation Tactics
Ltac auto_tilde_default := auto.
Ltac auto_tilde := auto_tilde_default.
Ltac auto_tilde := auto_tilde_default.
auto_star is the tactic which will be called each time a symbol
* is used after a tactic.
Ltac auto_star_default := try solve [ jauto ].
Ltac auto_star := auto_star_default.
Ltac auto_star_default := try solve [ jauto ].
Ltac auto_star := auto_star_default.
autos¬ is a notation for tactic auto_tilde. It may be followed
by lemmas (or proofs terms) which auto will be able to use
for solving the goal. autos is an alias for autos¬
Tactic Notation "autos" :=
Tactic Notation "autos" "¬" :=
Tactic Notation "autos" "¬" constr(E1) :=
lets: E1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "autos" "¬" constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
lets: E1; lets: E2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "autos" "¬" constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
lets: E1; lets: E2; lets: E3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "autos" "¬" :=
Tactic Notation "autos" "¬" constr(E1) :=
lets: E1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "autos" "¬" constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
lets: E1; lets: E2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "autos" "¬" constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
lets: E1; lets: E2; lets: E3; auto_tilde.
autos* is a notation for tactic auto_star. It may be followed
by lemmas (or proofs terms) which auto will be able to use
for solving the goal.
Tactic Notation "autos" "*" :=
Tactic Notation "autos" "*" constr(E1) :=
lets: E1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "autos" "*" constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
lets: E1; lets: E2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "autos" "*" constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
lets: E1; lets: E2; lets: E3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "autos" "*" constr(E1) :=
lets: E1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "autos" "*" constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
lets: E1; lets: E2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "autos" "*" constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
lets: E1; lets: E2; lets: E3; auto_star.
auto_false is a version of auto able to spot some contradictions.
There is an ad-hoc support for goals in ↔: split is called first.
auto_false¬ and auto_false* are also available.
Ltac auto_false_base cont :=
try solve [
intros_all; try match goal with |- _ ↔ _ ⇒ split end;
solve [ cont tt | intros_all; false; cont tt ] ].
Tactic Notation "auto_false" :=
auto_false_base ltac:(fun tt ⇒ auto).
Tactic Notation "auto_false" "¬" :=
auto_false_base ltac:(fun tt ⇒ auto_tilde).
Tactic Notation "auto_false" "*" :=
auto_false_base ltac:(fun tt ⇒ auto_star).
try solve [
intros_all; try match goal with |- _ ↔ _ ⇒ split end;
solve [ cont tt | intros_all; false; cont tt ] ].
Tactic Notation "auto_false" :=
auto_false_base ltac:(fun tt ⇒ auto).
Tactic Notation "auto_false" "¬" :=
auto_false_base ltac:(fun tt ⇒ auto_tilde).
Tactic Notation "auto_false" "*" :=
auto_false_base ltac:(fun tt ⇒ auto_star).
Parsing for Light Automation
- cuts and asserts only call auto on their first subgoal,
- apply¬ relies on sapply rather than apply,
- tryfalse¬ is defined as tryfalse by auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "equates" "¬" constr(E) :=
equates E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "equates" "¬" constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
equates n1 n2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "equates" "¬" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
equates n1 n2 n3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "equates" "¬" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
equates n1 n2 n3 n4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "¬" constr(H) constr(E) :=
applys_eq H E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "¬" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
applys_eq H n1 n2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "¬" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
applys_eq H n1 n2 n3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "¬" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
applys_eq H n1 n2 n3 n4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "apply" "¬" constr(H) :=
sapply H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "¬" constr(H) :=
destruct H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "¬" constr(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I) :=
destruct H as I; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "f_equal" "¬" :=
f_equal; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "induction" "¬" constr(H) :=
induction H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "inversion" "¬" constr(H) :=
inversion H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "split" "¬" :=
split; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "subst" "¬" :=
subst; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "right" "¬" :=
right; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "left" "¬" :=
left; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "constructor" "¬" :=
constructor; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "constructors" "¬" :=
constructors; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "false" "¬" :=
false; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "false" "¬" constr(E) :=
false_then E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ auto_tilde).
Tactic Notation "false" "¬" constr(E0) constr(E1) :=
false¬ (>> E0 E1).
Tactic Notation "false" "¬" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
false¬ (>> E0 E1 E2).
Tactic Notation "false" "¬" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
false¬ (>> E0 E1 E2 E3).
Tactic Notation "false" "¬" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) constr(E4) :=
false¬ (>> E0 E1 E2 E3 E4).
Tactic Notation "tryfalse" "¬" :=
try solve [ false¬ ].
Tactic Notation "asserts" "¬" simple_intropattern(H) ":" constr(E) :=
asserts H: E; [ auto_tilde | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "asserts" "¬" ":" constr(E) :=
let H := fresh "H" in asserts¬ H: E.
Tactic Notation "cuts" "¬" simple_intropattern(H) ":" constr(E) :=
cuts H: E; [ auto_tilde | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "cuts" "¬" ":" constr(E) :=
cuts: E; [ auto_tilde | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
lets I: E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets I: E0 A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" ":" constr(E) :=
lets: E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets: E0 A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
forwards I: E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
forwards I: E0 A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" ":" constr(E) :=
forwards: E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
forwards: E0 A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(H) :=
sapply H; auto_tilde. (*todo?*)
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
applys E0 A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
applys E0 A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
applys E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
applys E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
applys E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
applys E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "specializes" "¬" hyp(H) :=
specializes H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "specializes" "¬" hyp(H) constr(A1) :=
specializes H A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
specializes H A1 A2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
specializes H A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
specializes H A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
specializes H A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "fapply" "¬" constr(E) :=
fapply E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "sapply" "¬" constr(E) :=
sapply E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "logic" "¬" constr(E) :=
logic_base E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ auto_tilde).
