Computer Science 448
Innovating Across Technology, Business, and Marketplaces
Spring 2018

Course Information | Schedule | Write-ups | Midterm Paper | Oral Presentation | Final Paper


Weight: 12%

Required reading list. Students will be required to create a write-up for each book on the required reading list.

Description. After reading each book, compose a write-up describing an idea that you found novel and/or suprising and reasons why you might want to implement it in your own startup. Likewise, describe a novel and/or key idea presented in the book that you would not implement in your own start up, and explain your reasoning. Submit your write-ups via Blackboard.

Rubric. Grading will be based on the strength, depth, and clairty of your insights.

Clarity (total: 12 points)
4 pts  Writing quality is poor, sloppy, and careless. No real structure to the paper.
8 pts  Writing quality is good. Student attempted to structure the paper in a logical way. A few misspellings/grammar mistakes but not enough to be completely distracting.
12 pts  Writing quality is superb. The structure/logic is very clear and enhances the argument. Little to no grammar or misspelling mistakes. Paper is a joy to read.

Strength* (total: 15 points)
5 pts  Arguments are weak and unfounded.
10 pts  Arguments are supported by one or two examples but not enough to make a truly compelling argument.
15 pts  Arguments are supported by various specific examples. It is obvious the student put a lot of thought into constructing a solidly constructed argument.

Depth (total: 15 points)
5 pts  Observations are very shallow and/or obvious, i.e. "the book was very interesting"
10 pts  Student has a mix of both shallow and more insightful observations
15 pts  Student surprises and delights the reader with insightful observations. As a result, the student teaches the reader something new.

* When constructing well grounded arguments, it is customary (and expected) to look to the book for specific references/passages that support the claims you are making. Therefore, if you are lacking book references and/or page citations, your "strength" score will be hurt.


Weight: 10%

Description. For each guest lecturer, there will be a write-up due at 5:00pm two days after the lecture. You will turn in your write-ups via Blackboard. The points you need to address are: Feel free to include multiple observations for each bullet point.