HoareAsLogicHoare Logic as a Logic
Require Import Imp.
Require Import Hoare.
Require Import Hoare.
Inductive hoare_proof : Assertion → com → Assertion → Type :=
| H_Skip : ∀ P,
hoare_proof P (SKIP) P
| H_Asgn : ∀ Q V a,
hoare_proof (assn_sub V a Q) (V ::= a) Q
| H_Seq : ∀ P c Q d R,
hoare_proof P c Q → hoare_proof Q d R → hoare_proof P (c;;d) R
| H_If : ∀ P Q b c1 c2,
hoare_proof (fun st ⇒ P st ∧ bassn b st) c1 Q →
hoare_proof (fun st ⇒ P st ∧ ~(bassn b st)) c2 Q →
hoare_proof P (IFB b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) Q
| H_While : ∀ P b c,
hoare_proof (fun st ⇒ P st ∧ bassn b st) c P →
hoare_proof P (WHILE b DO c END) (fun st ⇒ P st ∧ ¬ (bassn b st))
| H_Consequence : ∀ (P Q P' Q' : Assertion) c,
hoare_proof P' c Q' →
(∀ st, P st → P' st) →
(∀ st, Q' st → Q st) →
hoare_proof P c Q.
We don't need to include axioms corresponding to
hoare_consequence_pre or hoare_consequence_post, because
these can be proven easily from H_Consequence.
Lemma H_Consequence_pre : ∀ (P Q P': Assertion) c,
hoare_proof P' c Q →
(∀ st, P st → P' st) →
hoare_proof P c Q.
Lemma H_Consequence_post : ∀ (P Q Q' : Assertion) c,
hoare_proof P c Q' →
(∀ st, Q' st → Q st) →
hoare_proof P c Q.
hoare_proof P' c Q →
(∀ st, P st → P' st) →
hoare_proof P c Q.
intros. eapply H_Consequence.
apply X. apply H. intros. apply H0. Qed.
intros. eapply H_Consequence.
apply X. apply H. intros. apply H0. Qed.
Lemma H_Consequence_post : ∀ (P Q Q' : Assertion) c,
hoare_proof P c Q' →
(∀ st, Q' st → Q st) →
hoare_proof P c Q.
intros. eapply H_Consequence.
apply X. intros. apply H0. apply H. Qed.
intros. eapply H_Consequence.
apply X. intros. apply H0. apply H. Qed.
As an example, let's construct a proof object representing a
derivation for the hoare triple
{{(X=3) [X |-> X + 2] [X |-> X + 1]}}
X::=X+1 ;; X::=X+2
We can use Coq's tactics to help us construct the proof object.
X::=X+1 ;; X::=X+2
Example sample_proof :
((fun st:state ⇒ st X = 3) [X |-> X + 2] [X |-> X + 1])
(X ::= X + 1;; X ::= X + 2)
(fun st:state ⇒ st X = 3).
eapply H_Seq; apply H_Asgn.
Print sample_proof.
(((fun st : state => st X = 3) X |-> X + 2) X |-> X + 1)
(X ::= X + 1)
((fun st : state => st X = 3) X |-> X + 2)
(X ::= X + 2)
(fun st : state => st X = 3)
((fun st : state => st X = 3) X |-> X + 2)
X (X + 1))
(fun st : state => st X = 3)
X (X + 2))
((fun st:state ⇒ st X = 3) [X |-> X + 2] [X |-> X + 1])
(X ::= X + 1;; X ::= X + 2)
(fun st:state ⇒ st X = 3).
eapply H_Seq; apply H_Asgn.
Print sample_proof.
(((fun st : state => st X = 3) X |-> X + 2) X |-> X + 1)
(X ::= X + 1)
((fun st : state => st X = 3) X |-> X + 2)
(X ::= X + 2)
(fun st : state => st X = 3)
((fun st : state => st X = 3) X |-> X + 2)
X (X + 1))
(fun st : state => st X = 3)
X (X + 2))
Exercise: 2 stars (hoare_proof_sound)
Prove that such proof objects represent true claims.
Theorem hoare_proof_sound : ∀ P c Q,
hoare_proof P c Q → {{P}} c {{Q}}.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
hoare_proof P c Q → {{P}} c {{Q}}.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Theorem H_Post_True_deriv:
∀ c P, hoare_proof P c (fun _ ⇒ True).
intro c.
induction c; intro P.
- (* SKIP *)
eapply H_Consequence.
apply H_Skip.
intros. apply H.
(* Proof of True *)
intros. apply I.
- (* ::= *)
eapply H_Consequence_pre.
apply H_Asgn.
intros. apply I.
- (* ;; *)
eapply H_Consequence_pre.
eapply H_Seq.
apply (IHc1 (fun _ ⇒ True)).
apply IHc2.
intros. apply I.
- (* IFB *)
apply H_Consequence_pre with (fun _ ⇒ True).
apply H_If.
apply IHc1.
apply IHc2.
intros. apply I.
- (* WHILE *)
eapply H_Consequence.
eapply H_While.
eapply IHc.
intros; apply I.
intros; apply I.
∀ c P, hoare_proof P c (fun _ ⇒ True).
intro c.
induction c; intro P.
- (* SKIP *)
eapply H_Consequence.
apply H_Skip.
intros. apply H.
(* Proof of True *)
intros. apply I.
- (* ::= *)
eapply H_Consequence_pre.
apply H_Asgn.
intros. apply I.