Tactic Notation "intros_all" "¬" :=
intros_all; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "¬" :=
unfolds; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "¬" constr(F1) :=
unfolds F1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "¬" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) :=
unfolds F1, F2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "¬" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) "," constr(F3) :=
unfolds F1, F2, F3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "¬" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) "," constr(F3) ","
constr(F4) :=
unfolds F1, F2, F3, F4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "simple" "¬" :=
simpl; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "simple" "¬" "in" hyp(H) :=
simpl in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "simpls" "¬" :=
simpls; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "hnfs" "¬" :=
hnfs; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "hnfs" "¬" "in" hyp(H) :=
hnf in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "substs" "¬" :=
substs; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "intro_hyp" "¬" hyp(H) :=
subst_hyp H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "intro_subst" "¬" :=
intro_subst; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "subst_eq" "¬" constr(E) :=
subst_eq E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "¬" constr(E) :=
rewrite E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrite <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "¬" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrite E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrite <- E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "¬" constr(E) :=
rewrites E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "¬" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrites E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "¬" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrites E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "¬" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrites <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrites <- E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrites <- E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "¬" constr(E) :=
rewrite_all E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "¬" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrite_all <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "¬" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
rewrite_all E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
rewrite_all <- E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "¬" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrite_all E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrite_all <- E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) :=
asserts_rewrite E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) :=
asserts_rewrite <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite <- E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite <- E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) :=
cuts_rewrite E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) :=
cuts_rewrite <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
cuts_rewrite E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
cuts_rewrite <- E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "erewrite" "¬" constr(E) :=
erewrite E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "fequal" "¬" :=
fequal; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "fequals" "¬" :=
fequals; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) :=
pi_rewrite E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
pi_rewrite E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "invert" "¬" hyp(H) :=
invert H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "inverts" "¬" hyp(H) :=
inverts H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "inverts" "¬" hyp(E) "as" :=
inverts E as; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "injects" "¬" hyp(H) :=
injects H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "inversions" "¬" hyp(H) :=
inversions H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases" "¬" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
cases E as H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases" "¬" constr(E) :=
cases E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "case_if" "¬" :=
case_if; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "case_ifs" "¬" :=
case_ifs; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "case_if" "¬" "in" hyp(H) :=
case_if in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "¬" :=
cases_if; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "¬" "in" hyp(H) :=
cases_if in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "¬" :=
destruct_if; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "¬" "in" hyp(H) :=
destruct_if in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destruct_head_match" "¬" :=
destruct_head_match; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases'" "¬" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
cases' E as H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases'" "¬" constr(E) :=
cases' E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "¬" "as" ident(H) :=
cases_if' as H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "¬" :=
cases_if'; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "decides_equality" "¬" :=
decides_equality; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "iff" "¬" :=
iff; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "splits" "¬" :=
splits; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "splits" "¬" constr(N) :=
splits N; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "splits_all" "¬" :=
splits_all; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destructs" "¬" constr(T) :=
destructs T; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destructs" "¬" constr(N) constr(T) :=
destructs N T; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "branch" "¬" constr(N) :=
branch N; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "branch" "¬" constr(K) "of" constr(N) :=
branch K of N; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "branches" "¬" constr(T) :=
branches T; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "branches" "¬" constr(N) constr(T) :=
branches N T; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" :=
∃; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists___" "¬" :=
exists___; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" constr(T1) :=
∃ T1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" constr(T1) constr(T2) :=
∃ T1 T2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3 T4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
constr(T5) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3 T4 T5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
constr(T5) constr(T6) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6; auto_tilde.
equates E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "equates" "¬" constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
equates n1 n2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "equates" "¬" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
equates n1 n2 n3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "equates" "¬" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
equates n1 n2 n3 n4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "¬" constr(H) constr(E) :=
applys_eq H E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "¬" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
applys_eq H n1 n2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "¬" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
applys_eq H n1 n2 n3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "¬" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
applys_eq H n1 n2 n3 n4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "apply" "¬" constr(H) :=
sapply H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "¬" constr(H) :=
destruct H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "¬" constr(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I) :=
destruct H as I; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "f_equal" "¬" :=
f_equal; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "induction" "¬" constr(H) :=
induction H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "inversion" "¬" constr(H) :=
inversion H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "split" "¬" :=
split; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "subst" "¬" :=
subst; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "right" "¬" :=
right; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "left" "¬" :=
left; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "constructor" "¬" :=
constructor; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "constructors" "¬" :=
constructors; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "false" "¬" :=
false; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "false" "¬" constr(E) :=
false_then E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ auto_tilde).
Tactic Notation "false" "¬" constr(E0) constr(E1) :=
false¬ (>> E0 E1).
Tactic Notation "false" "¬" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
false¬ (>> E0 E1 E2).
Tactic Notation "false" "¬" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
false¬ (>> E0 E1 E2 E3).
Tactic Notation "false" "¬" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) constr(E4) :=
false¬ (>> E0 E1 E2 E3 E4).
Tactic Notation "tryfalse" "¬" :=
try solve [ false¬ ].
Tactic Notation "asserts" "¬" simple_intropattern(H) ":" constr(E) :=
asserts H: E; [ auto_tilde | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "asserts" "¬" ":" constr(E) :=
let H := fresh "H" in asserts¬ H: E.
Tactic Notation "cuts" "¬" simple_intropattern(H) ":" constr(E) :=
cuts H: E; [ auto_tilde | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "cuts" "¬" ":" constr(E) :=
cuts: E; [ auto_tilde | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
lets I: E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets I: E0 A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" ":" constr(E) :=
lets: E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets: E0 A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "lets" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
forwards I: E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
forwards I: E0 A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" ":" constr(E) :=
forwards: E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
forwards: E0 A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "¬" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(H) :=
sapply H; auto_tilde. (*todo?*)
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
applys E0 A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
applys E0 A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
applys E0 A1 A2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
applys E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
applys E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "applys" "¬" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
applys E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "specializes" "¬" hyp(H) :=
specializes H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "specializes" "¬" hyp(H) constr(A1) :=
specializes H A1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
specializes H A1 A2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
specializes H A1 A2 A3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
specializes H A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
specializes H A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "fapply" "¬" constr(E) :=
fapply E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "sapply" "¬" constr(E) :=
sapply E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "logic" "¬" constr(E) :=
logic_base E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ auto_tilde).
Tactic Notation "intros_all" "¬" :=
intros_all; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "¬" :=
unfolds; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "¬" constr(F1) :=
unfolds F1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "¬" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) :=
unfolds F1, F2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "¬" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) "," constr(F3) :=
unfolds F1, F2, F3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "¬" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) "," constr(F3) ","
constr(F4) :=
unfolds F1, F2, F3, F4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "simple" "¬" :=
simpl; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "simple" "¬" "in" hyp(H) :=
simpl in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "simpls" "¬" :=
simpls; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "hnfs" "¬" :=
hnfs; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "hnfs" "¬" "in" hyp(H) :=
hnf in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "substs" "¬" :=
substs; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "intro_hyp" "¬" hyp(H) :=
subst_hyp H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "intro_subst" "¬" :=
intro_subst; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "subst_eq" "¬" constr(E) :=
subst_eq E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "¬" constr(E) :=
rewrite E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrite <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "¬" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrite E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrite <- E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "¬" constr(E) :=
rewrites E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "¬" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrites E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "¬" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrites E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "¬" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrites <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrites <- E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrites <- E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "¬" constr(E) :=
rewrite_all E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "¬" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrite_all <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "¬" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
rewrite_all E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
rewrite_all <- E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "¬" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrite_all E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrite_all <- E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) :=
asserts_rewrite E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) :=
asserts_rewrite <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite <- E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite <- E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) :=
cuts_rewrite E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) :=
cuts_rewrite <- E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
cuts_rewrite E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "¬" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
cuts_rewrite <- E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "erewrite" "¬" constr(E) :=
erewrite E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "fequal" "¬" :=
fequal; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "fequals" "¬" :=
fequals; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) :=
pi_rewrite E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" "¬" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
pi_rewrite E in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "invert" "¬" hyp(H) :=
invert H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "inverts" "¬" hyp(H) :=
inverts H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "inverts" "¬" hyp(E) "as" :=
inverts E as; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "injects" "¬" hyp(H) :=
injects H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "inversions" "¬" hyp(H) :=
inversions H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases" "¬" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
cases E as H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases" "¬" constr(E) :=
cases E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "case_if" "¬" :=
case_if; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "case_ifs" "¬" :=
case_ifs; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "case_if" "¬" "in" hyp(H) :=
case_if in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "¬" :=
cases_if; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "¬" "in" hyp(H) :=
cases_if in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "¬" :=
destruct_if; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "¬" "in" hyp(H) :=
destruct_if in H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destruct_head_match" "¬" :=
destruct_head_match; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases'" "¬" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
cases' E as H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases'" "¬" constr(E) :=
cases' E; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "¬" "as" ident(H) :=
cases_if' as H; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "¬" :=
cases_if'; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "decides_equality" "¬" :=
decides_equality; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "iff" "¬" :=
iff; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "splits" "¬" :=
splits; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "splits" "¬" constr(N) :=
splits N; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "splits_all" "¬" :=
splits_all; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destructs" "¬" constr(T) :=
destructs T; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "destructs" "¬" constr(N) constr(T) :=
destructs N T; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "branch" "¬" constr(N) :=
branch N; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "branch" "¬" constr(K) "of" constr(N) :=
branch K of N; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "branches" "¬" constr(T) :=
branches T; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "branches" "¬" constr(N) constr(T) :=
branches N T; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" :=
∃; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists___" "¬" :=
exists___; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" constr(T1) :=
∃ T1; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" constr(T1) constr(T2) :=
∃ T1 T2; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3 T4; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
constr(T5) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3 T4 T5; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "exists" "¬" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
constr(T5) constr(T6) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6; auto_tilde.
Parsing for Strong Automation
Tactic Notation "equates" "*" constr(E) :=
equates E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "equates" "*" constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
equates n1 n2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "equates" "*" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
equates n1 n2 n3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "equates" "*" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
equates n1 n2 n3 n4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "*" constr(H) constr(E) :=
applys_eq H E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "*" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
applys_eq H n1 n2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "*" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
applys_eq H n1 n2 n3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "*" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
applys_eq H n1 n2 n3 n4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "apply" "*" constr(H) :=
sapply H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "*" constr(H) :=
destruct H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "*" constr(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I) :=
destruct H as I; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "f_equal" "*" :=
f_equal; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "induction" "*" constr(H) :=
induction H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "inversion" "*" constr(H) :=
inversion H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "split" "*" :=
split; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "subs" "*" :=
subst; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "subst" "*" :=
subst; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "right" "*" :=
right; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "left" "*" :=
left; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "constructor" "*" :=
constructor; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "constructors" "*" :=
constructors; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "false" "*" :=
false; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E) :=
false_then E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ auto_star).
Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E0) constr(E1) :=
false* (>> E0 E1).
Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
false* (>> E0 E1 E2).
Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
false* (>> E0 E1 E2 E3).
Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) constr(E4) :=
false* (>> E0 E1 E2 E3 E4).
Tactic Notation "tryfalse" "*" :=
try solve [ false* ].