- (* ;; *)
eapply H_Consequence_pre.
eapply H_Seq.
apply (IHc1 (fun _ ⇒ True)).
apply IHc2.
intros. apply I.
- (* IFB *)
apply H_Consequence_pre with (fun _ ⇒ True).
apply H_If.
apply IHc1.
apply IHc2.
intros. apply I.
- (* WHILE *)
eapply H_Consequence.
eapply H_While.
eapply IHc.
intros; apply I.
intros; apply I.
Similarly, we can show that {{False}} c {{Q}} is provable for
any c and Q.
Lemma False_and_P_imp: ∀ P Q,
False ∧ P → Q.
intros P Q [CONTRA HP].
destruct CONTRA.
Tactic Notation "pre_false_helper" constr(CONSTR) :=
eapply H_Consequence_pre;
[eapply CONSTR | intros ? CONTRA; destruct CONTRA].
Theorem H_Pre_False_deriv:
∀ c Q, hoare_proof (fun _ ⇒ False) c Q.
intros c.
induction c; intro Q.
- (* SKIP *) pre_false_helper H_Skip.
- (* ::= *) pre_false_helper H_Asgn.
- (* ;; *) pre_false_helper H_Seq. apply IHc1. apply IHc2.
- (* IFB *)
apply H_If; eapply H_Consequence_pre.
apply IHc1. intro. eapply False_and_P_imp.
apply IHc2. intro. eapply False_and_P_imp.
- (* WHILE *)
eapply H_Consequence_post.
eapply H_While.
eapply H_Consequence_pre.
apply IHc.
intro. eapply False_and_P_imp.
intro. simpl. eapply False_and_P_imp.
False ∧ P → Q.
intros P Q [CONTRA HP].
destruct CONTRA.
Tactic Notation "pre_false_helper" constr(CONSTR) :=
eapply H_Consequence_pre;
[eapply CONSTR | intros ? CONTRA; destruct CONTRA].
Theorem H_Pre_False_deriv:
∀ c Q, hoare_proof (fun _ ⇒ False) c Q.
intros c.
induction c; intro Q.
- (* SKIP *) pre_false_helper H_Skip.
- (* ::= *) pre_false_helper H_Asgn.
- (* ;; *) pre_false_helper H_Seq. apply IHc1. apply IHc2.
- (* IFB *)
apply H_If; eapply H_Consequence_pre.
apply IHc1. intro. eapply False_and_P_imp.
apply IHc2. intro. eapply False_and_P_imp.
- (* WHILE *)
eapply H_Consequence_post.
eapply H_While.
eapply H_Consequence_pre.
apply IHc.
intro. eapply False_and_P_imp.
intro. simpl. eapply False_and_P_imp.
As a last step, we can show that the set of hoare_proof axioms
is sufficient to prove any true fact about (partial) correctness.
More precisely, any semantic Hoare triple that we can prove can
also be proved from these axioms. Such a set of axioms is said to
be relatively complete. Our proof is inspired by this one:
To carry out the proof, we need to invent some intermediate
assertions using a technical device known as weakest
preconditions. Given a command c and a desired postcondition
assertion Q, the weakest precondition wp c Q is an assertion
P such that {{P}} c {{Q}} holds, and moreover, for any other
assertion P', if {{P'}} c {{Q}} holds then P' → P. We can
more directly define this as follows:
Definition wp (c:com) (Q:Assertion) : Assertion :=
fun s ⇒ ∀ s', c / s \\ s' → Q s'.
fun s ⇒ ∀ s', c / s \\ s' → Q s'.
Lemma wp_is_precondition: ∀ c Q,
{{wp c Q}} c {{Q}}.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma wp_is_weakest: ∀ c Q P',
{{P'}} c {{Q}} → ∀ st, P' st → wp c Q st.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
The following utility lemma will also be useful.
Lemma bassn_eval_false : ∀ b st, ¬ bassn b st → beval st b = false.
intros b st H. unfold bassn in H. destruct (beval st b).
exfalso. apply H. reflexivity.
intros b st H. unfold bassn in H. destruct (beval st b).
exfalso. apply H. reflexivity.
Theorem hoare_proof_complete: ∀ P c Q,
{{P}} c {{Q}} → hoare_proof P c Q.
intros P c. generalize dependent P.
induction c; intros P Q HT.
- (* SKIP *)
eapply H_Consequence.
eapply H_Skip.
intros. eassumption.
intro st. apply HT. apply E_Skip.
- (* ::= *)
eapply H_Consequence.
eapply H_Asgn.
intro st. apply HT. econstructor. reflexivity.
intros; assumption.
- (* ;; *)
apply H_Seq with (wp c2 Q).
eapply IHc1.
intros st st' E1 H. unfold wp. intros st'' E2.
eapply HT. econstructor; eassumption. assumption.
eapply IHc2. intros st st' E1 H. apply H; assumption.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
{{P}} c {{Q}} → hoare_proof P c Q.
intros P c. generalize dependent P.
induction c; intros P Q HT.
- (* SKIP *)
eapply H_Consequence.
eapply H_Skip.
intros. eassumption.
intro st. apply HT. apply E_Skip.
- (* ::= *)
eapply H_Consequence.
eapply H_Asgn.
intro st. apply HT. econstructor. reflexivity.
intros; assumption.
- (* ;; *)
apply H_Seq with (wp c2 Q).
eapply IHc1.
intros st st' E1 H. unfold wp. intros st'' E2.
eapply HT. econstructor; eassumption. assumption.
eapply IHc2. intros st st' E1 H. apply H; assumption.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.