Tactic Notation "asserts" "*" simple_intropattern(H) ":" constr(E) :=
asserts H: E; [ auto_star | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "asserts" "*" ":" constr(E) :=
let H := fresh "H" in asserts* H: E.
Tactic Notation "cuts" "*" simple_intropattern(H) ":" constr(E) :=
cuts H: E; [ auto_star | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "cuts" "*" ":" constr(E) :=
cuts: E; [ auto_star | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
lets I: E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets I: E0 A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E) :=
lets: E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets: E0 A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
forwards I: E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
forwards I: E0 A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E) :=
forwards: E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
forwards: E0 A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(H) :=
sapply H; auto_star. (*todo?*)
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
applys E0 A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
applys E0 A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
applys E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
applys E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
applys E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
applys E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "specializes" "*" hyp(H) :=
specializes H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "specializes" "¬" hyp(H) constr(A1) :=
specializes H A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
specializes H A1 A2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
specializes H A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
specializes H A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
specializes H A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "fapply" "*" constr(E) :=
fapply E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "sapply" "*" constr(E) :=
sapply E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "logic" constr(E) :=
logic_base E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ auto_star).
Tactic Notation "intros_all" "*" :=
intros_all; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" :=
unfolds; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" constr(F1) :=
unfolds F1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) :=
unfolds F1, F2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) "," constr(F3) :=
unfolds F1, F2, F3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) "," constr(F3) ","
constr(F4) :=
unfolds F1, F2, F3, F4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "simple" "*" :=
simpl; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "simple" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
simpl in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "simpls" "*" :=
simpls; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "hnfs" "*" :=
hnfs; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "hnfs" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
hnf in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "substs" "*" :=
substs; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "intro_hyp" "*" hyp(H) :=
subst_hyp H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "intro_subst" "*" :=
intro_subst; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "subst_eq" "*" constr(E) :=
subst_eq E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
rewrite E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrite <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrite E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrite <- E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" constr(E) :=
rewrites E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H):=
rewrites E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" constr(E) "in" "*":=
rewrites E in *; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrites <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H):=
rewrites <- E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*":=
rewrites <- E in *; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" constr(E) :=
rewrite_all E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrite_all <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
rewrite_all E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
rewrite_all <- E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrite_all E in *; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrite_all <- E in *; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
asserts_rewrite E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
asserts_rewrite <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite <- E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
cuts_rewrite E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
cuts_rewrite <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
cuts_rewrite E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
cuts_rewrite <- E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "erewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
erewrite E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "fequal" "*" :=
fequal; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "fequals" "*" :=
fequals; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
pi_rewrite E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
pi_rewrite E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "invert" "*" hyp(H) :=
invert H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "inverts" "*" hyp(H) :=
inverts H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "inverts" "*" hyp(E) "as" :=
inverts E as; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "injects" "*" hyp(H) :=
injects H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "inversions" "*" hyp(H) :=
inversions H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases" "*" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
cases E as H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases" "*" constr(E) :=
cases E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "case_if" "*" :=
case_if; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "case_ifs" "*" :=
case_ifs; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "case_if" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
case_if in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "*" :=
cases_if; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
cases_if in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "*" :=
destruct_if; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
destruct_if in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destruct_head_match" "*" :=
destruct_head_match; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases'" "*" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
cases' E as H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases'" "*" constr(E) :=
cases' E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "*" "as" ident(H) :=
cases_if' as H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "*" :=
cases_if'; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "decides_equality" "*" :=
decides_equality; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "iff" "*" :=
iff; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "iff" "*" simple_intropattern(I) :=
iff I; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "splits" "*" :=
splits; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "splits" "*" constr(N) :=
splits N; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "splits_all" "*" :=
splits_all; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destructs" "*" constr(T) :=
destructs T; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destructs" "*" constr(N) constr(T) :=
destructs N T; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "branch" "*" constr(N) :=
branch N; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "branch" "*" constr(K) "of" constr(N) :=
branch K of N; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "branches" "*" constr(T) :=
branches T; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "branches" "*" constr(N) constr(T) :=
branches N T; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" :=
∃; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists___" "*" :=
exists___; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) :=
∃ T1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) :=
∃ T1 T2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3 T4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
constr(T5) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3 T4 T5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
constr(T5) constr(T6) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6; auto_star.
equates E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "equates" "*" constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
equates n1 n2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "equates" "*" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
equates n1 n2 n3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "equates" "*" constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
equates n1 n2 n3 n4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "*" constr(H) constr(E) :=
applys_eq H E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "*" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) :=
applys_eq H n1 n2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "*" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) :=
applys_eq H n1 n2 n3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys_eq" "*" constr(H) constr(n1) constr(n2) constr(n3) constr(n4) :=
applys_eq H n1 n2 n3 n4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "apply" "*" constr(H) :=
sapply H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "*" constr(H) :=
destruct H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "*" constr(H) "as" simple_intropattern(I) :=
destruct H as I; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "f_equal" "*" :=
f_equal; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "induction" "*" constr(H) :=
induction H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "inversion" "*" constr(H) :=
inversion H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "split" "*" :=
split; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "subs" "*" :=
subst; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "subst" "*" :=
subst; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "right" "*" :=
right; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "left" "*" :=
left; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "constructor" "*" :=
constructor; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "constructors" "*" :=
constructors; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "false" "*" :=
false; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E) :=
false_then E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ auto_star).
Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E0) constr(E1) :=
false* (>> E0 E1).
Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) :=
false* (>> E0 E1 E2).
Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) :=
false* (>> E0 E1 E2 E3).
Tactic Notation "false" "*" constr(E0) constr(E1) constr(E2) constr(E3) constr(E4) :=
false* (>> E0 E1 E2 E3 E4).
Tactic Notation "tryfalse" "*" :=
try solve [ false* ].
Tactic Notation "asserts" "*" simple_intropattern(H) ":" constr(E) :=
asserts H: E; [ auto_star | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "asserts" "*" ":" constr(E) :=
let H := fresh "H" in asserts* H: E.
Tactic Notation "cuts" "*" simple_intropattern(H) ":" constr(E) :=
cuts H: E; [ auto_star | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "cuts" "*" ":" constr(E) :=
cuts: E; [ auto_star | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
lets I: E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets I: E0 A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E) :=
lets: E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
lets: E0 A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "lets" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
lets: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E) :=
forwards I: E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
forwards I: E0 A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
forwards I: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E) :=
forwards: E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) :=
forwards: E0 A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "forwards" "*" ":" constr(E0)
constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
forwards: E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(H) :=
sapply H; auto_star. (*todo?*)
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
applys E0 A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) :=
applys E0 A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
applys E0 A1 A2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
applys E0 A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
applys E0 A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "applys" "*" constr(E0) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
applys E0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "specializes" "*" hyp(H) :=
specializes H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "specializes" "¬" hyp(H) constr(A1) :=
specializes H A1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) :=
specializes H A1 A2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) :=
specializes H A1 A2 A3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) :=
specializes H A1 A2 A3 A4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "specializes" hyp(H) constr(A1) constr(A2) constr(A3) constr(A4) constr(A5) :=
specializes H A1 A2 A3 A4 A5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "fapply" "*" constr(E) :=
fapply E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "sapply" "*" constr(E) :=
sapply E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "logic" constr(E) :=
logic_base E ltac:(fun _ ⇒ auto_star).
Tactic Notation "intros_all" "*" :=
intros_all; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" :=
unfolds; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" constr(F1) :=
unfolds F1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) :=
unfolds F1, F2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) "," constr(F3) :=
unfolds F1, F2, F3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "unfolds" "*" constr(F1) "," constr(F2) "," constr(F3) ","
constr(F4) :=
unfolds F1, F2, F3, F4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "simple" "*" :=
simpl; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "simple" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
simpl in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "simpls" "*" :=
simpls; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "hnfs" "*" :=
hnfs; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "hnfs" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
hnf in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "substs" "*" :=
substs; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "intro_hyp" "*" hyp(H) :=
subst_hyp H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "intro_subst" "*" :=
intro_subst; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "subst_eq" "*" constr(E) :=
subst_eq E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
rewrite E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrite <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrite E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrite <- E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" constr(E) :=
rewrites E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H):=
rewrites E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" constr(E) "in" "*":=
rewrites E in *; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrites <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H):=
rewrites <- E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrites" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*":=
rewrites <- E in *; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" constr(E) :=
rewrite_all E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
rewrite_all <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
rewrite_all E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" ident(H) :=
rewrite_all <- E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrite_all E in *; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_all" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
rewrite_all <- E in *; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
asserts_rewrite E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
asserts_rewrite <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
asserts_rewrite <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "asserts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" "*" :=
asserts_rewrite <- E in *; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
cuts_rewrite E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) :=
cuts_rewrite <- E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
cuts_rewrite E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cuts_rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
cuts_rewrite <- E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "erewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
erewrite E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "fequal" "*" :=
fequal; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "fequals" "*" :=
fequals; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" "*" constr(E) :=
pi_rewrite E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "pi_rewrite" "*" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
pi_rewrite E in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "invert" "*" hyp(H) :=
invert H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "inverts" "*" hyp(H) :=
inverts H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "inverts" "*" hyp(E) "as" :=
inverts E as; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "injects" "*" hyp(H) :=
injects H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "inversions" "*" hyp(H) :=
inversions H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases" "*" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
cases E as H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases" "*" constr(E) :=
cases E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "case_if" "*" :=
case_if; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "case_ifs" "*" :=
case_ifs; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "case_if" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
case_if in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "*" :=
cases_if; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases_if" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
cases_if in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "*" :=
destruct_if; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destruct_if" "*" "in" hyp(H) :=
destruct_if in H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destruct_head_match" "*" :=
destruct_head_match; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases'" "*" constr(E) "as" ident(H) :=
cases' E as H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases'" "*" constr(E) :=
cases' E; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "*" "as" ident(H) :=
cases_if' as H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "cases_if'" "*" :=
cases_if'; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "decides_equality" "*" :=
decides_equality; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "iff" "*" :=
iff; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "iff" "*" simple_intropattern(I) :=
iff I; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "splits" "*" :=
splits; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "splits" "*" constr(N) :=
splits N; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "splits_all" "*" :=
splits_all; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destructs" "*" constr(T) :=
destructs T; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "destructs" "*" constr(N) constr(T) :=
destructs N T; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "branch" "*" constr(N) :=
branch N; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "branch" "*" constr(K) "of" constr(N) :=
branch K of N; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "branches" "*" constr(T) :=
branches T; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "branches" "*" constr(N) constr(T) :=
branches N T; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" :=
∃; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists___" "*" :=
exists___; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) :=
∃ T1; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) :=
∃ T1 T2; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3 T4; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
constr(T5) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3 T4 T5; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "exists" "*" constr(T1) constr(T2) constr(T3) constr(T4)
constr(T5) constr(T6) :=
∃ T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6; auto_star.
(* Implementation *)
Definition ltac_something (P:Type) (e:P) := e.
Notation "'Something'" :=
(@ltac_something _ _).
Lemma ltac_something_eq : ∀ (e:Type),
e = (@ltac_something _ e).
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma ltac_something_hide : ∀ (e:Type),
e → (@ltac_something _ e).
Proof using. auto. Qed.
Lemma ltac_something_show : ∀ (e:Type),
(@ltac_something _ e) → e.
Proof using. auto. Qed.
hide_def x and show_def x can be used to hide/show
the body of the definition x.
Tactic Notation "hide_def" hyp(x) :=
let x' := constr:(x) in
let T := eval unfold x in x' in
change T with (@ltac_something _ T) in x.
Tactic Notation "show_def" hyp(x) :=
let x' := constr:(x) in
let U := eval unfold x in x' in
match U with @ltac_something _ ?T ⇒
change U with T in x end.
let x' := constr:(x) in
let T := eval unfold x in x' in
change T with (@ltac_something _ T) in x.
Tactic Notation "show_def" hyp(x) :=
let x' := constr:(x) in
let U := eval unfold x in x' in
match U with @ltac_something _ ?T ⇒
change U with T in x end.
show_def unfolds Something in the goal
Tactic Notation "show_def" :=
unfold ltac_something.
Tactic Notation "show_def" "in" hyp(H) :=
unfold ltac_something in H.
Tactic Notation "show_def" "in" "*" :=
unfold ltac_something in *.
unfold ltac_something.
Tactic Notation "show_def" "in" hyp(H) :=
unfold ltac_something in H.
Tactic Notation "show_def" "in" "*" :=
unfold ltac_something in *.
hide_defs and show_defs applies to all definitions
Tactic Notation "hide_defs" :=
repeat match goal with H := ?T |- _ ⇒
match T with
| @ltac_something _ _ ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ change T with (@ltac_something _ T) in H
Tactic Notation "show_defs" :=
repeat match goal with H := (@ltac_something _ ?T) |- _ ⇒
change (@ltac_something _ T) with T in H end.
repeat match goal with H := ?T |- _ ⇒
match T with
| @ltac_something _ _ ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ change T with (@ltac_something _ T) in H
Tactic Notation "show_defs" :=
repeat match goal with H := (@ltac_something _ ?T) |- _ ⇒
change (@ltac_something _ T) with T in H end.
hide_hyp H replaces the type of H with the notation Something
and show_hyp H reveals the type of the hypothesis. Note that the
hidden type of H remains convertible the real type of H.
Tactic Notation "show_hyp" hyp(H) :=
apply ltac_something_show in H.
Tactic Notation "hide_hyp" hyp(H) :=
apply ltac_something_hide in H.
apply ltac_something_show in H.
Tactic Notation "hide_hyp" hyp(H) :=
apply ltac_something_hide in H.
hide_hyps and show_hyps can be used to hide/show all hypotheses
of type Prop.
Tactic Notation "show_hyps" :=
repeat match goal with
H: @ltac_something _ _ |- _ ⇒ show_hyp H end.
Tactic Notation "hide_hyps" :=
repeat match goal with H: ?T |- _ ⇒
match type of T with
| Prop ⇒
match T with
| @ltac_something _ _ ⇒ fail 2
| _ ⇒ hide_hyp H
| _ ⇒ fail 1
repeat match goal with
H: @ltac_something _ _ |- _ ⇒ show_hyp H end.
Tactic Notation "hide_hyps" :=
repeat match goal with H: ?T |- _ ⇒
match type of T with
| Prop ⇒
match T with
| @ltac_something _ _ ⇒ fail 2
| _ ⇒ hide_hyp H
| _ ⇒ fail 1
hide H and show H automatically select between
hide_hyp or hide_def, and show_hyp or show_def.
Similarly hide_all and show_all apply to all.
Tactic Notation "hide" hyp(H) :=
first [hide_def H | hide_hyp H].
Tactic Notation "show" hyp(H) :=
first [show_def H | show_hyp H].
Tactic Notation "hide_all" :=
hide_hyps; hide_defs.
Tactic Notation "show_all" :=
unfold ltac_something in *.
first [hide_def H | hide_hyp H].
Tactic Notation "show" hyp(H) :=
first [show_def H | show_hyp H].
Tactic Notation "hide_all" :=
hide_hyps; hide_defs.
Tactic Notation "show_all" :=
unfold ltac_something in *.
hide_term E can be used to hide a term from the goal.
show_term or show_term E can be used to reveal it.
hide_term E in H can be used to specify an hypothesis.
Tactic Notation "hide_term" constr(E) :=
change E with (@ltac_something _ E).
Tactic Notation "show_term" constr(E) :=
change (@ltac_something _ E) with E.
Tactic Notation "show_term" :=
unfold ltac_something.
Tactic Notation "hide_term" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
change E with (@ltac_something _ E) in H.
Tactic Notation "show_term" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
change (@ltac_something _ E) with E in H.
Tactic Notation "show_term" "in" hyp(H) :=
unfold ltac_something in H.
change E with (@ltac_something _ E).
Tactic Notation "show_term" constr(E) :=
change (@ltac_something _ E) with E.
Tactic Notation "show_term" :=
unfold ltac_something.
Tactic Notation "hide_term" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
change E with (@ltac_something _ E) in H.
Tactic Notation "show_term" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
change (@ltac_something _ E) with E in H.
Tactic Notation "show_term" "in" hyp(H) :=
unfold ltac_something in H.
show_unfold R unfolds the definition of R and
reveals the hidden definition of R. —todo:test,
and implement using unfold simply
(* todo: change "unfolds" *)
Tactic Notation "show_unfold" constr(R1) :=
unfold R1; show_def.
Tactic Notation "show_unfold" constr(R1) "," constr(R2) :=
unfold R1, R2; show_def.
Tactic Notation "show_unfold" constr(R1) :=
unfold R1; show_def.
Tactic Notation "show_unfold" constr(R1) "," constr(R2) :=
unfold R1, R2; show_def.
Sorting Hypotheses
Ltac sort_tactic :=
try match goal with H: ?T |- _ ⇒
match type of T with Prop ⇒
generalizes H; (try sort_tactic); intro
end end.
Tactic Notation "sort" :=
try match goal with H: ?T |- _ ⇒
match type of T with Prop ⇒
generalizes H; (try sort_tactic); intro
end end.
Tactic Notation "sort" :=
Clearing Hypotheses
Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) :=
let rec doit _ :=
match goal with
| H:context[X1] |- _ ⇒ clear H; try (doit tt)
| _ ⇒ clear X1
end in doit tt.
Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) :=
clears X1; clears X2.
Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) :=
clears X1; clears X2; clears X3.
Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) :=
clears X1; clears X2; clears X3; clears X4.
Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4)
ident(X5) :=
clears X1; clears X2; clears X3; clears X4; clears X5.
Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4)
ident(X5) ident(X6) :=
clears X1; clears X2; clears X3; clears X4; clears X5; clears X6.
let rec doit _ :=
match goal with
| H:context[X1] |- _ ⇒ clear H; try (doit tt)
| _ ⇒ clear X1
end in doit tt.
Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) :=
clears X1; clears X2.
Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) :=
clears X1; clears X2; clears X3.
Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4) :=
clears X1; clears X2; clears X3; clears X4.
Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4)
ident(X5) :=
clears X1; clears X2; clears X3; clears X4; clears X5.
Tactic Notation "clears" ident(X1) ident(X2) ident(X3) ident(X4)
ident(X5) ident(X6) :=
clears X1; clears X2; clears X3; clears X4; clears X5; clears X6.
clears (without any argument) clears all the unused variables
from the context. In other words, it removes any variable
which is not a proposition (i.e., not of type Prop) and which
does not appear in another hypothesis nor in the goal.
(* todo: rename to clears_var ? *)
Ltac clears_tactic :=
match goal with H: ?T |- _ ⇒
match type of T with
| Prop ⇒ generalizes H; (try clears_tactic); intro
| ?TT ⇒ clear H; (try clears_tactic)
| ?TT ⇒ generalizes H; (try clears_tactic); intro
end end.
Tactic Notation "clears" :=
Ltac clears_tactic :=
match goal with H: ?T |- _ ⇒
match type of T with
| Prop ⇒ generalizes H; (try clears_tactic); intro
| ?TT ⇒ clear H; (try clears_tactic)
| ?TT ⇒ generalizes H; (try clears_tactic); intro
end end.
Tactic Notation "clears" :=
clears_all clears all the hypotheses from the context
that can be cleared. It leaves only the hypotheses that
are mentioned in the goal.
Ltac clears_or_generalizes_all_core :=
repeat match goal with H: _ |- _ ⇒
first [ clear H | generalizes H] end.
Tactic Notation "clears_all" :=
generalize ltac_mark;
repeat match goal with H: _ |- _ ⇒
first [ clear H | generalizes H] end.
Tactic Notation "clears_all" :=
generalize ltac_mark;
clears_but H1 H2 .. HN clears all hypotheses except the
one that are mentioned and those that cannot be cleared.
Ltac clears_but_core cont :=
generalize ltac_mark;
cont tt;
Tactic Notation "clears_but" :=
clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ ⇒ idtac).
Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) :=
clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ ⇒ gen H1).
Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) ident(H2) :=
clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ ⇒ gen H1 H2).
Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) ident(H2) ident(H3) :=
clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ ⇒ gen H1 H2 H3).
Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) ident(H2) ident(H3) ident(H4) :=
clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ ⇒ gen H1 H2 H3 H4).
Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) ident(H2) ident(H3) ident(H4) ident(H5) :=
clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ ⇒ gen H1 H2 H3 H4 H5).
Lemma demo_clears_all_and_clears_but :
∀ x y:nat, y < 2 → x = x → x ≥ 2 → x < 3 → True.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2 M3. dup 6.
(* clears_all clears all hypotheses. *)
clears_all. auto.
(* clears_but H clears all but H *)
clears_but M3. auto.
clears_but y. auto.
clears_but x. auto.
clears_but M2 M3. auto.
clears_but x y. auto.
generalize ltac_mark;
cont tt;
Tactic Notation "clears_but" :=
clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ ⇒ idtac).
Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) :=
clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ ⇒ gen H1).
Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) ident(H2) :=
clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ ⇒ gen H1 H2).
Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) ident(H2) ident(H3) :=
clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ ⇒ gen H1 H2 H3).
Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) ident(H2) ident(H3) ident(H4) :=
clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ ⇒ gen H1 H2 H3 H4).
Tactic Notation "clears_but" ident(H1) ident(H2) ident(H3) ident(H4) ident(H5) :=
clears_but_core ltac:(fun _ ⇒ gen H1 H2 H3 H4 H5).
Lemma demo_clears_all_and_clears_but :
∀ x y:nat, y < 2 → x = x → x ≥ 2 → x < 3 → True.
Proof using.
introv M1 M2 M3. dup 6.
(* clears_all clears all hypotheses. *)
clears_all. auto.
(* clears_but H clears all but H *)
clears_but M3. auto.
clears_but y. auto.
clears_but x. auto.
clears_but M2 M3. auto.
clears_but x y. auto.
clears_last clears the last hypothesis in the context.
clears_last N clears the last N hypotheses in the context.
Tactic Notation "clears_last" :=
match goal with H: ?T |- _ ⇒ clear H end.
Ltac clears_last_base N :=
match nat_from_number N with
| 0 ⇒ idtac
| S ?p ⇒ clears_last; clears_last_base p
Tactic Notation "clears_last" constr(N) :=
clears_last_base N.
match goal with H: ?T |- _ ⇒ clear H end.
Ltac clears_last_base N :=
match nat_from_number N with
| 0 ⇒ idtac
| S ?p ⇒ clears_last; clears_last_base p
Tactic Notation "clears_last" constr(N) :=
clears_last_base N.
Skipping Subgoals
Ltac skip_with_existential :=
match goal with |- ?G ⇒
let H := fresh in evar(H:G); eexact H end.
Parameter skip_axiom : False.
(* To obtain a safe development, change to skip_axiom : True *)
Ltac skip_with_axiom :=
elimtype False; apply skip_axiom.
Tactic Notation "skip" :=
Tactic Notation "skip'" :=
(* For backward compatibility *)
Tactic Notation "admit" :=
match goal with |- ?G ⇒
let H := fresh in evar(H:G); eexact H end.
Parameter skip_axiom : False.
(* To obtain a safe development, change to skip_axiom : True *)
Ltac skip_with_axiom :=
elimtype False; apply skip_axiom.
Tactic Notation "skip" :=
Tactic Notation "skip'" :=
(* For backward compatibility *)
Tactic Notation "admit" :=
demo is like admit but it documents the fact that admit is intended
Tactic Notation "demo" :=
skip H: T adds an assumption named H of type T to the
current context, blindly assuming that it is true.
skip: T and skip H_asserts: T and skip_asserts: T
are other possible syntax.
Note that H may be an intro pattern.
The syntax skip H1 .. HN: T can be used when T is a
conjunction of N items.
Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(T) :=
asserts I: T; [ skip | ].
Tactic Notation "skip" ":" constr(T) :=
let H := fresh in skip H: T.
Tactic Notation "skip" "¬" ":" constr(T) :=
skip: T; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "skip" "*" ":" constr(T) :=
skip: T; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(T) :=
skip [I1 I2]: T.
Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(T) :=
skip [I1 [I2 I3]]: T.
Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(T) :=
skip [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5) ":" constr(T) :=
skip [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) ":" constr(T) :=
skip [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 [I5 I6]]]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "skip_asserts" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(T) :=
skip I: T.
Tactic Notation "skip_asserts" ":" constr(T) :=
skip: T.
asserts I: T; [ skip | ].
Tactic Notation "skip" ":" constr(T) :=
let H := fresh in skip H: T.
Tactic Notation "skip" "¬" ":" constr(T) :=
skip: T; auto_tilde.
Tactic Notation "skip" "*" ":" constr(T) :=
skip: T; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) ":" constr(T) :=
skip [I1 I2]: T.
Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3) ":" constr(T) :=
skip [I1 [I2 I3]]: T.
Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) ":" constr(T) :=
skip [I1 [I2 [I3 I4]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5) ":" constr(T) :=
skip [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 I5]]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "skip" simple_intropattern(I1)
simple_intropattern(I2) simple_intropattern(I3)
simple_intropattern(I4) simple_intropattern(I5)
simple_intropattern(I6) ":" constr(T) :=
skip [I1 [I2 [I3 [I4 [I5 I6]]]]]: T.
Tactic Notation "skip_asserts" simple_intropattern(I) ":" constr(T) :=
skip I: T.
Tactic Notation "skip_asserts" ":" constr(T) :=
skip: T.
skip_cuts T simply replaces the current goal with T.
Tactic Notation "skip_cuts" constr(T) :=
cuts: T; [ skip | ].
cuts: T; [ skip | ].
skip_goal H applies to any goal. It simply assumes
the current goal to be true. The assumption is named "H".
It is useful to set up proof by induction or coinduction.
Syntax skip_goal is also accepted.
Tactic Notation "skip_goal" ident(H) :=
match goal with |- ?G ⇒ skip H: G end.
Tactic Notation "skip_goal" :=
let IH := fresh "IH" in skip_goal IH.
match goal with |- ?G ⇒ skip H: G end.
Tactic Notation "skip_goal" :=
let IH := fresh "IH" in skip_goal IH.
skip_rewrite T can be applied when T is an equality.
It blindly assumes this equality to be true, and rewrite it in
the goal.
Tactic Notation "skip_rewrite" constr(T) :=
let M := fresh in skip_asserts M: T; rewrite M; clear M.
let M := fresh in skip_asserts M: T; rewrite M; clear M.
skip_rewrite T in H is similar as rewrite_skip, except that
it rewrites in hypothesis H.
Tactic Notation "skip_rewrite" constr(T) "in" hyp(H) :=
let M := fresh in skip_asserts M: T; rewrite M in H; clear M.
let M := fresh in skip_asserts M: T; rewrite M in H; clear M.
skip_rewrites_all T is similar as rewrite_skip, except that
it rewrites everywhere (goal and all hypotheses).
Tactic Notation "skip_rewrite_all" constr(T) :=
let M := fresh in skip_asserts M: T; rewrite_all M; clear M.
let M := fresh in skip_asserts M: T; rewrite_all M; clear M.
skip_induction E applies to any goal. It simply assumes
the current goal to be true (the assumption is named "IH" by
default), and call destruct E instead of induction E.
It is useful to try and set up a proof by induction
first, and fix the applications of the induction hypotheses
during a second pass on the Proof using.
(* TODO: deprecated *)
Tactic Notation "skip_induction" constr(E) :=
let IH := fresh "IH" in skip_goal IH; destruct E.
Tactic Notation "skip_induction" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I) :=
let IH := fresh "IH" in skip_goal IH; destruct E as I.
Tactic Notation "skip_induction" constr(E) :=
let IH := fresh "IH" in skip_goal IH; destruct E.
Tactic Notation "skip_induction" constr(E) "as" simple_intropattern(I) :=
let IH := fresh "IH" in skip_goal IH; destruct E as I.
Compatibility with Standard Library
Module LibTacticsCompatibility.
Tactic Notation "apply" "*" constr(H) :=
sapply H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "subst" "*" :=
subst; auto_star.
End LibTacticsCompatibility.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Tactic Notation "apply" "*" constr(H) :=
sapply H; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "subst" "*" :=
subst; auto_star.
End LibTacticsCompatibility.
Open Scope nat_scope.